"Britain's Millennium Seed Bank filed away its one billionth seed on 
Thursday in a race against time to save the world's plants from global 
warming wipe-out.

The bank, in a deep basement near the... town of Ardingly some 35 miles 
south of London, already holds seeds of more than 18,000 wild plant species 
from 126 countries.
"Plant diversity is a vital part of the system upon which we depend. The 
need for the kind of insurance policy the Millennium Seed Bank provides has 
never been greater," said bank chief Paul Smith.

Dried, sorted and stored in underground vaults at minus 20 degrees 
centigrade, the seeds sit in glass jars in vaults, awaiting the day.... 
when the species no longer exists in the wild.

The bank, opened in 2000, backs up local seed banks around the world. 
Another bank is being built in Svalbard, an archipelago off northern 
Norway, to hold world food crop seeds.
The goal of the seed bank is to have 10 percent or 30,000 of the world's 
flowering plant species safely in storage by 2010 -- a target it is well on 
the way to achieving.

But then the money runs out.

"As it stands now we are looking at the abyss on funding after 2010. Up to 
then we can stand on our own. After that we have nothing," Smith told Reuters.

"We are looking for 100 million pounds ($200 million) -- 10 million a year 
from 2010. That will be enough for us to bank one quarter of the world's 
species by 2020. That works out at just 2,000 pounds per species and seems 
good value to us."
Most of the original money for the project came from Britain's national 

Under the seed bank's electronically secured laboratories there is space 
for coldstore modules to hold seeds -- ranging from the microscopic orchid 
to the world's biggest seed... from half the world's plant species.

Its vaults cover 930 square meters (10,010 sq ft) are stacked five meters 
(16 feet) high."

article URL : http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070425/sc_nm/seedbank_dc_1



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