[OGD] Re: Latin diagnoses thread

2004-04-25 Thread Peter Croezen
On March 31st 2004 Iris Cohen asked a question (OGD 155 message 4) and on
April 1 2004 Guido answered (OGD 156 message 2) Guido suggested we ask a
professor of old languages for help.

I decided to go directly to the source of one  of the two Latin diagnoses,
Dr. Eric Christenson (Phragmipedium peruvianum.)

Sorry for the delayed answer, Eric is away from his computer a lot, I just
received his
reply, which I will repeat here with his permission. Essential parts of the
thread are
below Eric's answer:
I include  his e-mail address, just in case you  have additional questions:

 I am rather astonished by Guido's posting since neither I nor the
ill-fated team of Atwood, Dalstrom and Fernandez wrote Latin descriptions
for these taxa. We both published Latin diagnoses. There is a world of
difference, not the least of which is that descriptions, unlike diagnoses,
do not have verbs. Here are significantly better translations than presented
by Guido.

Species haec Phragmipedium schlimii (Linden & Rchb.f.) Rolfe similis, sed
floribus multimajoribus, petalis suborbicularis proportione latioribus,
labello inflato apice incurvatis differt.

Species similar to Phragmipedium schlimii (Linden & Rchb.f.) Rolfe but
differs by the much larger flowers, the suborbicular petals [which are]
proportionately wider, and the inflated lip with an incurved apex.

Species haec P. besseae Dods. et Kuhn similis sed grandifloribus coloratis
dissimilibus, ostio aureomarginatus differt.

Species similar to P. besseae Dods. and Kuhn but differs by the larger
flowers with different colors and the ostio with a golden yellow margin.

Note: Ostio is literally a "little door" and refers, in this case, to the
opening in the lip.

   I don't know why people seem to care if the Latin is parallel since one
would never expect diagnoses to match. If you describe a red ball as not
blue and I describe it as not white, neither contrast effects the nature of
the red ball.

   I am rather disheartened by Guido's recent activity. Specifically, his
new overview of the genus Phragmipedium in Richardiana 4(2):66-72. 2004. In
this overview he simply does not acknowledge the very publication/existence
of P. peruvianum although it is clearly not an issue of timing since he does
include the later P. brasiliense. Whatever his reason for intentionally not
including my publication, his credentials as a scientist are pretty well
shot to hell as a result. One must now forever wonder what other information
he is leaving out for unstated personal reasons. I don't know why he has
done this but it is certainly nothing I have said or done to him and we
remain friends and colleagues to the best of my knowledge.

My best, Eric.

On March 31st Irish Cohen wrote:
>I have access to the article on Phrag. peruvianum. I >don't have Selbyana. I
don't read botanical Latin that well. I would like someone >who can access
both & read Latin fluently tell us if there are actually any >differences
between the two.The next day Guido answered:>To give all those that want to
know the differences in the descriptions
>their peace of mind:

>kovachii (Atwood et al.)
>Species haec Phragmipedium schlimii (Linden & Rchb.f.) Rolfe similis,
>sed floribus multimajoribus, petalis suborbicularis proportione
>latioribus, labello inflato apice incurvatis differt.

>Meaning: The species is similar to P. schlimii with the exception that
>the flowers are much bigger, the petals are near circular (in the
>English text they call it "broadly ellipiptic")  ... [I don't know waht
>they mean by "proportione latioribus" ]... , and by the  inflated
>labellum with incurved apexes. (If you want the translations
>grammatically correct, ask a professor for old languages).

>peruvianum (Christenson)
>Species haec P. besseae Dods. et Kuhn similis sed grandifloribus
>coloratis dissimilibus, ostio aureomarginatus differt.

>Meaning: The species is similar to P. besseae with the exception that
>the flowers are bigger and differently coloured and that the yellow
>marginal colour is also different. (If you want the translations
>grammatically correct, ask a professor for old languages).

>Thus the Latin descriptions are different. So what?
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] False rumors

2004-05-04 Thread Peter Croezen
>From correspondence and inquiries received, I know that false rumors about me
have been
originated and spread by a few individuals.

Please know that:

1 I have NO secret pact with anyone, Peruvian or other Nationality, to sell
  Phragmipedium kovachii in order to profit financially from this species
  which in my opinion  has suffered enough already at the hands of idiots
  and greedy people.

2. I will NOT have Phragmipedium kovachii flasks, or divisions,  for sale
   in the next few weeks.

What I have said, and continue to say, in my presentations to orchid
is the following:

A. When INRENA decides that  legal flasks of Phragmipedium kovachii  may
be exported from Peru with the proper CITES and Phyto Sanitary
documents, I will have such flasks for sale in Canada.

B. Flasks of Phragmipedium kovachii  that I may offer for sale at some point
in time, will be legal, and each flask will be delivered  with a printed copy
of the
original CITES documents, it's authenticity verified, by myself, with INRENA.

C. I expect a very limited number and will sell such flasks, at costs, to
who I know are capable of propagating them from seedlings to flowering plants.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] OGD Vol 6 Issue 238 Asymbiotic germination and mycorrhiza introduction

2004-06-08 Thread peter croezen

Nutrient balance can indeed be a problem, when one tries to germinate orchid
seeds symbiotically on media that contain sugars etc.

Asymbiotically germinated orchid species seedlings can usually be infected
very easily with their symbiont and without getting into nutrient balance

Two ways of doing it are:

A) Introduce the symbiont from "pure culture" to sterile seedlings on sterile
 natural and nutrient poor medium.
B) Introduce the symbiont from "pure culture" to non-sterile seedlings in

Please contact me off the OGD, for details.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] OGD Vol 6 issue 269 re Ukraine and orchids

2004-07-06 Thread peter croezen
Hi Maureen,

For orchid species, write Orchideeen Wubben in the Netherlands.  Jack Wubben
sells/travels all over Europe


website:  www.orchidwubben.com


Maureen who wrote:
I hope this knowledgeable, international group can help me. I have a cousin
Western Ukraine who would like to import orchids. She could receive them in
Budapest or Kosice, SK probably with less concern than in Uzhhorod. Are there
European vendors I should contact about this? Please tell me what I need to
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re OGD Vol 6-issue 294- message 1 Guido

2004-07-22 Thread peter croezen
Can you recommend a list of literature?

Is there a University offering Taxonomy 101 through
Taxonomy xxx?

>> "If you want to do a taxonomic study, fine ... go to the university and
>> get the literature, and start from scratch,"
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Taxonomy

2004-07-22 Thread peter croezen

Adding fuel to the fire was not my intention.

It seems to me that there is not a single University
that offers a degree in taxonomy.

That is why a list of literature recommended by a
 "recognized taxonomist" would be helpful to all of us
 who like to know a little more about the subject.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Cites App.I

2004-07-27 Thread peter croezen

Cypripedium species are not on CITES App I. Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums
species are.


>>If these plants are still part of the Paph, Phrag, Selenipedium complex,
>>then they are on CITES Appendix I
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Maximum penalty for smuggling orchids

2004-07-28 Thread peter croezen

The maximum I believe is $ 350,000 fine and 5 yrs in jail.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Symbiotic germination problem

2004-08-02 Thread peter croezen
Dick who said:

>Later, in some cases, the fungi becomes fluffy on the surface of the media
>the flask and later starts to consume the orchid seedlings.  Sometimes the
>problem does not occur if there is no sucrose added to the oat media, but

First of all, if you get germination, as you indicated, you do have the proper
symbiotic fungus
on your oats medium.

If you followed the proper isolation procedure and obtained pure culture, by
sub culturing the very
growing tips of the isolate, YOU SHOULD HAVE ONLY ONE FUNGUS in the symbiotic
mother flasks.
(I am assuming that you sterilized seeds and medium)

Having done all of the above and you still  experience parasitism on the
seedlings, look for the most
probable cause, namely that the medium is too rich in nutrients, allowing the
fungus to become too
vigorous and parasitic. To establish a proper balance is often the more
difficult task in symbiotic
germination of orchid seeds.

(Use plain oat medium, 2.5 grams ground oats per liter, DO NOT ADD SUGAR!!!)

I hope this helps.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Marni Turkel re Harvey

2004-08-19 Thread peter croezen
Marni who said:

>Unfortunately, I have deleted the OGD with the letter from Harvey
>Brenneise with comments about the AOS, so can't read it again.

Fortunately you can Marni!!!

Just click on this link


When there, click on Authors in the August 2004

Go down the list until you find Harvey Brenneise.

Unfortunately you are still taking Andy Easton seriously, when
everyone knows that Andy has a history of throwing dirt at any
one who disagrees with him about the AOS.

Don't miss the "AOS financial data" eye opener by Doug Duggins.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] We need volunteers

2004-08-19 Thread peter croezen
Volunteers are treasures handed to us, who work for FREE
and can quit anytime they feel like it.

