Yahoo Orion List

2001-08-24 Thread Bill Clinton

 I fully support starting another Orion list to replace this one, 
but could the person who started it please send a message to this group 
on the details of signing up for it?  I would also suggest crafting a 
message that can be sent to this group occasionally to explain the 
purpose of the new list, who its moderator is, etc.

 Also, we should notify Orion(Ironflare) and see if they can put a 
link to the new list on their site.  It is very possible that they would 
have no problem with this, since they obviously took no real interest in 
this list anyway.  If they do agree, it would probably take them 3 
months to post it on their site, but its worth a try :)


Re: Yahoo Orion List

2001-08-24 Thread Bill Clinton

Hi -
nevermind.  by the time this came through list, my question had 
already been answered.  Which i guess is one of the reasons we needed a 
new list :)


Bill Clinton wrote:

 I fully support starting another Orion list to replace this one, but 
 could the person who started it please send a message to this group on 
 the details of signing up for it?  I would also suggest crafting a 
 message that can be sent to this group occasionally to explain the 
 purpose of the new list, who its moderator is, etc.
 Also, we should notify Orion(Ironflare) and see if they can put a 
 link to the new list on their site.  It is very possible that they would 
 have no problem with this, since they obviously took no real interest in 
 this list anyway.  If they do agree, it would probably take them 3 
 months to post it on their site, but its worth a try :)

Re: I think, I will start a support site too....

2001-08-23 Thread Bill Clinton

Another good point on this lousy list.  I am unable to comprehend how a 
mailing list like this could be so bad.  Could whoever is responsible 
for this list please answer one of these threads and explain yourself?

This list could be hosted on a free listserver like Yahoo lists with 
much better results.

Is there anyone out there on the list that would be able to host it?  We 
could then just start our own list with a competent administrator and 
let this one die.

I would like to hear more opinions on this so when you get this message 
in 4 or 5 hours or so, please reply.  I am looking forward to your 
responses, which I should get sometime tomorrow around 12:00 est.


Alex Paransky wrote:

 (in style of Andy Rooney)
 I see everyone is starting their support sites for Orion.  I think it's a
 poor solution for something that's broken, mainly, this mailing list.  How
 many support sites do we actually have now?  Why is it such a problem to
 keep the mailing list up and running?
 Now, we need to post the message to at least 3 places to make sure it gets
 maximum exposure.  I think I will start a support site, that posts to all
 other support sites, just so that people don't have to search various
 support sites for help.
 I don't mind so many support sites starting up, I just think they are
 starting up for poor reasons and fragmenting what little knowledge we
 already have about this product.
 What is the problem with the list?  Why is it down half the time? I hope
 it's not running under Orion...

Re: I think, I will start a support site too....

2001-08-23 Thread Bill Clinton


are you serious with this example?  I am sure I can find an example of a 
website running on IIS where some pre-teenage girl posts pictures of her 
pet cat - that doesn't mean I can use it for a high-availablilty 
load-balanced application.

I reread your post searching for where I missed the joke, but I think 
you are serious.  So, I will agree with you:  the quality of the orion 
mailing list is appropriate for a product meant to host collections of 
personal under construction pages.


Michael J. Cannon wrote:

 and if Orion is good enough for you to run a web site - (and it is:
 http:/ )
 well, it should be good enough for Orion, especially since they developed it
 and this is one of the 'load and valence test platforms (if it does indeed
 run on Orion) for the product.


Re: Ant to compile and deploy one file

2001-08-23 Thread Bill Clinton

Hi Joseph,
This is really a question for the ant-user group, but ant should not 
recompile all files everytime.  This usually happens when your source 
directory structure does not match your package name structure.  For 
example if in your source directory you have:


and your packagename is actually:


ant will recompile everytime.


Nusairat, Joseph F. wrote:

 Hey if i have one file to update is there an easier way to compile it 
 and re jar it???
 I am using ant ... and if i have one i can only seem to recompile them 
 alll which takes some time.
 Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager
 tel: 614-723-4232
 pager: 888-452-0399

Re: This mailing list

2001-08-22 Thread Bill Clinton

good question!  will surely go unanswered

Mikael Ståldal wrote:

 Why is this mailing list hosted on such a lousy server?

User Manager and question about deploying an application and applications-deployment directory

2001-08-14 Thread Bill Clinton

 I am trying to get security working as per the instructions on ( 
and I am having some troubles.  Following these procedures is creating 
some questions about application deployment and the 
applications-deployment directory.

I would first like to ask if the applications-deployments directory is 
specific to orion.  I think it is because I have not seen it in any 
other app servers.  Could someone give me a link that describes its 
purpose and configuration because I cannot find this anywhere.

I have followed step 1 and created a custom user manager that extends

I would like to try to follow step 2, where I add a reference to my user 
manager in orion-application.xml in your orion/application-deployments 
directory for your application, but I can't find this file.  Am I 
supposed to create it?  Was it supposed to be created for me?

