Orion and WARs

2001-03-22 Thread Burr Sutter

Question: How do you use a WAR with Orion? If I update my server.xml to
point to a WAR like so
application name="struts-logon" path="../struts-logon.war" /

It complains about the lack of a META-INF and an application.xml. A War
doesn't normally require those folders/files, they are for EARs. I'd like my
WARs to be portable and other J2EE engines don't require a
META-INF/application.xml in a WAR.

I'm running Orion 1.4.5.

It must be something simple.


Re: Tag libraries

2001-03-22 Thread Burr Sutter

Normally taglib-location (in web.xml) points to a 
.tld file, tag library descriptor also in web-inf.


I've not seen this point to a jar in web-inf/lib 
before. Perhaps that works but I've not seen it.


  - Original Message - 
  Thanh, Dao Chung Thanh 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 3:50 
  Subject: Tag libraries
  I have Orion 
  1.4.7/JDK1.3/Windows 2000 and I have a problem when I try 
  to useseveral tag libraries in one JSP page.
  Here are my 
  in the JSP 
   %@ taglib uri="vsece-taglib" prefix="vsece" 
  % %@ taglib uri="vsdev-taglib" prefix="vsdev" 
  and the .jar files 
  are in WEB-INF/lib directory.
  But Orion seams 
  that it doesn't realize my second tag library. Would you tell me where I have 
  Thanks in 

Re: Orion and WARs

2001-03-22 Thread Burr Sutter

This answers my question. Thanks.

I'll play with it.  I'd like to run Struts on Orion.

Did anyone ever figure out why that individual couldn't have two taglibs on
a single JSP?


- Original Message -
From: KirkYarina [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Orion and WARs

 Sorry, but that's the wrong answer.  The old struts deployed directly from
 their war files (we never tried anything newer), using the following:

 In $ORIONDIR/config/application.xml :

web-module id="strutsDoc"
  path="../../jakarta-struts-0.5/webapps/struts-documentation.war" /

web-module id="strutsExample"
  path="../../jakarta-struts-0.5/webapps/struts-example.war" /

web-module id="strutsTest"
  path="../../jakarta-struts-0.5/webapps/struts-test.war" /

 and in $ORIONDIR/config/default-web-site.xml :

web-app application="default"
  name="strutsDoc" root="/struts-documentation"/

web-app application="default"
  name="strutsExample" root="/struts-example"/

web-app application="default"
  name="strutsTest" root="/struts-test"/


 Kirk Yarina

 At 11:09 AM 3/22/01 -0800, you wrote:

 Orion only knows about EAR files. Wrap your WAR up in an EAR.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Burr Sutter
 Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 7:32 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Orion and WARs
 Question: How do you use a WAR with Orion? If I update my server.xml to
 point to a WAR like so
 application name="struts-logon" path="../struts-logon.war" /
 It complains about the lack of a META-INF and an application.xml. A War
 doesn't normally require those folders/files, they are for EARs. I'd like
 WARs to be portable and other J2EE engines don't require a
 META-INF/application.xml in a WAR.
 I'm running Orion 1.4.5.
 It must be something simple.

Re: Benchmarks should be better

2001-02-04 Thread Burr Sutter

how many requests/responses were simulated?

- Original Message -
From: Michael Quinn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2001 3:52 AM
Subject: RE: Benchmarks should be better

 Just a little update..
 I have completed benchmarks for the initial apache default index.html.en
 with 4 different http servers on Redhat 6.2 with AMD Thunderbird 650 and
 128MB Ram.
 Apache 1.3.14
 Tomcat 3.2
 Weblogic 5.1
 Orion 1.4.5

 I couldn't believe my eyes when Orion served the static html faster than
 of them (Beating apache by about a 30% margin using 20 threads with 5
 sockets per thread.  Another amazing thing was resource usage..  The
 CPU Usage I saw from Orion during the test was a mere 30 percent.  If that
 is not a convincing factor, then I don't know what is.

 I still have some concerns about the security of orion (running on port 80
 as root), and Apache is by nature a more memory intensive application.  It
 uses a multi-process -vs- orion's multithreaded technique.  Each process
 uses a few megs of memory, so for a large request base, apache will need
 more memory so it isn't getting page faults all over the place. ( I am
 running oracle on this box which uses tonnes of memory as many know )
 I'll slap in another 128M and see what happens.