WE NEVER EVER criticize volunteers the way Andy Easton criticized Harvey
a former AOS volunteer. We may re-assign volunteers to tasks they are better
at, but
we always PRAISE THEM. Any true LEADER knows that!!!

The AOS is in  a time of declining membership and financial hardships.
They certainly do not need, nor would they appreciate, obnoxious behavior
by their former associates turning people away in yet larger numbers.

Generalizations about the AOS,  without hard evidence, are useless.
AOS yearly membership is very well reflected in "fine print statements" of the
issues of The Bulletin and Orchids. Check it and see that Membership vs time
is a bell
shaped curve now on the down slope. If there was a significant increase in
the AOS would tell us about it, in REAL NUMBERS.

The AOS is really not served by  it's associates attacking good people in the
orchid world.
 (Ask me in private e-mail about an unsolicited, asinine, obnoxious,Easter
Wish  a well
 respected orchid nursery owner received this year.)

Throwing dirt, every time one asks a question, or does not agree with you, is
a sign of
weakness and of a  troubled mind.

I do not need to defend my work with orchid conservation groups in Peru, the
people in Peru show appreciation for my volunteer work. I will keep on doing

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Thank you Andy !!!

2004-08-19 Thread peter croezen
I just want to thank Andy publicly for the
very "Andy like" private e-mail he sent me
in response to my post in OGD Vol 6 Issue 340.

The flattering names he calls me make me
swell with pride.

So nice to receive a private thank you  from Andy, who appreciates
every bit of advice he gets, and then is able to expresses his thanks
in such an eloquent way.

Andy, what a blessing, you are one in billions upon billions!

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] I can share this with you

2004-08-19 Thread peter croezen
Andy called me a "slimy woofter" in his private e-mail to me.

I don't know what a woofter is, but how eloquent a name!

Leave it to Andy, he knows how to do things right!!

We are going to miss him.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Woofter and Speakter

2004-08-20 Thread peter croezen
So, Peter,.

A  Woofter is the round thing inside a Speakter!!

Well that explains it!!

Must be  common expressions in Andy's native
ooh-ooh tribe language.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] To all of you subjected to name calling by Andy

2004-08-20 Thread peter croezen
What Andy Easton  believes, states, thinks,  is of little consequence to the
real orchid world.

For those of you who are interested, I have just called Andy a liar on the AOS
where he had the audacity to accuse me of being an anonymous poster by the
name of Jim.
In response, I have challenged him to a bet,  prove that I am poster Jim, and
I will give you $ 10,000.-
if not, you give met $ 10,000.- Andy is unable to put the money where his
mouth is.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] One orchid for your poetry

2004-08-20 Thread peter croezen
Yesterday I received the following poetry.

How appropriate at this time.

Epitaph :

For a Nasty Man -

We never liked the little sod
He cheated and he lied
So we buried him last Wednesday...
By Thursday he'd have died
  -- Sean Joyce
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Andy stop it!!!!

2004-08-21 Thread peter croezen
I had promised myself never to answer Andy directly again
on the OGD, I am breaking with that tradition today.

Someone has to speak up, let it be me.

You have for the longest time attacked all the good people
on this forum, not because they deserved any, but simply because
you have to satisfy your mean spirited attitude.

You act like  the orchid world barely deserves your divine attention.

Let me help you out of that dream Easton. The OGD does not need you,
the orchid world does not need you, the AOS has already shown they
do not need you.

This week you attacked several good people on this forum.
What you did to Marni and  Iris this week, what you did to many
others in the past year is unforgivable; it serves no useful purpose.

None of your venom serves any useful purpose, other than your boastfully
arrogant and dismissive ego. You forever  belittle other OGDers
and make them feel bad. You, Easton, are despicable.

I for one am fed up with your nonsense and your
disruptive behavior on this forum.

If Kenneth has the time and would  read all your post of the past year,
he should have no trouble finding more than sufficient cause to terminate your
subscription for the good of the majority, and the good name of this digest.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] talking about animals and orchids

2004-08-21 Thread peter croezen

I have given up my AOS membership 1.5 years ago, and I do not involve myself
in AOS politics. However, in any democratic organization, nominations from the
floor are
normal. Not in the AOS? ok!

I did not hurt the AOS financially by my resignation. Andy Easton sent me an
eloquent, private, unsolicited e-mail, soon after I told Lee Cooke why I
resigned from the AOS.

Andy promised me, in the nice way only he is capable of, that the AOS would be
better off
without me and that it would not suffer financially just because I resigned.
He, Andy Easton,
would personally purchase an AOS membership and give it to an orchid grower in
I have never asked him if he did.

Digging old cows out of the swamp, like Selby etc. serves no purpose in
connection with either
Andy or the AOS.

As far as your contention that a  fabulous job was done financially, that is
debatable and
I have no interest in it. Did you read  Doug Duggins post, this month, re the
AOS and their 2001
expenses exceeding  revenues by more than  $ 900,000.- ???  Not that I care.

I think you are correct. ORCHIDS seems  a vendor oriented magazine.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Easton

2004-08-23 Thread peter croezen
Easton can' t stomach losing arguments, so he  makes
those who disagree with him enemies for life. No longer
important to the AOS who let him go, Easton now vents
his anger in "attacks" and lies, treating more and more
people like his enemies every day.

>Easton who said :

>When I was in Toronto for the Mid America Meetings
>18 months ago I asked whether Croezen was a registrant
> as I wanted to meet him. They just laughed and said he was
> not part of the local orchid scene.

If only lies would come true!

It so happens that you really do not want to meet me, as
everyone who has followed your crappy attacks on me,
on this and other forums knows.

It so happens I WAS at the Mid-America with Dr. Isaias Rolando from Peru,
"step in" guest speaker, as a result of my good relations with him and the

It so happens that Jean-Allen Ikeson knows me very well.
I was many times guest speaker at the Ontario RBG Orchid Society
Jean belonged to, before she moved to another part of Canada.

It so happens that the SOOS, who hosted the Mid-America,
invited me to be their guest speaker next month.

Easton did not know this!!

Easton, who never seems to have the fact before he speaks,
would be wise to keep his trap shut.

Problem with lies is that Easton does not  remember them after he
told them, thus he has to keep on lying, a different lie each time
he tells the same "story."

One wonders how old Easton is. He never seems to learn from his mistakes.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re OGD V6 Issue 345

2004-08-24 Thread peter croezen
Bill Bergstrom who said:

"As for Andy...give him a break..except in the case of Iris...
damned if I know how he got off on that."

You are unaware of the many attacks he conducts in a year
on people just as undeserving as Iris?? Sorry Bill, I just don't believe you.

I travel to Orchid Societies across the USA and Canada, and meet
in every one of them with  high levels of contempt for him, from
ordinary members to AOS judges, to well known important people
in the orchid world.

He attacks people, and you think he should have a break from them???
Man, have you got things in reverse!

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Membership

2004-08-24 Thread peter croezen
There have been discussions on this forum and elsewhere
re the membership of the AOS.

Andy told us  August 4, 2004 :
>The AOS membership has been steadily increasing for the past six months or

Will Rhodehamel, secretary of the AOS  just published the membership numbers
in an election document. Here is what he says:

>Membership at the end of July 2004 was 26,342, although the number
>has been as high as 26,681 this year.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Now that we heard the truth

2004-08-25 Thread peter croezen
>Membership at the end of July 2004 was 26,342, although
> the number has been as high as 26,681 this year.
  ( AOS secretary Rhodehamel  post  August 24, 2004)

Will Rhodehamel does his homework ; I trust his figures, which
show  an  average monthly DECREASE OF 48 AOS MEMBERS PER MONTH
and that the  DECREASE IN ANY SINGLE MONTH may have been as high as 339.

Only three weeks ago,  Easton stated::
>The AOS membership has been steadily increasing for the past six months or
>more. ( Easton OGD post August 4 , 2004)

Inaccurate Andy !!!  Not true!!

Five days ago you posted the following message on this forum:

"Iris, when you post I always know it will be full of inaccuracies;"

Time to eat your own words Andy.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Welcome back .....................

2004-08-28 Thread peter croezen
You said you were out of town for a few days??

Right; I traced you all the way from Homestead to Florida City,
to Panama, and to Puerto Rico.

Welcome back! So glad you found out again where you
live and who you are. Your silence  worried me, I feared
for the worst, amnesia, Alzheimer's.

(For those of you who are wondering what happened, he did
appear to have a total loss of memory, worst of all he did not
 remember his  name.)

The latter became evident when he recently posted messages on
the AOSF under anonymous names: Groggy in Florida City,
Peter in Puerto Rico, Peter in Panama, Jim etc. etc. These posts
were all traced back to his two computers.

Looking forward again to your civil  contributions, Andy.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] friends

2004-08-28 Thread peter croezen
Stuart who said:

 >Why dont you keep your sarcastic drivel to yourself rather than broadcasting
it to the world?