Again, if anyone knows of any links to this information, I would 
appreciate it.


Re: What happened to this mailing list???

2001-08-06 Thread Bill Clinton

Actually, was down for a few more than a few days.  For most other 
products, this would be no big deal.  But considering that this list is 
just about the only support available for orion, I think that keeping 
the list up should be somewhat of a priority.

But since the list is being discussed, I would like to ask a question. 
Does anyone have any idea why messages sent to this list take so long to 
be distributed?  It seems to be an average 3 hour or so delay on my end. 
  I do not have this problem with the struts, resin, tomcat, or ant 
lists.  It's not very efficient: often a question will be answered 
several times because responders are unaware that the question has been 
answered 2 hours previously..

And if you are looking for some advice or help, you better ask before 
2pm or nobody (in your time zone at least) will see the message until 
the next morning.


Magnus Rydin wrote:

 I think the list was down for a few days.
 No worries.
 - Original Message -
 From: Simon Harris mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 4:16 PM
 Subject: What happened to this mailing list???
 The mailing list seems to have gone quiet. Is there something we 
 should know about?

Re: Datasource Question - is there a way to setup a JDBC log file?

2001-07-26 Thread Bill Clinton

  I tried to set this up, and the log file is created, but nothing 
is ever written to it.  My servlet, which gets loaded at startup, looks 
like this:

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;

public class LoaderServlet extends HttpServlet {

 public void init() {

 System.out.println(new java.util.Date() + :  + 
this.getClass().getName() +
 : setting Datasource log);

 try {
 DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) new 
 dataSource.setLogWriter(new PrintWriter(new 
 } catch (Exception e) {

 System.out.println(new java.util.Date() + :  + 
this.getClass().getName() +
 : unable to create Datasource log:  + e.getMessage());


The message gets printed to the log at startup, telling me that init() 
method is getting called, and that no exceptions are being thrown.  The 
file is created, but nothing ever gets printed to it.  I have looked at 
the Datasource class, and I don't see any methods to turn logging on. 
Any idea why nothing ever gets printed to the log?


I am seeing
Attila Bodis wrote:

 I do just that, i.e. open the log file for writing in the init() method of a
 dumb servlet that gets preloaded at startup.  I pick up the path/filename of
 the log file from a context-param which I set in web.xml (and override in
 orion-web.xml if necessary).
 A better way to do all this would be to use log4j, but I haven't had a
 chance to look into it in any depth.
 Hope this helps,
 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Clinton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 6:50 AM
 Subject: Re: Datasource Question - is there a way to setup a JDBC log file?
  Thanks alot.  I believe this is what I need, but I am going to
 trouble you with one more question:  Where would you recommend doing
 this in a web application?  I was hoping that there would be somewhere
 to set a log file in the definition of the datasource.  I assume I only
 need to set the logWriter once, so could I do it in the init method of a
 dumb servlet that gets preloaded? Or is there a better time and place to
 set the logWriter?
 Thanks again for your response
 Attila Bodis wrote:
   // Use JNDI lookup to locate the data source:
   InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(System.getProperties());
   DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(dsName);
   // Have the connection pool log to the specified log file:
 Where dsName is the name of your datasource (as specified in
 data-sources.xml) and myPrintWriter is a object
 writes to the log file of your choice.
 Hope this helps,
 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Clinton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 4:37 PM
 Subject: Datasource Question - is there a way to setup a JDBC log file?
I am curious on how to set up logging for JDBC.  I thought there
 would be a parameter in the data-source definition that would allow
 logging.  Does this exist?
 btw: I am using oracle

Re: increasing JVM's memory limit

2001-07-26 Thread Bill Clinton


My name is really Bill Clinton, but unfortunately, I don't have the 
power to help with resident visas :(  Unless I marry you, but I don't 
think you are my type :)

It's really not that bad...better than being named Walter Mondale.


Juan Lorandi (Chile) wrote:

 I'm sorry... but... Are you really Bill Clinton? I need help with my
 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Clinton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 26 de Julio de 2001 11:47
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: increasing JVM's memory limit
 hm,  the answer to your question has been answered 
 repeatedly in the 
 last few days.  Most recently, it was answered in a post 
 submitted less 
 than an hour before yours
 Check out the thread entitled Re: Orion Performance Testing
 Peter Peltonen wrote:
 With jserv I can configure the maximum memory that the JVM 
 can use with this
 kind of line in file:
 How do I achieve the same with Orion?

Re: Connecting to Oracle Database

2001-07-24 Thread Bill Clinton

 I don't think this should be necessary.  He is using the Oracle 
thin drivers which are all java and should not need any configuration on 
his NT server.  Please correct me if I am wrong here.