 Any comments would be appreciated.

 Michael Quinn
 Software Engineer

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael Quinn
 Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 11:19 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Benchmarks should be better

 Hey all,

 I was checking out the benchmarks on www.orionserver.com and they are

 There are a couple of things I am wondering, however.  How does Orion
 serving dynamic content pit itself -vs- apache serving static content or
 mod_perl stuff.
 It would be nice to take the other "sucky" java servers out of the picture
 and see a baseline comparison of Orion -vs- Apache on a lot of different

 On a side note, can somebody forward me some performance comparisons from
 weblogic?  I know they can't be posted on the website, but I would like to
 see them.

 The reason I ask is of the following importance:

 I see a lot of job postings for knowledge of Weblogic.  And about 50% of
 telephone interviews ask about it, or bring it up.
 I want to know how it performs.

 I'm thinking about setting up Weblogic with Apache and Orion, and doing
 performance comparisons which I will be glad to share with everyone.

 Thanks for your interest,


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Re: Student use and licenses

2001-02-01 Thread Burr Sutter


Is JBoss fairly stable?

Any one trying out Enhydra Enterprise?

At the moment, Orion is winning as the low-cost app. server to get one of my
customers started on the J2EE path.

And if there are any J2EE developers/mentors/architects in Atlanta, GA, I
might need some help.


- Original Message -
From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 10:25 AM
Subject: Student use and licenses

 I will share these thoughts on student use, since it was brought up.  I
think that you can use a combination of open source and commercial products
for student use, without paying the required fees (as long as the student
applications are not deployed on the server for commercial use).  Here are
some combinations I would suggest, to use servlets, JSP and EJB:
 1. Orion by itself (www.orionserver.com).
 2. Jboss/Tomcat (pre-configured at www.jboss.org).
 3. Resin and Jonas (www.caucho.org and www.evidian.com/jonas).

Re: R: R: frustrated - jdbc: No suitable driver

2001-01-31 Thread Burr Sutter

Hey Tom,

Potentially silly question (somewhat new to Orion but I've used a few other
app.  servers). Are you basically saying that the use of a
javax.sql.DataSource acquried via a call to InitialContext.lookup() means I
don't need a JDBC Driver on a remote client machine (end-user's desktop)?

I was unaware that this trick would work. I've always tried to push all
database access to session beans, servlets or server-RMI objects.

- Original Message -
From: Tom Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: R: R: frustrated - jdbc: No suitable driver


I disagree.  Part of the benefit of a DataSource is that it can abstract
the actual driver or database being used.  If I can ask a DataSource for
a database connection and not have to care about which client-side
driver to load, and (less practically), even what rdbms i am using.
That way, the app server can change databases, drivers, even vendors
without its clients being aware.

I experienced this issue porting an app from WebLogic.  I used the same
schema and sql with SQL Server and Postgres on WebLogic.  My client
application (which both queried and populated the database) never
changed.  It just got a Context from the app server, gfot a DataSource
by name, then got plain old JDBC Connections from there.  No JDBC
drivers at all.

I think that is a useful layer.

PS: I have unsubscribed from the list - if you would like to continue
the discussion, please reply to my personal address.

Thanks for your thoughts.

I appreciate your point of view, I just disagree with it.

Jeff Schnitzer wrote:

 If the client is going to use the JDBC driver, it must be able to load
 the class(es).  This means you need to package the driver with the
 client application.  I'm puzzled by your comments about clients not
 needing to care about drivers - are these classes just going to
 materialize out of thin air?  I suppose in theory the server could do
 something with http classloading, but why bother with the extra
 complexity, security considerations, and licensing issues?  You know
 you're going to need the classes anyways, package them with the client.