Stuart, read the archives. I admire this icon of civility and prince of

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] friend # 3

2004-08-28 Thread peter croezen
Hey KB,

Check the AOSF archives. Grow up!!!
Get the facts before you speak!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re orchid mycorrhizae

2004-09-07 Thread peter croezen
>For all their diversity, orchids share one common trait: they rely
>solely on other organisms, particularly fungi, to survive b a
>characteristic which Jutta says is quite distinctive and serves as a
>source of confusion to scientists.B

I am not even close to being an orchid mycorrhizae authority, I am
merely a hobbyist and my comments must be seen as such.
I stand to be corrected by the mycologists, scientists, among us.

It is my understanding that Mycorrhizae( root fungi, )do supply orchids
with energy. It is however wrong to say that all orchids solely rely on fungi,
only those incapable of photosynthesis do.

Dr. H.N Rasmussen believes that orchids may use mycotrophic or
phototrophic nutrition; they may use them alternately, or simultaneously
where  one supplements the other..

>"Fungi play a crucial role in the biology of many plants because they
>convert oxygen to compounds that plants can use to grow, but orchids
>depend on fungi well into maturity." Beneath their good looks, orchids
>are parasites, says Jutta. "This conclusion was established only at
>the beginning of the last century, and after much debate, it has
>finally been accepted and scientifically proven.B

As I understand it, Orchid Mycorrhizae obtain nutrients by breaking down
(using enzymes) and absorbing chemical substances from their environment;
then carry the nutrients into the roots of the orchid where they are being
These include substances that the root itself could not extract nutrients

One may consider the orchid parasitic on the fungus, yet at the same time
it maintains a symbiotic relationship with the fungus, keeping part of it

This is not the same kind of parasitism people talked about before orchid
mycorrhizae was seriously studied. Many believed then that orchids were
parasitic on their hosts.

>Once the fungus penetrates a certain point within the plant's cells,
>says Jutta, the cells will secrete an enzyme that breaks down the
>fungal tissues, keeping the fungus in check and preventing it from
>invading the plant further.B

When a symbiotic relationship exists between fungus and orchid, the plant
produces phytoalexins, an induced  chemical resistance to fungal infection,
which may be explained as a static fungicide that keeps other non symbiotic
and aggressive fungi from entering the roots, and the symbiotic one from
becoming too aggressive and parasitic on the orchid.
When the symbiotic fungus becomes more vigorous, the production of
phytoalexins increases; like a feedback control system, keeping a balance
and thus  preventing the fungus from becoming parasitic on the orchid..

>"This cycle is repeated over and over, and each cell is re-colonised
>several times." This process, she adds, begins as soon as an orchid
>seed germinates.B

Only certain cells within the roots are infected by the symbiotic fungus. The
go around and around within the cell wall and fuse together into a dense ball
a peloton. As the peloton is being formed, certain hypha penetrate the cell
walls and
infect adjacent cells to form more pelotons.Soon after  the peloton is fully
formed it
is being consumed by the orchid and its size diminishes.i.e. fungal hypha
and being they are made of a hard substance called Chitin, they take longer to
consumed and can thus be seen in the cells as yellowish blobs that slowly get
These blobs allows us to see how often the same root cell has become infected
the symbiotic fungus. In my "hobby experience," I have never seen a cell with
than three such blobs, indicating it was infected  at least three times.
Not seeing more "blobs", may be due to some pelotons having been totally
or due to the roots at some age becoming inactive.

>Once this happens, the fungus is not killed but it simply becomes a
>vessel through which the orchid derives nutrients for its own

This is true for the fungal hypha that go in and out the roots, most often
through the root hairs

However, the fungal hypha in the fully formed pelotons are "dead" , either
when consumption starts, or
soon after. Unable to obtain fungal cultures from them, one  obtains live
fungal hypha from pelotons
in the making; not yet fully formed.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Newly found Orchid Habitat in Peru

2004-09-09 Thread peter croezen
September 09, 2004

El Comercio, a Peruvian Newspaper, reports an exciting orchid habitat find
by an engineer in the department of Huancavelica at 3700 m.a.s.l.

Reporter Raul  May Filio writes that the habitat has 145 orchid species in 42
and that many of the species are unknown to science. It was estimated that
there are
some 70,000 orchid flowers per 2.5 acres.

President of the Huancavelica region, Salvador Espinoza, has stated that the
area will
immediately declared a National Reserve.

{personal note: at this height above sea level, I estimate day temperatures to
around the 18C (65F) and night temperatures  as low as 10C (50F) Thus orchids
from this habitat will certainly be cool growing}

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Newly discovered orchid habitat in Peru

2004-09-10 Thread peter croezen
For those who read Spanish, here is the link to the El Comercio article:


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] El Comercio article

2004-09-10 Thread peter croezen
Hi Rose Marie,

It was Sep. 9, 2004. However if you click on this link:


You will find the article and...it has today's date Sep 10, 2004 on it.

You better look right away, for I do not know how long it will stay on the

I love your country and above all its friendly people.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] re Viatuer's question about Huancavelia habitat

2004-09-11 Thread peter croezen
Hi Viateur,

To answer your final question first, the habitat has been
 known for some time. Lima's CPO was most likely referring
to the same habitat.

It probably got in the news again after it was declared
a National Reserve by the Department of Huancavelia's president.

I wonder if that honor was not the exclusive right
of the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment..

I believe many people knew about the habitat and also
that some orchids from that area have already been identified
and named as new species.

In personal correspondence, Lee Moore, well known
long time orchid collector in Peru, tells me not only that he
knows of the area, but has simply not gone there to collect,
for his holding nursery in Moyobamba (800 m.a.s.l.) is too
warm for these species. .

Some genera found there are Stelis, Pleurothallis, Maxillaria,
Elleanthus, Bletia etc.

Peter Croezen
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re Huancavelia habita in Peru

2004-09-11 Thread peter croezen
Viateur asked:

>.Have you been there (Amaru forest) ?

No I have not, but my Lima friends in orchids are planning
to go there soon. I am looking forward to a report and pictures
from the Amura Forest.

>were you present at the Peruvian orchid show in October 2003 ?

No, but my friend Alfredo Manrique, president of the CPO told me
about the show and that he won an AOS award for his Phragmipedium

I did attend the 2001 CPO International Orchid Show in Lima Peru.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Who to contact in Lima

2004-09-11 Thread peter croezen
Rose Marie who asked:

>Peter, who you recommend I contact here in Lima-Peru to get to know more
>about orchids cultivation?I will send you the names and e-mail addresses of
Lima contacts off list.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Huancavelica once more

2004-09-12 Thread peter croezen

You were right about Huancavelica and the CPO connection.

Here is a response by Alfredo Manrique, president of  (CPO)Club
Peruano de Orquideas:

It is actually an old new find, brought back into the news by El Comercio.

The  site was discovered some years a go by an expedition funded by the
Finnish government; with the support of INRENA. ( Peruvian Ministry of the
Environment) There is a lot more to be discovered in Huancavelica.

The Huancavelica region is one of the poorest and a very isolated area of Peru
was a "guerrilla liberated zone" for many years, it is hard to get there.(see
description below)

The CPO orchid show of 2003 was  sponsored by a mining company,
working in Huancavelica, who want to do more research in the
biodiversity of the region. The CPO made a paper for them about the orchids of
Huancavelica. These included the orchids named in the El Comercio article .

Only the Congress of Perz is able to name a National Reserve by way of an
The Regional government is only able to lobby for the establishment of a
National Reserve.

For more information about the orchids of Huancavellica, you may contact
Alfredo Manrique, who is the president of CPO. Please write me off list,
for his e-mail address.

How easy is it to get to Huancavelica? Here is a description, by another

When I lecture I always ask people if they have been to Jackson Hole,
Wyoming. There you have an unbelievable view of the Grand Tetons.
I always say look at that and imagine that the habitat is on the other side.
You take the bus until the bus breaks. Then you take the Jeep until the
Jeep breaks. Then you take the horse until the horse dies.
Then you take the mule until the mule dies. Then you walk up the mountain
for 10 hours the first day and only 6 hours the second day.
That is one isolated habitat for us gringos.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re Steven Beckendorf comments

2004-09-13 Thread peter croezen
Steven B  who said:

>The news seemed a lot more reasonable when I went to the link that
>Peter provided and found that the report actually says the habitat
>ranges from 1000 to 3700 m.

Actually that is incorrect Steven. The Peruvian friend who sent me the link to
El Comercio  article, which I posted on the OGD, added in the e-mail that it
was at 3700 m. I simply passed that information on in my OGD post. I should
have realized that in the Andes one speaks not of large 1000 hectare flat
Sorry Steven, for making you frown.

You are correct about Sobralia altissima. It did come from Huancavelica and
described in 1999 by the two taxonomists you mention.. One of the two
told me (personal communication,)that they described a dozen or so more
new species from there.

If the  El Comercio report is accurate, then the bulk of new species is yet to
be described.

That Huancavelica was finally designated as a National Reserve is nice, but no
guarantee that its biodiversity will be preserved. "Remoteness" and "hard to
get to,"
are far more assuring.

