Dear Origami friends,

We hope 2022 started on the right foot!

We want to remind you that registration to the first GOC is open! It is the
first event dedicated to geometric origami only.

The dates are 29-30, January 2022. For Europe, the times are afternoon to
late night, and for the Americas, it's morning until afternoon. In any
case, recordings will be available for six months.

We highly recommend downloading the booklet from the event page on Mixily:

or download it directly from here:

For Paris time (GMT+1), use this booklet:

For New-York time (GMT-5), use this booklet:

(In the booklet, you’ll find an explanation on how to convert the times to
your local time, or to add the events to your calendar.)

If you can't attend, and just wish a little taste of our event, two
workshops will be open for all:

Saturday: Star of David by David Martinez.

Sunday: Anastasia Star by Maria Sinayskaya.

Both are taught by the authors.

If you want to join only for the free workshops, please fill this form:

We hope to see you at our convention!

Ilan and Guy

Origami and Beyond

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