[Origami] "Origamigiftbox" -- recent YouTube videos

2015-07-05 Thread Ed Reinhardt

Thank you for reading my notes about my recent videos.

origami: unboxing of PAPER YACHTS (Nic Compton Nick Robinson)

(this was the most recent and an excellent book and the music is by Nick 
Robinson also)

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origami: Swan (Robert J. Lang)

(this was a "redo" -- the first one was a tad fuzzy resolution wise)

origami: Nikolaus-Schächtel (Santa's Box) (Francesco Mancini)


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origami: Pinwheel-Ring-Pinwheel (Robert Neale)
Thanks to Jason Ku for contacting Reverend Neale about this design.  I am not 
sure if
others are doing this, but in doing research for the Ray Bolt design below, I 
watched Jeremy
Schafer's 3-D Transforming Ninja Star video many times to figure out how to 
assemble the
units.  As I said, I am not sure if others are doing this, but I incorporated 
Jeremy Shafer's
method from the 3-D Transforming Ninja Star video (specifically the final two 
units) in this
design.  When I did not use this method, the large ring would not 'meld' into a 
pinwheel quite
so easily as it would when using Jeremy Shafer's way (the way he adds in the 
last two
units).  Again thanks to Jason Ku who followed up after Reverend Neale viewed 
the video.

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origami: chubby sparrow

origami: 3D Star Pattern / Frisbee (Ray Bolt)
This model was in the BOS library.  There is also a Jeremy Shafer video, but it 
uses 9
sheets instead of Ray Bolt's 8.  Ray Bolt emailed me:

-  Instructions first appeared in British Origami issue 54 October 1975. 
for the model 'Star Pattern / Frisbee' by Robert Neale were included and 
these were
of the the original  8-piece 2D version which John Smith had learned from 
Neale following a visit to USA. John had also set a challenge to create a 
3-D version
and instructions for my solution were published along side Bob's. My 
version was
just titled '3D Version by Ray Bolt. In those days BOS was keeping copies 
of most
instructions we came across or created and this is probably how M312 came 

origami: Hedgehog (Tony O'Hare)
(this was a 'redo' - the first one would not stand because I was not correctly 
folding the rear
corners, also I had the snout color inverted)

origami: Pigs Might Flap (Paul Hanson)
(this is scheduled for a 'redo' - it is basically OK though the final Flapping 
Pig is not quite
right -- it does not flap vigorously enough)  This is my favorite video in my 
youtube channel.

origami: Ganesha (Elephant) Box (Michael Shannon)
This is an excellent design.  It is the only video where I have used voice 
over.  I used
audacity on the final video and it did not work out so great because I could 
not keep up in
some places.  But Michael Shannon's Ganesha Box is really special.

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origami: Mountains (Nick Robinson)
(This was a 'redo' -- the original design fell down in the final few seconds.)  
The music is by
Nick Robinson. This is a very nifty clever design.

About origamigiftbox:

YouTube channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgI7WFht0b_abjrge5Khffw

I really appreciate this.

Thanks a lot,

Edward "Ed" Reinhardt

[Origami] Origami cartoon sighting

2015-07-05 Thread Michael Sanders
>From last Monday's Rubes:



[Origami] Origami meeting, July 11, 2015, 1:15 - 5PM, Monmouth County Library, Manalapan NJ

2015-07-05 Thread Sue Hedrick
Hi everyone,


I hope
everyone who went to convention is  ready
to teach the rest of us everything they learned.

Please come
to our next meeting which will be held on Saturday, July 11, starting at 1:15
PM at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters Library at 125 Symmes Rd. in
Manalapan, NJ.

Please come and join us. We enjoy having you.
The more the merrier.

Please bring
your friends who fold, also paper and models you have made to share with us,
new books to show us and dry snacks, if you like. Hope to see you there.

Please email
me if you need directions.

The meeting dates for the rest of 2015 are:


Sept 5

Nov. 7