Re: Java IDE?

2002-03-22 Thread Dmitriy Serebryakov

Need to be metioned that Forte based on open source NetBeans.
Take a look to JDeveloper from ORACLE also. It looks like licenced JBuilder
and should perfectly suit for work with Orion.

- Original Message -
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: Java IDE?

 I'm fond of Forte from Sun, but it needs plenty of memory and processor
 to run.  The two really nice things about it is that it is freely
 available (Community Edition, anyway) and that it is from Sun, the
 owners of Java.

 Don't take the system requirements lightly.  A 1GHz Athlon with 512Mb
 runs it really well.  A dual 180MHz with 128Mb runs it like a slug.


 -Original Message-
 From: clay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:55 PM
 To: orion-interest
 Subject: Java IDE?

 Just a question, any suggestions as to what a good IDE is? I've tried
 JBuilder, IDEA (I like IDEA) and a few others... any recommendations?


Re: JSP comment tag.

2002-03-15 Thread Dmitriy Serebryakov

Hi, Jose

 td% if (modem) { % img src=../images/ok.gif % }else{ % img

No one promise to run code in comments. ONLY EXPRESSIONS allowed there.
From Sun site:
Generates a comment that is sent to the client.

JSP Syntax
  !-- comment [ %= expression % ] --

Expressions are working fine for me.

- Original Message -
From: prasanth sb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: JSP comment tag.

Hi Jose,
I havent tried this. What I feel is you have given browser comment.
Try giving jsp comments and see.
jsp comments are shown below


Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: JSP comment tag.
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 11:50:11 +0100

Hi, I have a problem when putting comments in JSP code. Orion doesn't
process the code inside a comment, but if i look at the sun's jsp
reference( it
says that the server must process it when it's put inside a comment.
Here you are an example extracted from the browser's source code(Explorer):

 td% if (modem) { % img src=../images/ok.gif % }else{ % img
src=../images/notok.gif % } %/td
   tdimg src=../../images/blank.gif width=8/td
tdfont face=verdana size=1bModem pitican + Tarjeta
tdimg src=../../images/blank.gif width=8/td
tdfont face=verdana size=1b400.00 euro;/bfont/td
tdimg src=../../images/blank.gif width=8/td
% if (tipprod == 3) { %
td% if (maskwan) { % img src=../images/ok.gif % }else{ % img
src=../images/notok.gif % } %/td
 tdimg src=../../images/blank.gif width=8/td
td font face=verdana size=1bMask WAN:/b/font/td
 tdimg src=../../images/blank.gif width=8/td
td nowrapfont face=verdana size=1b40.08 euro;/bfont/td
% } else { %
td% if (inst_mod) { % img src=../images/ok.gif % }else{ % img
src=../images/notok.gif % } %/td
 tdimg src=../../images/blank.gif width=8/td
tdfont face=verdana size=1bInstalación y configuración de
 tdimg src=../../images/blank.gif width=8/td
td nowrapfont face=verdana size=1b40.08 euro;/bfont/td
% } %


as you can see it shows my code to the end user's browser without
Do you know if there is a setting that controls the comment processing
behaviour in orion?
Thank you.

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Re: question about ip allocation

2002-01-10 Thread Dmitriy Serebryakov

It seems to me what IIS have some bug or intend to work wrongly with Java.
If www service of IIS shutted down there are no problem to have working third party 
web servers (two instances of orion server) on same port but different IP addresses on 
same Ethernet interface.

Consider you options:
-use third perty webserver
-use different port and map port 80 on your firewall to web server's listening port on 
your computer.

Hope it will help.

- Original Message - 
From: Morten Raahede Knudsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 4:51 AM
Subject: Re: question about ip allocation

 Hi all
 Thanks for all your informative responses!
 Sorry but that is just not true.  You can have two processes each with
 own address listening on the same port.  In fact you can have a process per
 address since the unique combination must be address and port, the kernel
 sorts all the rest out.  If you have netcat installed on your linux machine
 try the following nc -s ip1 -l -p 2000 in another terminal run nc -s
 ip2 -l -p 2000.  Both processes will be bound to port 2000 and you can
 connect to each as you would expect.
 The original poster's problem is likely that he does not have IIS properly
 configured to listen on only one address.
 This is very interesting I've downloaded netcat for Windows 2000. I can't
 execute those two commands you've suggested.
 On the second command it says:
 Can't grab with bind
 Either the two versions of netcat differ or maybe it doesn't work on
 Thanks in advance,
 Morten Raahede Knudsen
  Morten Raahede Knudsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tolderlundsvej 16
  DK-5000 Odense C
  Telefon +45 6314 6065
  Telefax +45 6619 2164
  Ved du hvad din bil er værd? Besøg

Re: Newbie classpath problem - please help

2001-09-27 Thread Dmitriy Serebryakov

check doc on orion-web.xml

- Original Message -
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 5:47 AM
Subject: Newbie classpath problem - please help

 I've installed Orion 1.5.2 on my Windows NT4 development machine.

 I have a system classpath that points to lots of standard classes, for
 utilities, etc.

 If I start Orion with the command java -jar orion.jar then it doesn't
 anything up from the classpath,
 if on the otherhand I start Orion with the command java -jar -cp
 orion.jar then I get a error
 with the following message The filename, directory name, or volume label
 is incorrect

 Do I need to set the classpath elsewhere?


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Re: JSP Required classes

2001-09-13 Thread Dmitriy Serebryakov

In  orion-web.xml  in deployment directory use classpath tag as foolowing


  path=path to your classes;file:/D:/SharedClasses;file:/D:/SharedClasses/;

Example above for Windows Enviroment.


- Original Message - 
From: Vijay Pawar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 9:58 AM
Subject: JSP Required classes

 Hi All,
 When I am referring class from JSP it is throwing
 error class not found though the all the classes are
 present there.
 I have kept all utility classes inside web-inf\classes
 Can anybody suggest how can we give classpath in orion
 deployment files I tried with orion-web.xml but it
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Re: Changing the RMI Port

2001-09-10 Thread Dmitriy Serebryakov

version="1.0" ? 
rmi-server (View Source for full doctype...) 

host="[ALL]" port="23791"

!-- A remote server connection example --

!-- server host="" username="adminUser" 
password="123abc" / --

!-- path to the log-file where RMI-events/errors are stored --



  file path="../log/rmi.log" 

  - Original Message - 
  Kesav Kumar 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 3:58 
  Subject: Re: Changing the RMI Port
  In orion config directory there will be a file 
  named rmi.xml. In rmi.xml you can give different port 
- Original Message - 
Rajiv R 

To: Orion-Interest 
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 10:22 
Subject: Changing the RMI Port


I am Rajiv from India. Can I run to instances of orion, in the same machine. I have 
created a copy of orion and changed the HTTP port. I guess, i have to change 
the default rmi port too? isnt it? Where do I change the rmi port? Please 

With Regards,Rajiv. 


2001-09-08 Thread Dmitriy Serebryakov

So annoing
Whom shall we address the request to fix that BUG
or it is wrong instaructions in FAQ???


- Original Message -
From: Vinay Khandelwal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 12:46 AM

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