 -Original Message-
 From: Tom Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 9:08 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: R: R: frustrated - jdbc: No suitable driver
 Again, thanks for your replies.
 What is curious to me is that the driver performs fine within a jsp.  I
 look up loc with no problem.
 It only has a problem from a client application.  And, it does not seem
 like a client to a DataSource should ever have to care about drivers -
 that is the container's job in my opinion.
 Any more ideas?
 DeVincentiis Giustino wrote:
  Sorry, the message "No suitable driver" probably means a
 problem with jdbc
  So if you have into the data-sources.xml the definition:
  you should lookup "jdbc/HypersonicDS", and you should have the driver
  classes in your /orion/lib directory.
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Tom Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: marted 30 gennaio 2001 12.24
  A: Orion-Interest
  Oggetto: Re: R: frustrated - jdbc: No suitable driver
  Thanks for the reply.  That is exactly how I am initializing
 the context
  in my client application:
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ormi://");
ht.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "someUser");
ht.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "secret");
// Obtain connection
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(ht);
  DeVincentiis Giustino wrote:
   Try initializing the context this way:
   Properties props = new Properties();


2001-01-30 Thread Burr Sutter

Just downloaded the Orion Server and was wondering what the current userbase
thought about the product.
Is it stable and scalable enough to deploy a major website using Servlets,
JSP and EJB?

Better than Resin? JRun?

I've used WebSphere, WebLogic and SilverStream.


Re: Developers

2001-01-30 Thread Burr Sutter

Thank You Juan, Ray and Randy

I guess the initial question was a little vague but I like to hear people's
opinions. After the download and simple install I was able to add a Sybase
ASA database as a DataSource, connect to it via JSP and add a simple custom
taglib to the default-web-app which proves to me that this thing at least
works. My next tests include setting up my own web-app and playing around
with EJB and JMS if I get the time.  Overall it seems to be a good product.
I like how it picked up on the change I made to make the news.ear demo code
function automatically.

As I assume you know Allaire/JRun was purchased by Macromedia. Perhaps the
marriage with Dreamweaver/UltraDev will payoff.  I've never looked hard at
JRun since most of my customers typically will pay the big bucks for a
"brand-name" product like WebSphere, WebLogic or SilverStream but some want
to keep the cost of licenses very low at times.
I'm not sure about Resin at this time. It seems to ship with source code
which is cool but it seems to be C code, not Java.

I also teach Java and J2EE classes and we've been looking for an engine for
student machines that is fairly easy to install and configure. Tomcat works
for JSP but lacks the EJB, JNDI and JMS support needed.

SilverStream 3.7 has been certified for J2EE and it seems to be very solid.
I spent several days with about 20 other people putting it through some
Weblogic is great but has to be restarted a lot to make some code changes
WebSphere doesn't seem to fully understand the proper directory structure of
a web-app and the use of WARs completely and it is VERY slow on my NT box to
startup and build/deploy simple JSPs.

Any need to restart Orion after a change to:
JMS queue or topic
Bean for a JSP
Taglib classes, .tld, .xml
.war, .ear, .jar?


- Original Message -
From: Kemp Randy-W18971 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: Developers

 I am not sure about major sites running Orion, but here is some food for
 When you mean better, what is the criteria?  Able to handle a greater
amount of traffic?  Better documentation?  Fewer bugs found?  Site not
bouncing that often?  You can go to www.netcraft.com, and see what a site is
running and how often the server has been bounced.
 1.  According to the comparisons at www.orionserver.com, Orion and Resin
are neck and neck, as far as speed goes.
 2.  The documentation for Jrun is excellent, but it doesn't fair as well
as Resin or Orion, according to Orion's own benchmarks.  Resin and Orion
could use some lessons from Jrun on how to produce good documentation.
 3.  I have played with Resin a bit, and I like it.  One nice thing I like
is the documentation contains instructions in setting up Resin with various
EJB servers, such as WebLogic, Orion, Jboss, and Jonas.
 You would be hard pressed to say Orion, Resin, or Jrun are bad products --
they are actually quite good.  I am sure there are sites running all three,
and the prices are not bad:
 1. $500 for basic Resin, $1500 for Orion, and about $5000 for Jrun.

 -Original Message-----
 From: Burr Sutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 10:57 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Developers

 Just downloaded the Orion Server and was wondering what the current
 thought about the product.
 Is it stable and scalable enough to deploy a major website using Servlets,
 JSP and EJB?

 Better than Resin? JRun?

 I've used WebSphere, WebLogic and SilverStream.