For those of you who missed it, allow me to repeat  what one Peruvian friend
told me re traveling to Huancavelica:

"When I lecture I always ask people if they have been to Jackson Hole,
Wyoming. There you have an unbelievable view of the Grand Tetons.
I always say look at that and imagine that the habitat is on the other side.
You take the bus until the bus breaks. Then you take the Jeep until the
Jeep breaks. Then you take the horse until the horse dies.
Then you take the mule until the mule dies. Then you walk up the mountain
for 10 hours the first day and only 6 hours the second day.
That is one isolated habitat for us gringos."
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] correction

2004-09-13 Thread peter croezen
Steven B said:
>the link that Peter provided and found that the report actually
>says the habitat ranges from 1000 to 3700 m.

The only link I provided was to the  El Comercio newspaper report. There is
no mention of any elevation in that report.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] oops, my mistake

2004-09-14 Thread peter croezen
Segzn explics Olivares, gerente de Recursos Naturales y Gestisn del Medio
Ambiente de Huancavelica, esto es posible gracias a los diversos microclimas
existentes desde los mil hasta los tres mil setecientos metros sobre el nivel
del mar.
It was reported in El Comercio, from one thousand to thirty seven hundred
meters.  My apologies Steven, you were correct.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Another take on orchids

2004-09-14 Thread peter croezen
The article Viateur provided a link for, was written by Miriam Jutta,
Orchid conservation biologist  and botanical illustrator University Putra

It starts with:

>Another take on orchids

>I REFER to the article Petals with a purpose (StarTwo, Sept 7),
>which contains factual errors and misquotes that have put me in a
>bad light with the scientific community and will seriously compromise
>my  professional reputation. The article on this page addresses the issue.

Miriam Jutta appears to have corrected many of  her factual errors, and it
seems that I was not the only one who commented on them. In the corrected
article she writes:

>As soon as the testa (seed coat) ruptures, the seed needs to be invaded
>by a suitable fungus to germinate successfully.

Miriam  appears to be talking about  all orchids seeds.

In my humble opinion, this is not the way it works with terrestrial orchids,
it has been observed in symbiotic cultures, that the fungus enters the intact
via the micropile, or by piercing the testa. It produces substances that aid
in breaking
down the carapace (membrane around the pro-embryo,) allowing water to the
The fungus then enters the embryo and provides nutrients for growth.The
increases in size and eventually ruptures the testa.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] 13th meeting of CoP to CITES

2004-10-14 Thread peter croezen
Sandy who said about Thailand's  proposal  for the exclusion of all
orchid hybrids from CITES appendices:

>"Does this just apply to Thailand, and if so why just them? Would be
>interested to hear your comments."

Sandy from October 2 -14 2004 Bangkok is hosting the 13th meeting of the
Conference of the Parties  to the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

Every CITES member country (Party to the Convention) was allowed to
submit proposals for changes to the listings on CITES Appendices. Changes
to CITES  accepted at this meeting apply to all  the Parties to the

The China View article you refer to it also states:

>Entering into force in 1975, CITES is regarded as one of the most
>effective international wildlife conservation treaties.

This of course  is an incorrect statement. CITES is a trade agreement;
not a conservation treaty.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Label printer

2004-10-14 Thread peter croezen
Tim who said:

>Can anyone point me toward a manufacturer or vendor who
>can supply a professional label printer?

Try this link:


TXP3 Thermal Printer
The TXP3 give the user the ability to print tags up to 24-mil thickness,
9 inches wide and up to 10 inches per second. It comes standard with
Ribbon Save and a FETHR head. Available with 4" (203 dpi) or 5"
(300 dpi) print head width. It is ideal for printing slip-on tags side by
 side, pressure sensitive labels, signs and (7") pot tags. The ability to
 all these tags, labels, and signs makes it the most versatile printer on the
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] follow up

2004-10-14 Thread peter croezen
Tim, I found a supplier for the printer:

Horta-Craft Limited
Strathroy, Ontario

Tel. 519-245-8441
web: www.horta-craft.ca
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Viateur's questions.

2004-10-14 Thread peter croezen
To Viateur who said:

>You wrote, "CITES is a trade agreement".

Sorry Viateur, you are quoting part of what I said. What I did say is that
is a trade agreement; not a conservation treaty."

My comment was in response to the following statement in  China View:
"Entering into force in 1975, CITES is regarded as one of the most effective
 international wildlife conservation treaties."

I was merely pointing out that one should use proper definitions.
CITES stands for Convention International Trade in Endangered Species.

>Do you think that the statement : "Its aim is to ensure that international
>trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their
>survival." is unjustified ?

There is no need to justify motherhood statements like that. Who could
disagree with
such a noble aim?

>CITES does restrict the trade of orchids.

Legal trade to a degree. Total trade no, it does not!!
When restrictions are put on legal trade, the  illegal trade usually
Conservation???  Just two years ago we have seen the total depletion of
Phragmipedium kovachii orchid habitats in Peru, a Party to CITES.

>Are you opposed to measures that aim at safeguarding certain species from
>over-exploitation ?

Of course not  You are asking me a  conservation question; not a CITES
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Viateur's questions 2

2004-10-15 Thread peter croezen
Viateur who said:

>What relation do you make between the destruction of
> orchid habitats and CITES ?

{I would prefer  to call it depletion of orchid habitats; they are
sometimes destroyed , but not always.}

There is no relation. These depletions happen, in spite of CITES.

I used Phragmipedium kovachii and Peru as an example of this.
Depletion happened, in spite CITES worldwide, and in spite of
the fact that the Peruvian  Ministry of Natural Resources, INRENA,
also the CITES Authority of Peru, were  fully aware of it happening.

>I would have thought that CITES would contribute, in spite
> of its flaws, to relieve the pressure on orchid habitats.

Sorry orchid friend, such is wishful thinking; not reality.

CITES as a world organization has no mandate in orchid  habitat
conservation, for that right belongs to the country where these orchid
habitats are located.

Reality is that ten mature Phragmipedium kovachii plants were removed,
legally, from their  known habitats. Permission was not given by CITES
but by INRENA, the Peruvian Ministry of Natural Resources.

The rest, many thousands of mature Phragmipedium kovachii plants,
were removed illegally from these same habitats, until not even one
single seedling was left behind.

Did CITES relieve the maximum destructive pressure brought to bear
on these habitats? Did they conserve or preserve any of the plants in
these habitats? No, they have no mandate to do so, and even if they
had, they could not have stopped the total depletion.

It all comes back to what I said in my earlier post. Cites is a trade
organization not a conservation treaty. For the reporter of China View
to call CITES  an "effective" conservation treaty, is unreal and pure
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchid species seeds

2004-10-16 Thread peter croezen

I would like to purchase/ trade fresh & viable orchid species seeds
from all over the world.

I am also looking for links to WebPages offering such seeds for sale.

(I do know of Aaron Hick's OSP seed bank.)

Please contact me off list.

Peter Croezen
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Warrnambool Orchids

2004-09-28 Thread peter croezen
Colin, if you wish to contact them, here is what I found:

Warrnambool Orchids
34 Riverview Terrace Warrnambool VIC 3280
PH (03) 55623753 Fax (03) 55612433
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Paph. cross

2004-09-28 Thread peter croezen

Spring 2004 Wildcatt:

Paph. supardii X Paph. pruestans

Hybrid not registered
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Growing Orchids in the Southern Hemisphere '

2004-10-01 Thread peter croezen

I have scanned and sent the article to your e-mail address.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Mexipedium xerophyticum

2004-10-05 Thread peter croezen
to Aaron who said:

>>but Mexipedium xerophyticum is on CITES Appendix I

Aaron you are right, it is as you say a "cute little booger," however, the
genus Mexipedium
is not listed on CITES Appendix 1.

Here is the link to CITES' own webpage listing all CITES App I  II  III

Of the Lady's slippers, only Paphiopedilum and Phragmipedium are on CITES

Cypripedium and Mexipedium are not.

Is there a new CITES document out that confirms what you said??

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Mexipedium xerophyticum = Phragmipedium in the USA

2004-10-05 Thread peter croezen

Thanks for the explanation.

Your ability to keep a sense of humor about such things is always refreshing
and delightful.

The USA interpretation of CITES rules in USFWS document you quote:

" USC Title 50, Wildlife and Fisheries, part 23, Endangered Species

only applies to US Import and Export of this species.

For the rest of the world, Mexipedium xerophyticum is not on CITES App.I

Of course with the upcoming CITES meeting of the Conference of the Parties
in Bangkok Oct 2-14 2004, that may change.

I do not remember seeing a proposal from any country that Mexipedium
be placed on CITES Appendix I, at this Conference, but there may well be one.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Disa growers

2004-10-06 Thread peter croezen
Hi Tennis,

Please visit Disa grower Wally Orchard's website, called Afrodisa,
where you may find what you are looking for in Disa culture etc.

