Try setting deactivated =false in the principals.xml file under config dir of orion for username & password as specified in the of Cart example.
-----Original Message-----
From: nguyen dinh uong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 4:58 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Help me

I have to meet some error when I deploy /demo/ejb
I hope You can help me
First error .This is appear when I use
java -jar orion.jar
Auto-deploying product (No previous deployment found)... Error compiling file:/C
:/orion/demo/ejb/product/: Error instantiating compiler: Javac not installed, co
py tools.jar from your sun JDK dir's lib dir to the orion dir or add a <library
path="the/path/to/tools.jar" /> and restart
Auto-deploying cart (No previous deployment found)... Error compiling file:/C:/o
rion/demo/ejb/cart/: Error instantiating compiler: Javac not installed, copy too
ls.jar from your sun JDK dir's lib dir to the orion dir or add a <library path="
the/path/to/tools.jar" /> and restart
Auto-deploying usermanager (No previous deployment found)... Error compiling fil
e:/C:/orion/demo/ejb/usermanager/: Error instantiating compiler: Javac not insta
lled, copy tools.jar from your sun JDK dir's lib dir to the orion dir or add a <
library path="the/path/to/tools.jar" /> and restart
Auto-deploying product... Error instantiating application 'ejbsamples' at file:/
C:/orion/demo/ejb/: Error auto-deploying application-client at product: No locat
ion specified and no suitable instance of the type 'Product' found for the ejb-r
ef MyProduct
Orion/1.4.5 initialized
Second error .when I use command
java -classpath ../../../orion.jar;../../../ejb.jar;../../../jndi.jar;. CartClient
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for ejbsamples (admin)
        at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIServer.f4(JAX, Compiled Code)
        at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.administration.LazyResourceFinder.f4(JAX)
        at com.evermind.server.administration.LazyResourceFinder.getEJBHome(JAX)

        at com.evermind.server.Application.aq8(JAX, Compiled Code)
        at com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory.getInitial
Context(JAX, Compiled Code)
        at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
        at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
        at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
        at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(
        at CartClient.main(

I don't know I'll have to continune how
Thank you very much
Uo^ng Dinh Nguyen

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