RE: Orion Performance Tuning

2001-07-26 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert S.
 Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 8:51 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Orion Performance Tuning

 Hello all,

 I've gone through and read most of the information posted from this list
 about improving the performance of Orion, and increasing the number of
 threads Orion uses to improve its overall performance under load.

 What I've been able to do so far, and it's helped a lot, is:
 1- Added the -Xms and -Xmx switches to make sure Orion starts and
 uses more
 memory, they're set at 100MB and 300MB respectively, and Orion uses 175MB
 as soon as I start it up, and doesn't seem to grow past 177MB as the day
 goes one and it gets used.

 2- I added the -server switch in front of the java command so we
 make sure
 we use the Server version of the HotSpot VM. (Boy does this thing pick up
 speed when using the -server switch!)

 Is there anything else that can be done, short of clustering, to further
 increase Orion's performance?

 My main objective is to make sure we don't get any more weird hangs and
 long wait times in Orion for no apparent reason.  Perhaps increasing the
 number of threads Orion uses?  I can't seem to find any definite
 answer on

 Our servlet seems to be fine, but sometimes when clicking through a test
 web site, one url request seemed to just sit there and hang, as if Orion
 was dead, but I could click and request a different URL and get immediate
 response.  So I assumed it was threads in Orion which were not being
 managed properly.

 After making reading the posts to the list and making the the 2 changes
 above, the problem seemed to have gone away for the most part, except it
 still happens from time to time in Netscape, IE doesn't seem to have this
 problem.  I can quit Netscape and go back in and the problem is
 gone for a
 while.  There is no specific time frame for it to happen.  It does happen
 consistently when I click, then stop for about 30-60 seconds, then click
 again or reload, and it just sits there and waits for the world
 to come to
 an end of something.  Very bizarre.

Maybe you run the server and the browser on the same computer and usual
Netscape is very hungry on processor time, a problem encountered by me very
in a combination of IIS and Netscape;

Use Task Manager to see if this is the problem;

 Any ideas you may have would be of great help.


 Robert S. Sfeir
 Director of Software Development
 PERCEPTICON corporation,
   in Joint Venture With JTransit
 San Francisco, CA 94123
 pw -
 jw -

RE: need help getting started

2001-03-02 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe

You don't need to hear, you feel that;

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randahl Fink
 Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 11:23 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: need help getting started

  my main reason for switching was that orion is much faster than tomcat.
  Isn't that so?

 Now, where did you here that ??


 But, you are right, I had the feeling that it was way over
 kill...I am also
 looking into resin, I guess that is over kill, too for functionality, but
 like I said I was looking for speed gains.

 - Original Message -
 From: "Randahl Fink Isaksen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 2:10 PM
 Subject: RE: need help getting started

  I would definately *NOT* recommend moving away from Tomcat if
 you only use
  JSP and servlets. Tomcat is the reference implementation, it is
 free, and
  unless you need a product with a lot of additional features (GUI helper
  tools, EJBs, remote debugging, etc.) there is no reason to open up a can
  I really like the Orion server but that is for its EJB capabilities. I
  the Orion team strives for making it a great EJB server. - The
 aim is not
  specifically to make it the best JSP/Servlet platform available, so I
  not expect it to be ahead of Tomcat in that sence.
  Orion is a great product, but also a more complicated product, so if you
  use a less complex system and still fulfill your needs, then I sure
  recommend you do so.
  However, should you get to the point where you simply don't think using
  a relational database and several truck loads of SQL really makes your
  THEN JOIN THE CLUB - that is why many of use Orion Server and Enterprise
  Java Beans.
  Yours Sincerely
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John de la
  Sent: 1. marts 2001 19:01
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: need help getting started
  I have been using tomcat for some time now and am having issues
 with it...
  I am thinking about using Orion.  I don't do any ejb stuff and
 only need a
  servlet container and web server.
  I am having trouble using formbased security.  I couldn't get it to work
  with the users set up in the principals file.  When I would go to a
  protected area I would just get a message saying 'not allowed here' or
  something like that but I would not get prompted for a pw username.
  I actually don't want to use the principals file but have the usernames
  passwds in a data base.
  Can anyone here refer me to some documentation on this?