Here is the link:

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Entomophobia

2004-10-08 Thread peter croezen
To Bert who asked:

>could you please tell where you find information about such a genus.

Here are a few links:







When you Google  "Entomophobia orchid" you will find an additional 40 links.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] What triggers for autogamy in orchids

2004-10-09 Thread peter croezen
Peter who said:

> Many authors have noted that when an orchid species progressively
> colonises its way from island to island across the ocean, an
> autogamous form often leads the way.

Very interesting, Peter!!

Epipactis helleborine, a European species, can be found in many locations
in North America and it is autogamous.

Assuming that these plants started from seeds carried on the belongings or
of immigrants, did these seeds come from autogamous plants in Europe, or  from
non-autogamous plants and the total absence of pollinators in NA triggered
into autogamy?

Is it known what exactly triggers autogamy?

Would total absence of pollinators be a trigger?

Are both, autogamous and pollinator dependent, forms of Epipactis helleborine
found in European habitats or colonies where pollinators  are still plenty?
How about other species?

What is the natural pollinator of Epipactis helleborine in Europe?
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Fw: USDOJ news release does not mention Phrag. kovachii in the Norris/Arias case

2004-10-09 Thread peter croezen
Viateur who asked:

>I have heard, a couple of times at my orchid society, comments that Manuel
>Arias Silva was sentenced for exporting Phragmipedium kovachii.

>Did I miss something at some point or the species was never actually
>mentioned in the prosecution against Manuel Arias Silva nor George Norris ?

IMHO, those comments are false and not based on USDOJ news releases.
The USDOJ news release does not mention what species. It mentions shipments
between Jan 1999
and Oct 2003, thus species other than Phragmipedium kovachii had to be
involved, whether Pk
was, or not, can not be gained from the document.

{Certainly, George DID NOT OFFER Phrag. kovachii for sale in his now
(in)famous flyer, he simply
mentioned that he might have some in the near future. I read that flyer and
concluded that
George was talking about legal Phrag. kovachii plants, artificially propagated
by one of the
two designated and licensed nurseries in Peru.}

Here is the news release:

THURSDAY MARCH 11, 2004  t(202) 514-2007
WWW.USDOJ.GOV TDD (202) 514-1888


WASHINGTON, D.C. - A federal grand jury in Miami, Florida, has
returned an indictment charging Manuel G. Arias Silva, a Peruvian national,
and George W. Norris, a resident of Spring, Texas, with conspiring to smuggle
into the United States protected orchid specimens, including specimens of the
genus Phragmipedium, commonly known as Tropical lady's slipper orchids.  All
species of orchid are protected under the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

According to the indictment, Arias sold several shipments of
orchids to Norris between January of 1999 and October of 2003.  Arias would
allegedly obtain a CITES permit for the shipment from Peruvian authorities
that authorized the export of certain numbers of artificially-propagated
specimens of particular species of orchids.  Arias, at the instruction of
Norris, would then allegedly include in the shipment specimens of species not
included on the CITES permit. To conceal the allegedly illegal activity, he
would falsely label the protected species as a species listed on the permit.
Arias would allegedly provide to Norris a code or "key" that would provide
Norris a means for deciphering the false labels and identifying the true
species of the orchids.  In some instances Arias allegedly shipped orchids
that were wild collected rather than artificially propagated.  One shipment in
February of 2003 allegedly included some 1,145 specimens, of which
approximately 490 were of species not authorized for export by the
accompanying CITES permit.

In addition, Arias is charged with two counts and Norris with
one count of making a false statement to federal authorities in violation of
18 U.S.C. ' 1001(a).  Norris faces an additional two counts of smuggling
related to alleged sales and domestic shipments of orchids that he knew had
been imported contrary to law.  If convicted, the maximum penalty for each of
the counts of the indictment is up to five years in prison and a $250,000

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora is a treaty to which the United States and Peru, along
with over 160 other nations, are parties.  The United States implements CITES
through the Endangered Species Act.  Certain species of orchids are listed on
Appendix I of CITES, including all species of the genus Phragmipedium.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: What triggers for autogamy in orchids

2004-10-09 Thread peter croezen
 Peter O'Byrne who said:
>I suspect that many (most ? all ?) orchid species produce a small
>percentage of autogamous-form seeds every time they set a capsule.
>I think it would be fairly easy for a plant to evolve a single gene that
>leads to autogamy; almost any deficiency in the material of the
>rostellum would result in the necessary outcome. Such a gene would
>give the species a valuable evolutionary advantage ... the ability to
>colonise fresh territory from just one seed, even in the absence of

Thanks Peter,

Your hypothesis makes a lot more sense than external triggers being
responsible for autogamy, though I have heard it more than ones portrayed
as such.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Phrag. kovachii habitats stripped bare

2004-10-22 Thread peter croezen
Colin who said:

>A comment on Phrag. kovachii being decimated in Peru, could it be that the
>Peruvians stripped the place bare. .

In my humble opinion, it really does not matter much who stripped the Pk
habitats bare,
Peruvians, or non-Peruvians!!!

The Pk plants were removed from their habitats  illegally, without a
collecting permit from INRENA .
(Peruvian Ministry of  Natural Resources).

The Pk plants left Peru illegally, without export and import CITES documents.

It is important to recognize that those who purchased them are as guilty
of habitat depletion as those who collected and sold them.

>Being in the country they wouldn't need any
>CITES papers unless exporting them

Correct, but these Pk plants would still BE ILLEGAL in Peru, for they were
collected without
a permit. Only two collecting permits were issued by INRENA, for 5 plants
each, to two
Peruvian orchid nurseries. Those plants must remain in Peru. Artificial
propagations from
these ten plants may be exported with CITES documents. INRENA decides "if "
and  "when."
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Moving back to the USA with CITE

2004-10-23 Thread peter croezen
To Marianne,

The USFWS  International Affairs web site should be helpful to you.

I suggest you contact them and explain your particular situation.

There is a "contact us" on the web site:


peter c.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] title cut off

2004-10-23 Thread peter croezen
Sorry, title was:

Moving back to the USA with CITES App I and II orchids

peter c
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] I agree with many of you.

2004-10-26 Thread peter croezen
George Norris did break the law, and he is the first to admit it.
However, the punishment he got does not fit the crime and is draconian, as I
and others
have said before.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Kovach sentencing

2004-10-27 Thread peter croezen
Bert who said:

>If I am  right in my facts, Kovach has not yet faced final sentencing.

Correct, he has not faced it yet, but will on Nov 1, 2004
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Nov 1, 2004, 8:30 am

2004-10-28 Thread peter croezen
Kovach is scheduled to be sentenced on November 1, 2004  at the Tampa Federal
If you wish to attend, be there around 8:30 am.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Deluxe Indoor Digital Thermometer / Hygrometer

2004-10-28 Thread peter croezen

For about $ 25.- you can purchase a Digital Thermometer Hygrometer
with better accuracy than you require.

Check this website:

I have the exact same one and it works great!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] criminal prosecutions

2004-10-29 Thread peter croezen

You are correct, there have been no criminal prosecutions for  illegal
importation of Phragmipedium kovachii.

Two parties were sentenced for being in possession of  Phragmipedium
kovachii, brought illegally into the USA and later returned to Peru, Marie
Botanical Gardens Inc.and Dr. Wesley E. Higgins, head of the orchid
center at Selby.

The party who brought it illegally into the USA , Michael Kovach, will be
on November  1, 2004 in Tampa Federal Court.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Sentence Finn Rasmussen

2004-10-30 Thread peter croezen
Finn Rasmussen who asked:

>Wasn't the sentence for illegal EXPORT of the material? The type material
>exported back to a herbarium in Peru, lest it should be confiscated and
>destroyed by US authorities - which might have invalidated the name!

The sentence may have been for both, possession and smuggling a
"smuggled by Kovach" CITES APP I orchid species back to Peru.
However, the light sentence, in view of what could have been, seems to
indicate that possession was considered more so than smuggling.
I could be wrong!

The indictment reads as follows:
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Department of Justice today filed criminal charges in
the U.S. District Court in Tampa, Florida, against Marie Selby Botanical
Gardens, Inc. and Wesley E. Higgins for violating the Endangered Species Act
by possessing, and later returning to Peru, an orchid that was smuggled into
the United States. The maximum penalty for this offense is one year
imprisonment and/or a $100,000 fine.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Viateur question re sentencing - Selby/Higgins

2004-10-30 Thread peter croezen
Viateur who said:
>I have been trying to find the related sentencing (Selby/Higgins).
and then asked:
>Do you know of a source other than press reports ?

To the best of my knowledge, sentencing was on April 9, 2004
and there is no press release from the USDOJ.

However, I am sending you, off list, a report from the Herald Tribune of April
19, 2004
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] More Viateur questions

2004-10-31 Thread peter croezen
Viateur who said:

>Peter (Croezen) :

>Thanks for the help in trying to locate the sentences given to
>Selby/Higgins in the kovachii cause.

