Topic: Weird behaviour with and

2001-12-16 Thread Bernard Choi

I'm running Orion 1.5.3Wanted 
to ask if anyone has insight into the following.I'm trying to do a 
forward with a parameter. The parameter is something like a message 
string.The following does not work.<%String result = 
"unsucessful"; // retrieved from external source... hardcoded for example's 
sake%> // the <%=result%> is part of the value 
tag.I've managed to deduce that the error is in 
the param value. Apparently, we cannot mix variables with static values inside 
the value parameter.I've managed to get it working by doing 
this...<%String result = "unsucessful"; // retrieved from 
external source... hardcoded for example's sakeString message = "The result 
was " + result;%> // there is only <%=message%> in the value 
tag.My question is, is this a bug or is it 
supposed to be this way ? Can we mix the value parameters 

Re: Setting up a new web-application

2001-05-29 Thread Bernard Choi

Are the servlets defined inside your



- Original Message -
From: Kevin Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Orion-Interest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 5:20 PM
Subject: Setting up a new web-application

> I have a web application that works fine on Tomcat 4.0b5. I'm trying to
> it on Orion as a proof of concept but I can't get much working! I've
> followed the 'atm' example in the notes and have the following structure
> orion\applications\addressbook
> orion\applications\addressbook\META-INF
> orion\applications\addressbook\AddressBook
> orion\applications\addressbook\AddressBook\WEB-INF
> orion\applications\addressbook\AddressBook\WEB-INF\classes
> orion\applications\addressbook\AddressBook\WEB-INF\lib
> I've updated server.xml (with this " path="../applications/AddressBook/" /> ")
> and default-web-site.xml (with this " name="AddressBook" root="/AddressBook" />".
> I can browse to http:\\localhost:8080\AddressBook and it picks up the
> welcome-file.
> I can browse to a simple JSP (that has no beans etc.)
> I can't browse to any servlet, so
> http://localhost:8080/AddressBook/servlet/com.develop.ewebjava.lab.Browse
> and
> http://localhost:8080/AddressBook/servlet/SimpleServlet
> both return "404 Not Found Resource /AddressBook/servlet/SimpleServlet not
> found on this server"
> but both classes are in
> "orion\applications\addressbook\AddressBook\WEB-INF\classes"
> I can't browse to a JSP that uses beans that are in
> "orion\applications\addressbook\AddressBook\WEB-INF\classes"
> And I can't get Orion to load an application listener that is also in
> "orion\applications\addressbook\AddressBook\WEB-INF\classes"
> Orion obviously can't find classes in
> "orion\applications\addressbook\AddressBook\WEB-INF\classes" but this
> be automatically added to the classpath for this application.
> What am I missing? I assume it must be configuration setting but I can't
> find anything in the docs,
> Kevin Jones
> DevelopMentor

RE: Accessing EJBs from Stand-alone app....

2001-01-20 Thread Bernard Choi

Heya. Your guidance on the mailing list has been 
most useful. I've got a slight problem though.
I've managed to follow and connect using fully 
qualified RemoteInterface names...
but upon trying the JNDI connection, I received 
javax.naming.NamingException: java:comp/env 
namespace is only available from within a J2EE component.
I've tried various namespaces, but they failed to 
find the corresponding bean. What's wrong ?
// Connect to Orion1)  Use the fully 
qualified RemoteInterface name for the lookup2)  Use the JNDI 
Name    If you use this option, you will have to modify 
yourapplication-client.xml file to read:    
    public void doSomethingWithJNDI(InitialContext ctx) 
{    FooHome home = 
    Foo foo = 