RE: Transaction behaviour

2001-10-21 Thread Ampie Barnard
Title: RE: Transaction behaviour

Orion's implementation is quite correct in returning a method result and not throwing any exceptions, in spite of your invocation of setRollbackOnly. Personally, I only call setRollBackOnly before (re-)throwing an application exception that should definitely cause a rollback. Rolling back the transaction without throwing any exceptions will just confuse the users of my ejb's. It is probably better to just wrap such an application exception in an EJBException and let the container roll the tx back. 

Remember that CreateException, RemoveException and FinderException are considered to be application exceptions. If you propagate these exceptions but still want to roll the tx back, you have to catch them, call setRollbackOnly() and then rethrow them. Subclasses of Error, RuntimeException (EJBException) and RemoteException are considered to be system exceptions and will automatically cause a tx rollback.

-Original Message-
From: Justin Crosbie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 19 October 2001 05:34
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Transaction behaviour

Hi all,

We have implemented a session facade architecture, with session beans
calling multiple entity beans. We have configured the trans-attribute as
Required for everything, as normal.

What is the exact criteria for a session method to rollback? Is it that it
must be a system initiated exception, or else the application must call

Its just that calling this method causes a rollback, but the the container
does not come up with the Session was rolled back exception, so I'm a bit
worried about it.

I know this has been addressed before on this list, so I apologise for going
over old stuff, but I've noticed that some applications call the
setRollbackOnly method and others don't. Is it just that those ones don't
care if a rollback occurs?

Specificaly, we have a stateless session bean that we invoke through a
statefull one (that a servlet creates and invokes). The stateless bean
always tries to create the entity beans. We would like it such that if
either fails to create, the method does a rollback - all or nothing. Does
this mean that we must call setRollbackOnly() ?

Thanks for any help on this.

CMT and datasources

2001-10-16 Thread Ampie Barnard
Title: CMT and datasources

Hi all

How can I get an Oracle XA-datasource to work in Orion in such a way that it leverages Orion transaction management (CMT)?

Here is my attempted datasources.xml. 



I use an O-R mapping tool, which assumes a JTS CMT DataSource at the JNDI location jdbc/DBXA. When I throw an EJBException, which according to spec should cause a transaction rollback, the SQL issued through the connection still seems to be committed.

RE: Transaction management in BMP through Session bean

2001-07-06 Thread Ampie Barnard

Your JDBC drivers have to be JTA/JTS enabled. JTA enabled drivers would have
some implementation of the javax.transaction.Synchronization interface which
would somehow be registered with Orion's implementation
javax.transaction.TransactionManager. Exactly how this works is container
and driver specific. With Websphere, for instance, jdbc connections are only
JTA enabled if you use DB2's jta jdbc drivers. With WebLogic, you have to
use BEA's JDrivers and connection pools. Assume therefor by default that
your jdbc driver and Orion do not share the same transaction context. The
behaviour you have described kind of points to that direction.

By the way, does anyone know how I could get a reference (pointer) to
Orion's implementation of javax.transaction.TransactionManager? I need this
to link Toplink's JTA enabler to Orion.

Also, since Oracle and Orion are such good buddies nowadays, does anyone
know if and when there would be Oracle jdbc drivers that would be JTA
enabled in Orion?

-Original Message-
Sent: 06 July 2001 11:50
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Transaction management in BMP through Session bean

In a BMP, if we throw an EJBException all the changes would be rolled
back by the container, right? Or do we have to write code to do that?

I was reading through your reply in the list  and I have a doubt
regarding something regarding transaction handling in BMP entity
beans. I am using the entity bean in a session bean and have two sql
statements and one entity update. If one of the sql statements fails
and the entity is updated , the changes are all rolled back, but in
the case of the entity failure to update, the sql statement changes
are not rolled back and I get an error saying

System/communication error: Transaction was rolled back: Error preparing
bean in
stance: com.evermind.transaction.MarshallingXAException; nested exception

The entity bean is throwing an EJBException back to the Session bean, but
the session bean does not catch
it and continues forward as if nothing happened.

The funny thing is that the queries are placed like this

sqlinsert 1...
entitybean update
sqlinsert 2.

So the flow becomes

sqlinsert 1 happens then sqlinsert 2 and only in the end does the entity
bean throw the exception

any idea why this happens?

Can anyone help me on this. The BMP entity has persistence


Kind Regards


RE: Transaction management in BMP through Session bean

2001-07-06 Thread Ampie Barnard

Although, after doing some reading, it seems like the class:
does indeed provide you with shared distributed transaction context. 
Have you tried looking up your DataSource from the xa-location as specified
in your data-sources.xml? 

-Original Message-
From: Ampie Barnard 
Sent: 06 July 2001 02:19
To: 'Orion-Interest'
Subject: RE: Transaction management in BMP through Session bean

Your JDBC drivers have to be JTA/JTS enabled. JTA enabled drivers would have
some implementation of the javax.transaction.Synchronization interface which
would somehow be registered with Orion's implementation
javax.transaction.TransactionManager. Exactly how this works is container
and driver specific. With Websphere, for instance, jdbc connections are only
JTA enabled if you use DB2's jta jdbc drivers. With WebLogic, you have to
use BEA's JDrivers and connection pools. Assume therefor by default that
your jdbc driver and Orion do not share the same transaction context. The
behaviour you have described kind of points to that direction.

By the way, does anyone know how I could get a reference (pointer) to
Orion's implementation of javax.transaction.TransactionManager? I need this
to link Toplink's JTA enabler to Orion.

Also, since Oracle and Orion are such good buddies nowadays, does anyone
know if and when there would be Oracle jdbc drivers that would be JTA
enabled in Orion?

-Original Message-
Sent: 06 July 2001 11:50
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Transaction management in BMP through Session bean

In a BMP, if we throw an EJBException all the changes would be rolled
back by the container, right? Or do we have to write code to do that?

I was reading through your reply in the list  and I have a doubt
regarding something regarding transaction handling in BMP entity
beans. I am using the entity bean in a session bean and have two sql
statements and one entity update. If one of the sql statements fails
and the entity is updated , the changes are all rolled back, but in
the case of the entity failure to update, the sql statement changes
are not rolled back and I get an error saying

System/communication error: Transaction was rolled back: Error preparing
bean in
stance: com.evermind.transaction.MarshallingXAException; nested exception

The entity bean is throwing an EJBException back to the Session bean, but
the session bean does not catch
it and continues forward as if nothing happened.

The funny thing is that the queries are placed like this

sqlinsert 1...
entitybean update
sqlinsert 2.

So the flow becomes

sqlinsert 1 happens then sqlinsert 2 and only in the end does the entity
bean throw the exception

any idea why this happens?

Can anyone help me on this. The BMP entity has persistence


Kind Regards