RE: O/R mapping

2001-01-24 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Sean P.
 Sent: mardi 23 janvier 2001 20:41
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: O/R mapping

 While I agree that the 3-table approach is not necessary to do 1-M
 mappings, and that there are performance reasons that make the 2-table
 method attractive, the 3-table method has the benefit that it doesn't
 allow the fact that the object in the M (many) position to intrude
 upon it's table structure.  While this is perhaps not completely
 germaine to EJB (I'm not so familiar with the details of the spec,) we
 have found value in the 3-table approach in general O/R use.

I guess this is a good design point; But if the client come and say
way this is so slow; I say because it use a join, ..., and this is slower
than ... ugly;

 If you make use of the 3-table method, the table that contains the
 row-data is then only specific to the OBJECT that is stored in the
 relationship.  For instance, if I have:

1 *

 in one application, and

   1  *

 in another application, we are not forced to deal with extraneous
 columns relating the EMPLOYEE to either a COMPANY or a CLIENT (I
 realize a better model might be to have company and client both
 subclasses of EMPLOYER, or some such thing.)  This example is
 perhaps even better if we consider the use of EMPLOYEE alone without
 it's COMPANY or CLIENT relationship.

 Using the third table for the mapping keeps the individual component
 entities well isolated, which can be a good thing.

 Don't know if that was clear, but we've seen a use for the overhead of
 the 3rd table.
Yes, in your case is clear; but if I don't have this case, I don't care
about that;

The speed is very important; I love CMP; Is the most useful thing from EJB;

I believe a ejb container can do more for CMP; He can have options for
example, for this relation 1-m use only 2 tables (how I guess is very
or if I do a find, for this find use lazy loading for some cmp-field, don't
use ll
for another cmp-field; If I do a find with a lot of records returned, get
the database in piece of 30 records ( or something like that);

 Dumitru Sbenghe writes:
   SV: O/R mappingI care; If you store a 1-m relation in 3
 tables, to get the
   corresponding data from the third table
   for a PK from the first table, you must join the second table
 with the third
   A join is slower than a simple select;
   If you store a 1-m relation in only two table (the normal way)
 , you do that
   with only a simple select.

 ... Someone else previously ...
  I'd like to point out that a third table is only needed for a N-M
  (many-to-many) relationship.
  In the case of a 1-N relationship, simply have a foreign key to the
  master table.

 Sean P. McNamara  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SOMA Technologies, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: O/R mapping

2001-01-23 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe
Title: SV: O/R mapping

care; If you store a 1-m relation in 3 tables, to get the corresponding data 
from the third table 
aPK from the first table, you must join the second table with the third 
A join 
is slower than a simple select;

