I receive hundreds of e-mails every week. I do not remember the few  private e-mails there may have been between you and I. Sorry!
I certainly will not discuss private e-mails on a public forum, unless the other party starts it.
Whatever it was that you asked me  about  the Pk saga, I will  have told you  the facts and the truth.
I usually discus with my audiences  rumours that are not yet facts. However, I also tell them that lots of what  we know as Pk facts today, started out as rumours in Peru. That should not surprise anyone familiar with the political systems in South America. The fear for making public statements is very real, even in countries that changed from a dictatorship to a democracy.
I do not advertise CJM's product on the OGD, and certainly will not advertise the competition.
Bill referred to a Silva, which is the maternal name that Manuel Arias carries, (Manuel Arias Silva). However, Manuel Arias Silva is not the one selling Pk seedlings. Manolo Arias, his son,  is. I was merely explaining  Bill's erroneous reference.
Also know that I have told the truth about the Pk saga to orchid society audiences all over the USA and Canada. I started this long before I knew that CJM got a license for propagating Pk in-vitro and even longer before I became the distributor  of CJM Pk seedlings in Canada. 
What you do not know is that I have always been more interested in the preservation of Pk than in any financial aspect of it. I was in touch with INRENA, in May of 2002, one year before anyone got a license from INRENA to artificially propagate  Pk. I offered them my help, for free. I know INRENA officials monitor the OGD, I could not possibly make this up and get away with it. I have a thank you letter from the  Head of INRENA on file.
My being the Canadian distributor for CJM has nothing to do with the Pk saga truth, as you insinuate.
As far as my guarantee that CJM Pk seedlings are true to name. No innuendo!!!! You obviously are unaware that there is a sincere concern among purchasers of the other  Pk flasks . Had you read the SOF posts in the past year, you would know this.
Please clear up a few things for me and the OGD audience:
1) Where in my post do I try to slime the opposition? Please explain!.
2) Who is it you went to that says to know the true story, different from mine,  of what went on in Peru?
3) What is the true story Barbara? You seem to insinuate that you know it, but that I do not.
4) I challenge you to point out which Pk saga facts I do not have straight.
Barbara, you have said A by publicly and falsely accusing me, I expect you have the guts to say B.
In my experience with Pk seedlings and the experience of my Peruvian friends, the 12 inch leaf span Pk seedling you have seen is more likely to have come from  an illegal flasks propagated in 2001-2002 than from  legal Pk flask started in 2003. Many  illegal Pk plant owners are known to have purchased one  legal flask to hide their illegal ones behind. These include very well known orchid nurseries world wide.
I will not flame you because you  falsely accuse me on a public forum. All I ask is that you back up your accusations with facts.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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