part 1 of 2
Many books could be written, about all that has happened with and around Phragmipedium kovachii, since its discovery four years ago.
In 1990, Manual Arias Silva had a flasking facility. In 1996 he stated in a lecture that he had stopped his in-vitro propagation  of orchids, due to certain difficulties he faced running a laboratory. In 2000, when I and two Peruvian friends had a three hours tour  of the Arias orchid growing facilities in Lima, guided by Manuel,  he showed us a tiny room, possibly used for flasking a long time ago,  but non-functional then. In December of 2004, Manuel Arias told one of my Peruvian friends  that all the Phragmipediums he exported in 2004, with INRENA permits, were propagated by division from the large number of Mother plants he collected prior to the time CITES was enforced.
In May of 2003, when  Manuel Arias obtained INRENA permit 002 to collect his five legal Pk plants from the habitat for the purpose of  in-vitro propagation, he did not have a functioning laboratory. Though I informed  INRENA  of several orchid laboratories in Lima that were  perfectly capable of starting Pk propagation in 2002, they were not issued a permit..
It was not until November 2003 that Manuel  invested heavily in a new laboratory, by purchasing laminar flow hood units from Singapore. He then started a massive program of in-vitro culture, after some members of his family, or staff, were invited to learn in-vitro propagation  techniques  in England. Peruvian species orchids propagated from seeds in November of 2003, will not be full size plants today, October 2006.
Bill, it really does not matter today that  Arias did some flasking in the 80's. The Moores are correct, it is impossible for the 352 full size orchid species, offered for sale by Arias today, to have been started from seeds in their laboratory that opened less than three years ago.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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