>apart from the press article of which you sent me a copy (14 April 2004),
>there was another one published on 20 June 2004 which also reports about
>the sentences :


>although, not updated, there is an interesting summary about the events
>surrounding the kovachii saga :


>for example, I was not aware of the following info :

>As to the orchid's fate: the editor of Orchid Digest went to Peru to find
>out. He reported that the original colony was stripped clean, however he
>did see 1,000 more plants growing on a remote cliff in the Andes."

>Was that colony stipped too ?


First of all, the article I sent you contains all the details of the
Selby/Higgins sentences you were looking for.
Except, that one name is screwed up and should have been International Code of
Botanical Nomenclature

The second article you dug up is of June 2004 and written by Craig Pittman
of the St Petersburg Times. Craig first wrote about  Phragmipedium kovachii
on Feb 11, 2003, eight months after the story broke and had been covered in
many newspaper articles. In this article Craig speaks mostly of Kovach, who
had just changed his Jan 2004 "not guilty" plea to "guilty."

The Phragmipedium kovachii story is quite involved: only a fraction of it is
in some 25  newspaper articles from June 2002 until December 2003 and a few
since then mostly concerning the USDOJ and sentencing.

The first substantial article about the involvements of Kovach and  Selby was
by Georgia Tasker of the Miami Herald August 11 2002. A more comprehensive
was written by Chris Grier  Sarasota Herald Tribune Sep 1 2002.

The account of "Dr. Harold Koopowitz's and company" trip to the larger
Phragmipedium habitat
can be found in Orchid Digest Vol 67(3).
This is the very same habitat that supplied  the ten legal Phragmipedium
plants in the world
and contained an estimated two thousand mature plants and many seedlings.
Shortly after Harold's
brief visit the habitat was completely stripped of all Phragmipedium kovachii,
including the seedlings.
I do have the pictures of that habitat which depict the deep holes left for
each plant removed and shows
that more than half their roots were left behind. An awful sight!!!

As far as the GreenZoo article you "dug up,"  it repeats one of the many
fantasy stories told by Kovach.
The story that Kovach had seen Phragmipdieum kovachii in 2000 , left it there
came back in 2001 to purchase it is absolutely false, as is the story  told
Selby  scientists that in 2002
he went back to the  habitat three days after he "found" Phragmipedium

I do not believe you would want to get into the other 90% of the story, which
covers intrigue and politics
of this case and is far more intriguing than any case in Eric Hansen's Orchid
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Per capita income

2004-11-07 Thread peter croezen
Viateur who said:

> Of course, it is your right to repeat like a mantra
> that "CITES is a trade agreement".

Viateur, please get the facts before you speak.

My comment was made just once; it was in response to the erroneous
statement in China View: "CITES is regarded as one of the most effective
international wildlife conservation treaties."
This statement by an uninformed reporter is utter nonsense

CITES has been discussed at length on this forum. No need to rehash it all
again when one simply can refer to the OGD archives.

In yet another OGD post, you state:
>$50 is not really a several months' income in Peru.

How can you be so certain Viateur?

>According to the World Bank indicators, gross national income per capita in
>Peru is $2,020.

This is no indication at all what the poor, the bulk of the population's per
capita income is.

In any society,  where there is a marked absence of middle class, and where
the large majority lives in poverty, while the elite count millionaires among
them, the per capita income figure, if based on total national income and
population, does not reflect the real per capita  income of the poor.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] 10, or 6

2004-11-07 Thread peter croezen
>"if we move air up through the atmosphere it will expand
> and cool down at a fixed rate of 3 degrees Celsius for every
> 1000 feet, or 10 degrees Celsius for every kilometre it rises."

I believe you are correct  for dry air. It is my understanding that
the rate of change for moist air  is 6 degrees per 1000 meters.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] per capita

2004-11-08 Thread peter croezen
Paul who said:

>According to the World Bank website, Peter, you are a year behind, with
>the 2003 GNI per capita in Peru ca. US$2150.  :) :)

I know I saw those figures too.
The lower figures  were not mine. It was Viateur who
published them on the OGD.

No big deal, just want to put things straight.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Archives

2004-11-24 Thread peter croezen

Hi Kenneth,
I noticed that the posts contained in 
the most recent OGD digests do not appear 
in the Nov 2004 archives. http://www.potto-webdesign.com/mailman/public/orchids/
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Old news today

2004-12-03 Thread peter croezen

Viateur who wrote:
>Phragmipedium kovachii...>"The site where it was first found has 
been stripped of these orchids by >unethical collectors, and it is now 
locally extinct," said a report from >the Botanical Garden of the 
University of British Columbia. "Happily, a >population been found 
elsewhere in a very remote location." The university >did not name the 
Viateur, I am sorry you posted this old news, no 
longer totally accurate.
Those who have kept up with all that has happened in the Phragmipedium kovachii story, 

know this.
The first habitat, 500 yards off the 
road, was completely stripped in the summer of
2002.  Estimates are that it was home to several hundred 
 Phragmipedium kovachii.
The second  habitat,  far more 
remote,  was completely stripped, soon 
a visit by a large party, which included several US 
citizens, in May of 2003. Among them 
Dr. Harold Koopowitz and Glen Decker. Estimates are 
that it was home to several thousand
Phragmipedium kovachii. 
Nothing  to be happy about.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] albe, albes, albis??

2004-12-06 Thread peter croezen

Is this correct Dave:  Coelogyne 
albe; Coryanthes albes ;Cyrtoglottis albis??
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] AOS Bulletin vol 49 (8) pp 863-867 Aug 1980

2004-12-08 Thread peter croezen

Viateur asked:
>"The Difference Between Alba, Alba Form, and 
White",>by Dr. Kenneth S. Wilson>in the AOS Bulletin, vol. 49 (8), 
pp. 863-867, August 1980.>I would very much like to get a scan of 
that article.
Scanned, sent to you off 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] AOS Bulletin vol 49 (8) pp 863-867 Aug 1980 (peter croezen)

2004-12-09 Thread peter croezen

 H. Yamaga who asked:>Please send me the scanning copy of it to my personal address.
>I'm very sorry I will put you so much trouble.

No problem at all, I will send it to off list, together with a questionI have for you.hirosi99 at agate.plala.or.jp 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] enough is too much

2004-12-18 Thread peter croezen

An orchid forum, this is supposed to 
From politics to religion to poetry, most of 
us have been  
your very tolerant and patient audience, 
but  enough is too much!
You know who you are; please take your non-orchid 
topics somewhere else!!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Joanne Brown

2004-12-19 Thread peter croezen

To K B who wrote:
>Alan Koch says in his article on breeding mini 
cattleyas in Orchid Digest >magazine, that he was influenced by several 
southern California hybridizers, >one of whom was Joanne Brown.  
I've never heard of Ms. Brown.  Can anyone >give me a brief 
Use Google, type in search window: Joanne 
Brown Orchids, and find a reference to her, in the Marriott 
description, as one who was connected with 
Stewart Orchids. I have not searched 
to find which section it is in.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] L tenebrosa 'Walton Grange' FCC/RHS

2004-12-24 Thread peter croezen

who said:
can't figure out if you can do it with 
>What was the earliest cross with L. tenebrosa 'Walton Grange?'

  Wildcatt does not show RHS awards. Hybrid 
  registers only show the species;
  not clonal names.
  The earliest cross with L. tenebrosa  I have 
  been able to find in Wildcatt
  is  Bl. Helen  (B digbyana 
  x L. tenebrosa) Charlesworth  Ltd. 1902 
  Whether this was the famous L.tenebrosa 
  'Walton Grange' FCC/RHS,  I  do not know.
  Carl L. Withner, in The Cattleyas And 
  Their Hybrids, Volume II The Laelias,  states
  that this particular clone was in the 
  collection of W. Thompson at Walton Grange
  in Stone, Staffordshire. 
  It received an FCC/RHS on 
  August 8, 1893
  Rita Crothers, in the Sep-Oct 1972 Orchid 
  Digest, recounts her search of 
  more than 
  20 years for the 'Walton Grange' 
  clone from the W. Thompson collection. 
  Sorry that I do not have that OD 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2004-12-29 Thread peter croezen

Look under Department Directory and you will find 

membership contact:

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Please stop the false rumors

2005-01-05 Thread peter croezen

Thomas who writes:
>The legal kovachii flask will be 
available this year, but there are>some problems whit the Peruvian 
government so the Peruvian orchid club>don't'a know how the kovachii 
flasks will be sell worldwide, the only>confirmed information is that an 
orchid shop whit kovachii flasks will>be open this year in 
Spain.>Regards,>Thomas from 
Thomas, your post is spreading false rumors 
concerning legal
Phragmipedium kovachii flasks available this year. 