Jeff Hubbach wrote:

 Before trying to connect through JDBC, verify that you can connect through
 SQLPlus. Did you set up a connection in tnsnames.ora from the NT Oracle
 client to the Solaris Oracle server?
 On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 13:40:48 -0700
 Mong Kon Mo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a follow-up on a previous question.  I am running Orion 1.5.2 on
 Windows NT and our Oracle database is running on Solaris (maintained by
 someone else).  I am having trouble connecting to the database.  I have
 the Oracle JDBC 8.1.7 Thin drivers (for NT) installed for Orion, but
 when I tried to connect to the database using a simple test application,
 I get the following error:
 IO Exception: Network Adaptor cannot establish the connection
 I'm not sure what the problem is.
 Thanks in advance.
 Mong Kon Mo
 End-Use Forecasting
 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
 Phone: (510) 486-4557

Re: Shutting down orion server!

2001-07-23 Thread Bill Clinton

 I sent this the other day, but I didn't see it come through the 
list for some reason.  maybe because I sent an attachment?  Anyway, 
here it is again (i'll paste the file instead of attaching it this time)

 While I use linux, I am working with two other developers on 
windows 2000 machines.  To help them out, I hacked apart the tomcat 
batch file to work with orion.  I didn't spend much time on it, and it 
ain't pretty, but may be what you are looking for.  I have attached it 
to this message.

you will need to modify this line:
%_RUNJAVA% -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin 123 -shutdown force

and replace admin and 123 with your orion username/password (as 
defined in the orion/config/principles.xml file)


Here it is:

@echo off
rem orion.bat - Start/Stop Script for the Orion Server
rem This is a batch files stolen from TOMCAT and modified to
rem be used with Orion.
rem Environment Variable Prerequisites:
rem   JAVA_HOMEMust point at your Java Development Kit installation.
rem   ORION_HOME   Must point at your Orion installation directory.
rem $Id: $

rem - Verify and Set Required Environment Variables 

if not %JAVA_HOME% ==  goto gotJavaHome
echo You must have set JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development Kit 
goto cleanup

if not %ORION_HOME% ==  goto gotOrionHome
echo You must have set ORION_HOME to point at your Orion Server directory
goto cleanup

rem - Prepare Appropriate Java Execution Commands 

if not %OS% == Windows_NT goto noTitle
set _SECSTARTJAVA=start Secure Tomcat 3.2 %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
set _STARTJAVA=start Orion Server %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
set _RUNJAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
goto gotOS

set _SECSTARTJAVA=start %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
set _STARTJAVA=start %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
set _RUNJAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java

rem - Execute The Requested Command 

if %1 == start goto startServer
if %1 == stop goto stopServer

echo Usage:  orion (start - stop)
echo Commands:
echo   start - Start Orion in a separate window
echo   stop -  Stop Orion
goto cleanup

echo Starting Orion in new window
%_STARTJAVA% -jar orion.jar
goto cleanup

rem Stopping the Orion Server
%_RUNJAVA% -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost admin 123 -shutdown force
goto cleanup


Andre Vanha wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Rajiv R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 7:20 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Shutting down orion server!
 Having started orion server, I shutdown using Ctrl+C is this
 correct way?
 Can I make a file (something like a .bat file) which when run will shutdown
 the server?
 With Regards,
 Rajiv. R
 Systems Engineer,
 Wipro Technologies, ITPL, Bangalore
 Ph:91-80-8410470-479  Extn:6422
 Wipro Technologies
 The World's First SEI-CMM Level 5 Software Services Company
 ´¯`·.   .·´¯`:
  '·.   *`·.   .·´*   .·'
  `:--·´   `·--:´
`·. ' '  .·´

Re: Datasource Question - is there a way to setup a JDBC log file?

2001-07-20 Thread Bill Clinton

 Thanks alot.  I believe this is what I need, but I am going to 
trouble you with one more question:  Where would you recommend doing 
this in a web application?  I was hoping that there would be somewhere 
to set a log file in the definition of the datasource.  I assume I only 
need to set the logWriter once, so could I do it in the init method of a 
dumb servlet that gets preloaded? Or is there a better time and place to 
set the logWriter?

Thanks again for your response

Attila Bodis wrote:

   // Use JNDI lookup to locate the data source:
   InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(System.getProperties());
   DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(dsName);
   // Have the connection pool log to the specified log file:
 Where dsName is the name of your datasource (as specified in
 data-sources.xml) and myPrintWriter is a object which
 writes to the log file of your choice.
 Hope this helps,
 - Original Message -
 From: Bill Clinton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 4:37 PM
 Subject: Datasource Question - is there a way to setup a JDBC log file?
I am curious on how to set up logging for JDBC.  I thought there
 would be a parameter in the data-source definition that would allow
 logging.  Does this exist?
 btw: I am using oracle

Datasource Question - is there a way to setup a JDBC log file?

2001-07-18 Thread Bill Clinton

   I am curious on how to set up logging for JDBC.  I thought there 
would be a parameter in the data-source definition that would allow 
logging.  Does this exist?


btw: I am using oracle