hi misak,
remove the following lines and try it...(unless of course you are using xa- 

xa-location="" ejb-location=""

Orion does not accept blanks but works fine if u remove the tags.


At 05:24 AM 10/3/2000, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I am still trying to desperately setup orion server for jdbc. I installed
>oracle 8i enterprise edition and tested jdbc connection with oracle,
>everything was successful. In order to setup orion server to access oracle I
>did the following:
>1) modified data-sources.xml to look as in the following example:
><data-source class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource"
>name="Oracle8i" location="jdbc/Oracle8i" xa-location="" ejb-location=""
>connection-driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" username="system"
>password="manager" url="jdbc:oracle:thin@misaklap:1521:trade"
>inactivity-timeout="30" />
>2) copied classes12.zip onto c:\orion\lib
>3) The actual classpath variable is pointing to the jdbc driver in oracle's
>original installation which is: C:\Oracle\Ora81\jdbc\lib\classes12.zip
>4) from c:\orion directory I type: 'java -jar orion.jar' and I get the
>following error message: 'Error initializing server: Unable to bind
>DataSource  to'
>Can somebody try to help me? For the last two weeks I tried many different
>databases with many different JDBC drivers but I could never able to start
>orion server. I was successfully able to setup JDBC with weblogic, dynamo,
>websphere, JRun but I am still having trouble to that with orion. Am I
>missing a step in the above scenario? Please advise.

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