If you 
store a 1-m relation in onlytwo table (the normal way) , you do that with 
only a simple select.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus 
  RydinSent: mardi 23 janvier 2001 14:51To: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: SV: O/R mapping
  One of the things I like best with EJB is that I dont have to 
  care about how my objects are stored (Yes, im a CMP fanatic).
  So my personal contribution to the subject must 
  be:who cares how many tables 
  are used 'back there' ? :) 
   -Ursprungligt meddelande-  Från: Daniel Cardin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Skickat: den 23 januari 2001 05:01  Till: Orion-Interest  Ämne: RE: O/R 
   I'd like to point out that a third table is only 
  needed for a N-M  (many-to-many) 
  relationship.  In the case of a 1-N relationship, 
  simply have a foreign key to the  master table. 
For example : 
Customer object refers to a 
  Country object  you a Customer will only have one 
  Country object. you do NOT need a  third table to 
  map this.  Simply add a field in Customer that 
  contains the foreign key to the  Country 
  object.   The EJB 2.0 
  mapping is Simple   
Customer ... 
public abstract Country 
  getCountry();  public abstract void 
  setCountry(Country aCountry);   and in Country   public abstract Collection getCustomers();  public abstract void setCustomer(Collection customers); 
This is fully supported by 
  Orion, which will populate the collection  object 
   -Message d'origine-  De : Tony J Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  Envoyé : 22 janvier, 2001 11:27  À : 
  Orion-Interest  Objet : RE: O/R mapping 
  Hi Theis,   As much as I can remember, there *is* 
  - definitely - a need for an  intermediate third 
  table to contain the mapping information. By using  this  third table, you eliminate data 
  replication/redundancy in the  other two 
   tables.   To my knowledge this is a common technique. ER tools 
  typically create  such  an intermediate table for you when you select a relationship to 
  be  'zero/one/many to many'. Whether you see 
  that on your diagram is  another  matter, but you will definitely see it in your DB ;) 
Apologies if I have 
  misunderstood your question.   Bye for now,  Tony.   -Original Message- 
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On 
   Sent: 22 January 2001 15:10  
  To: Orion-Interest  Subject: O/R mapping 
 Hi!   I 
  have been reading the complex-or example and ploughed  through the atm  example. In the 
  complex-or example it is stated that collections are  mapped  to an another table and that 
  the reason for this is normalization. The  
  Atm  example is also following this 
  principle.   Is this 
  really correct? I have never seen the necessity for mapping  anone  to many relation to a third 
  table (even though it was a long  time ago 
  I  read the rules of normalization I'm very 
  doubtful that this  is correct).  Could someone tell me the rational behind this.   If this not true, how does the xml 
  look like (in the  orion-ejb-jar.xml) 
   when you only map the relation as a foreign key? 
Regards   /Theis  

RE: Kawa

2001-01-09 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe

Yesterday, I download the Kawa 5.0 Entreprise from Allaire site
and I didn't find any "out-of-the-box" support for
Orion; Only Weblogic, Jrun and J2ee-ri;

Perhaps on the web page they talk about a future version !?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ervin Jakab
Sent: vendredi 5 janvier 2001 21:41
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Kawa

Maybe some of you are interested to find out that Kawa 5.0 Enterprise from
Allaire has out-of-the-box support for Orion deployment. Check this out: .

RE: to boldly go where no man has gone before

2000-12-14 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe

I home my english is ok;
I hope this list is not a list for kids 5 years old

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Endres
Sent: jeudi 14 decembre 2000 16:50
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: to boldly go where no man has gone before

Take it to alt.rec.etiquette.

If you can read the post, and you know the answer, then reply.
Otherwise, don't.


RE: to boldly go where no man has gone before

2000-12-14 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe

Stop this shit

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Endres
Sent: jeudi 14 decembre 2000 16:50
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: to boldly go where no man has gone before

Take it to alt.rec.etiquette.

If you can read the post, and you know the answer, then reply.
Otherwise, don't.


RE: Deploying the java pet store?

2000-10-20 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 8:33 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Deploying the java pet store?

Where can I find the instructions on deploying the new java pet store with
Orion 1.3.8?

Robert Nicholson
AOL  : rydmerlin

How to pass parameters to JVM

2000-10-11 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe

How to config orion to pass parameters to java.exe.

Example from jserv config
wrapper.bin.parameters=-mx128m -Dapp.config=c:/windows/etc/app.conf

I haven't found this in orion documentation.


RE: How to pass parameters to JVM

2000-10-11 Thread Dumitru Sbenghe

No need for answer.

I found it in an old message.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dumitru
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 5:55 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: How to pass parameters to JVM

How to config orion to pass parameters to java.exe.

Example from jserv config
wrapper.bin.parameters=-mx128m -Dapp.config=c:/windows/etc/app.conf

I haven't found this in orion documentation.