If they are going to be exported, that fact 
has  not yet been announced 

by INRENA, the 
Peruvian Ministry of Natural  Resources and Peru's CITES 
Authority . 
INRENA has indicated  that no flasks or 
divisions will be exported, 
until Peruvian nurseries are registered  
by the Cites Secretariat and 
New Commercial Regulations are 
At this moment, there are only two registered nurseries 
in Peru; 
the owner of Registered Nursery 001 is  Alfredo Manrique, 
and I am in weekly contact with him.
 that legal Phragmipedium 
flasks will be exported from Peru in 2005; 
consequently there CAN BE NO 
CONFIRMATION from INRENA  that legal flasks 
will be available in Spain
All flask, seedlings, divisions or 
plants  of Phragmipedium kovachii  at
present outside Peru 
The whole world is waiting for INRENA to allow 
 export of legal Phragmipedium
kovachii, divisions and flasks; particularly the 
people who have illegal plants
and flasks at this 
As soon as INRENA 
does allow export, we will all know it within hours.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Japan CITES Authorities

2005-01-05 Thread peter croezen

One would expect Japan's Cites Authorities, if made 
aware of the website, to
pay the nursery a visit and find out if 
it has illegal Phagmipedium 
stock plants and flasks, as shown in the 
website for which you provided the link:
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Please stop the false rumors

2005-01-07 Thread peter croezen

Klaus Thomas,
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Your English is fine! One is never too young to 
Your mouth is not even close to being as "big" as 
we experience on this forum!!!
My apologies if I made you feel this way, for that 
was not my intention.

Please continue to participate on the 
at gmail.com Fri Jan 7 04:12:11 CET 2005 

  Previous message: [OGD] 
  Orchids - court (civil action) 
  Next message: [OGD] 
  Messages sorted by: [ 
  date ] [ 
  thread ] [ 
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  author ] 

well, i think i'm very bad whit english, probably because i'm too
young for being writing in a foreign language.

Peter, you are right, it won't be kovachii flasks on legal sale until
irena give permission, but it is expected to happen this year, and if
it happens, a shop will be open in Spain.
I know it from a peruvian, i don't know how much i can trust him,
fortunately, you are in contact whit Alfredo Manrique.

please forgive me, maybe i have my mouth too big.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Terry Glancy's: new malicious pests from Taiwan

2005-01-10 Thread peter croezen
Title: RE: Posts

Terry A. Glancy  has tried three times 
to post this story  on the OGD.
He tried it in Rich Text and Plain Text and each 
time the  message was rejected.
I am just forwarding it to the OGD for him, to see 
if it will be accepted.
If this fails again, I will try one more time by 
pasting the message in my own e-mail.
New malicious pests from Taiwan
    In an 
attempt to lighten the topic of importing Phals in media from Taiwan, I would 
like to submit this incident from a couple of years ago. We were helping some 
friends of ours from Taiwan who were shipping their show and sales plants 
directly from Taipei to Miami for a show up in mid-state Florida. We were just 
trying to help coordinate their simultaneous arrival with the arrival of their 
boxes of plants and flasks, brokerage coordination and paperwork, ag inspection, 
and subsequent transport up to their show area.
The plants arrived maybe 10 hours before our commercial friends, but we received 
a call from our broker who said that the orchid shipment had to be gassed - 
flasks and all    --- because of a new mealybug. I had never seen 
any pests on any of the shipments from this Taiwanese nursery when we had 
brought in plants for our nursery, so I thought this was rather strange. It was 
even stranger when the broker said that there were mealybugs all over the 
My wife went up to ag to actually see what was going on. She walks into the ag 
station and asks to see the shipment that had been gassed with methyl bromide. 
All the Catts in bloom were fried as were the Oncids, Phals, and Dens. The 
inspector then picked up a couple of Phal flasks and declared “I can’t believe 
it, the bugs are still alive and moving around!!!”
Barbara picked at one of the mealybug clumps, looks at it closely, and pops it 
into her mouth.    Yup    --- sytrofoam 
Better watch out for those exotic pests now!!!
Terry A. Glancy
Pine Ridge Orchids, Inc.
21100 SW 300 Street
Homestead, FL 33030-7812
ph (305) 247-4839
  (305) 247-3086
fx (305) 247-8853
Website =  HYPERLINK "http://www.PineRidgeOrchids.com" www.PineRidgeOrchids.com 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Terry Glancy's posts

2005-01-10 Thread peter croezen

Tricia who said:
>Well, this is the fourth time it has arrived here - maybe it's a glitch 
in>Terry's email client, because clearly it isn't being rejected by 
It is rejected by the OGD Digest and the OGD 
Archives, Tricia. You will 
find the body of the message missing in 
both. I assume you receive the 
non-digest individual posts? It is quite possible 
that these bypass the 
problem part of the OGD server.  
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana

2005-01-13 Thread peter croezen

Irish who said:
>I have a keiki of P. lueddemanniana. ...snip... I  thought it was 
>to bloom, but it turns out it is making a keiki. What would cause 
>despicable behavior?
Years after I had purchased  a single plant of 
Phalaenopsis Luedde-violacea 
I had many plants as the result of keiki making; 
flowering did not occur.
Like you, I also grow under lights. When in '94 I changed from fluorescent to
HID lights, they all started to bloom. It would seem that insufficient light 
intensity was my 
ps  Phal. violacea did 
flower, so the need for higher  light intensity must come
 from the Phal. 
lueddemanniana parent.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Phalaenopsis  lueddemanniana

2005-01-13 Thread peter croezen

Irish who said:
>I am not installing HID lights for one lousy 
Phalaenopsis! ;-(
Irish, I would neither, if it only concerned one lousy plant.
I was merely suggesting that your problem with 
more than likely stems from insufficient 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchid Seed Capsule ripening charts

2005-01-19 Thread peter croezen

Sue who wrote:
>I would like to know if there are any good online Orchid Seed Pod  
Ripening >Charts. In particular, I have an Ansellia africana that was 
selfed  in late >October and would like to know about when it will 
be ready to  flask.
Sue there is a chart called:
Interval between pollination and growth of immature 
embryos in-vitro 
You will find it on page 274 of Orchid Biology 
Reviews and Perspectives II
edited by Dr. Joseph Arditti.
The time shown tells us when immature pro-embryos 
of non ripe seeds
will continue to develop on an artificial medium, 
in-vitro; outside the capsule.
It does not tell us how long it takes for the 
capsule to mature and produce 
ripe seeds, which may well be double or triple  the time shown in this 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Calculating Parts Per Million is easy

2005-01-20 Thread peter croezen

Parts Per Million (PPM)
Here is a formula for calculating parts per 
million (PPM)
when you use grams of fertilizer and 
liters of 
PPM =  
grams of fertilizer  x 
grade x 10
liters of water
Say you are mixing 50 grams of fertilizer 
to 100 liters water. How many PPM of each macro element 

is in your solution?
PPM of N =  50 x 15 x 10 =   75
PPM of P =  50  x 20 (0.43) x 10 
= 43
100PPM of K =  50 
 x 30 (0.83) x 10 = 
Total fertilizer in solution is 243 PPM     

(Soluble Phosphorus  in P  is approximately 
in K  is approximately 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Fw: Oops the division lines did not come through in PPM formula

2005-01-20 Thread peter croezen

Oops, lines meaning divide by were left off the formula by the OGD in 
my previous PPM post
Let me try this again  another way and see if it comes through, if 
not, please write me, for
in ordinary e-mail the formula is not altered. (I tried by sending it to 
Subject: Calculating Parts Per Million is easy

Parts Per Million (PPM)
Here is a formula for calculating parts per 
million (PPM)
when you use grams of fertilizer and 
liters of 
PPM =  
(grams of fertilizer divided by liters of water)  x grade x 
Say you are mixing 50 grams of fertilizer 
to 100 liters water. How many PPM of each macro element 

is in your solution?
PPM of N = ( 50 divided by 100) x 15 x 
10 =   

PPM of P =  (50 divided by 100) x 20 (0.43) 
x 10 = 43

of K =  (50 divided by 
100) x 30 (0.83) x 10 = 

Total fertilizer in solution is 243 PPM     

(Soluble Phosphorus  in P  is approximately 
in K  is approximately 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re Peru Flora Questions

2005-01-25 Thread peter croezen

 Dot, who asked questions concerning legality of Pk flasks from
 Peru Flora.
There are only two  INRENA registered Pk  nurseries in Peru, 

and only these two are licensed to Artificially Propagate 
Phragmipedium kovachii.They are:
1) Jardineria Manrique, owner Alfredo Manrique, permit 001
2) Orquideas Peruanas, or Orquidaria, or Peru Flora, owner 
   Manuel Arias Silva, permit 002
These two Peruvians were each allowed to collect five Phrag kovachii 

plants in Pk habitats designated by INRENA. From these five plants 
they may produce divisions, seed capsules, flasks, hybrids, etc., 
only in their own nurseries and their own laboratories.
In the Peru Flora brochure,  five stock plants are named (clonal 
These five  plants belong to Manuel Arias Silva of Lima 
Questions sent to  [EMAIL PROTECTED] , 
are answered by Manola Arias, 
who is the son of Manuel Arias. The web page listed as  
coming soon, does not yet 

As to your question:
>1. The brochure claims that all orders will have CITES and  
> Certificates,  but are Phragmipedium kovachii flasks really 
 YES, but let me qualify it as follows:
a) these flasks are legal only if they were produced in Manuel 
Arias' laboratory,
    using seed capsules grown in his nursery on these five 
b) these flasks will be legal in the eyes of the Peruvian government, if 
they issue
   export CITES certificates and Phytosanitary certificates. 

c) they will be legal in the importing country, if INRENA down graded the 
flasked seedlings
  from App I to App II. As you may know, App 
I orchids in addition to the above mentioned 
  certificates need import CITES  from  the importing 
country CITES authority.   

>2. Assuming I order and pay Peru Flora for a flasks and Documents, 
will >I receive the  flasks, or is there a chance that they will be 
>confiscated by the CITES authorities of  my country, the 
I suggest you contact them.
INRENA = Peruvian Ministry of Natural Resources; 
(also Peruvian CITES authority.) CITES Certificate

SENASA = Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture.  
Phytosanitary Certificate.
Hope this helps
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] blooper

2005-01-25 Thread peter croezen

Sorry I meant to say in my previous 
THAT, NO ONE CAN  TELL YOU but the USA CITES Authority..
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Brazilian orchid species

2005-01-29 Thread peter croezen

I want  to purchase  Brazilian orchid 
species seeds, any genus. 
Please e-mail me off OGD :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Phalaenopsis Black Ruby 'Orchis'

2005-02-06 Thread peter croezen

Hi Iris,
See picture of Phalaenopsis Black Ruby 
'Orchis' on the web page 
of Dragon Agro Products of Kendall Park, New 
web page: http://www.dragonagro.com/dapphal.htm

It appears to be an unregistered 
President: Perla Wee  should be able to give 
more information on it
33Kendall Park, NJ 08824-0033Tel: 1-908-208-4767Tel : 
1-732-297-2829Fax : 1-732-297-6276website: www.dragonagro.comEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Uri..........

2005-07-01 Thread peter croezen

I have to agree with Andy.Uri you are a 
pain in the ass. 
Guido contributes more in one post than you do in 
ten years.
So please go away and stop 
your idiotic unwarranted attacks on Guido.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] To Uri

2005-07-03 Thread peter croezen

When you agree with Sheldon's suggestion of "a 
Catasetum stuck up Guido's ass" and then
make it worse by suggesting a Cactus, you are in no position to object being called a 

pain in the ass, or to the use of the word 
Get on with your life Uri; get off 
Guido's back and stop boring us with your problem.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Size and weight of Rhizanthella gardneri seeds

2005-10-06 Thread peter croezen

Can someone tell me the size and weight of Rhizanthella gardneri seeds?
Thanks for your help,
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] International Orchid Show held in Lima and Moyobamba Peru, this month

2005-10-14 Thread peter croezen

I have been asked to invite you all to Club Peruano de Orquideas' sixth International Orchid 
in Lima October 21 to 23, 2005 and Moyobamba 
October 28 to 30, 2005 
For details visit their web site at:
Click on English Version, top right corner of home 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] NO CITES required for Phragmipedium kovachii flasks

2005-11-20 Thread peter croezen

There may be two reasons why many people 
erroneously believe orchid flasks need CITES.
1.The  April 2005 issue of AOS ORCHIDS,  
carries an article by Roddy Gabel entitled:

{Roddy Gabel is the Chief, Division of Scientific Authority, US Fish and 
Wildlife Authority

in Arlington VA.}
Though CITES Import and Export documents are 
needed for Phragmipedium
kovachii plants, 
this article may one lead to believe that 
CITES documents are also
needed  for Phragmipedium kovachii 
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Six month before Roddy wrote this article, CITES' Thirteenth Meeting 
of the Conference 
of the Parties was held in Bangkok (Thailand,) October 2-14, 2004.
Since then it was made abundantly clear by CITES that Phragmipedium flasked 
{You may read it on the CITES WEB SITE : http://www.cites.org/eng/app/appendices.shtml  
On the App I list, scroll 3/4 of the way down to FLORA (PLANTS) and 
then scroll
down to  ORCHIDACEAE spp.}
Here is what it says:
(For all of the following Appendix-I 
species, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, 
in solid or liquid media, 
transported in sterile containers are not subject to the provisions 
of the Convention) 
Aerangis ellisii; Dendrobium 
cruentum; Laelia jongheana; Laelia lobata; Paphiopedilum spp.; 
Peristeria elata; Phragmipedium spp.; Renathera 
2.INRENA is writing their 
Phragmipedium kovachii flasks Export Permits on CITES certificates; 

this may give people the wrong  impression, namely 
 that CITES`are needed for orchid flasks, when in 
fact all orchid flasks are CITES exempt!!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchid species seed capsules wanted

2005-11-27 Thread peter croezen

Orchid species seed capsules 
See:  http://orchids.golden.net/~orchids
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchid species seed capsules wanted (correction)

2005-11-28 Thread peter croezen

Hi Stuart,
Thank you for pointing it out, the link is the old 
one and has been changed, sorry.
Here is the correct one:
orchid species seed capsules 
wanted see: 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Please send me current pictures of legally propagated Pk seedlings you purchased from Peruflora

2005-12-19 Thread peter croezen

If anyone among you has purchased legal 
Phragmipedium kovachii flasks from Peru, please 
send  a current picture of YOUR Pk flasks, or YOUR de-flasked  Pk seedlings, to my private 
e-mail address, [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will 
share them in private e-mails with anyone 
who requests them from me.
{There is a reluctance on the part of those in 
the USA  who did purchase such Pk flasks, 
to show me what 
they purchased.One can only imagine their reasons.}
Before you send US$ 1060.- for 50-60 Pk 
seedlings, plus $ 160.- for unnecessary 
CITES documents, you better make certain you know  what you  are getting for 
Unnecessary CITES Documents is 
The Peru INRENA CITES official, Ing. Antonio 
 Morizaki Taura, who's signature 
appears on the 
unnecessary CITES export  documents for 
Phragmipedium kovachii flasks, seems not only 
unaware of  the current CITES 
rules, he also 
appears to be totally 
ignorant of how CITES works. 
Fact is that not one 
single  CITES member Country determines 
on its own which species require 
CITES and which ones do not; let 
alone implement such ill conceived notions.
CITES has made it abundantly clear that at present 
there is not one single flasked orchid species, 

regardless in which 
Appendix it is listed, that requires CITES documents. Here is what you will find 

in CITES document Appendices I, II, and 

(For all of the 
following Appendix-I species, seedling or tissue cultures obtained in vitro, 
in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers are not subject 
to the provisions 
of the 
ellisii; Dendrobium cruentum; Laelia jongheana; Laelia lobata; peristeria elata; 

imshootiana; Pahiopedilum spp.; Phragmipedium spp.
Scroll down to Orchidaceae spp in App I.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] pictures of Phragmipedium kovachii seedlings

2005-12-21 Thread peter croezen

Thank you for sending me pictures of the legal 
 Phragmipedium kovachii  seedlings you purchased
from Peruflora. 

If you ordered some, be prepared to replate and 
compot, before the flask arrive from Peru.
The pictures show the flask contents as 
seedlings of many different sizes, protocorms 
 and medium all 
mixed into a messy clump. These need  to be replated 
immediately, in 
order for some of 
to grow and survive. 

If the purchased flasks are also 
contaminated, as some of you have reported, the fresh replating 
medium more often than not  will make the 
contaminants grow so rapidly that they will choke 
eventually kill the seedlings and protocorms. You must then 
immediately compot them from these 
contaminated freshly replated flasks. The larger 
seedlings should survive and grow into mature plants, 
but the smaller ones 
and the protocorms will most likely die. 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Pk flasks, seedlings

2006-01-07 Thread peter croezen

I have also seen the Pk prices you talk about. Did 
you read the terms? The ones you are talking 
about do come from Peru's legal Pk lab # 2 and, 
as far as I know, will not be available until March 2007, for the owner signed 
a business contract with the vendor that he 
would not sell the seedlings for 2 years from 
date of purchase.
Let me tell you that the first Pk seedlings coming 
from Peru's legal Pk laboratory #1, operated 
by Alfredo Manrique are now in the USA and should be available from Glen Decker, possibly in 2006. You will have to contact him, 
or wait for the first ones to become available in Canada.
In a few months Alfredo's Pk flasks are expected in 
Canada and the seedlings will go on sale as soon 
as they are ready. I expect the prices to be very reasonable.
I was quite surprised at the prices one certain orchid nursery was 
offeringPk hybrids for...$250 US and if it was an international order, it 
had to beat least $1000 US. OMG people, where is the reality in this? Does 
thatnursery think so many people have the money for a plant costing that 
much?Maybe it's just an ego trip to be able to say ' I've got a Pk hybrid, 
haveyou gotten yours yet?"
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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