Re: Port 23791

2001-02-20 Thread Fabio Silva

Jim Archer wrote:

> Hi All...
> Does anyone know why Orion is listening on port 23791?
> Thanks...
> Jim

Hi There Jim,

Orion listens on port 23791 for RMI connections. I have a client that
does JNDI lookups to a server that is behind a firewall... I had to
activate the port forwarding with that port.

Hope this helps,


Beans don't get removed.

2000-11-07 Thread Fabio Silva

Hello again,

I'm posting this again, because I still have the problem that, with both
Orion 1.3.8 and Orion 1.4.0, my session beans don't get removed ever.
I've already waited for almost one entire day and nothing. The strange
thing is that with Orion 1.1.24, this would work normally.

I need this, because I use some resources on my beans that I want to
release. I could explicitly call the "remove" method from the EJB
reference, but that doesn't cover the case of a client's abnormal

Could you give me some assistance? I'm using Orion 1.3.8 and Orion 1.4.0
on RedHat Linux 6.2 with Sun's JDK 1.2.2

Thanks in advance,


Re: Session beans don't get removed

2000-11-03 Thread Fabio Silva

Jim Archer wrote:

> Fabio, thats not necesserally important. Many servers keep session beans
> lieing around to avoide the performance penality of creating them when they
> are needed. They are frequently moved from quickly client to client inside
> the container.
> I don't know how Orion handles this specifficially, but its unlikely
> something to worry about. But I could be wrong ;-)
> Jim

Hi There Jim,

Unfortunately, I was relying on the removal of the EJB's for some housekeeping
(dropping open connections when a client times out, etc.). Is it possible that
the removal of the EJB's policy has changed on Orion? Why was it working on
1.2.x and it's not on 1.4.0?

Thanks in advance,


Session beans don't get removed

2000-10-30 Thread Fabio Silva

Hi there,

When I have migrated from Orion 1.1.24 to Orion 1.4.0, My session beans 
which after a short while of inactivity were removed from the container, 
stopped doing that... The ejbRemove method isn't getting called anymore.

Anyone has ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Error starting HTTP-Server: Permission denied

2000-07-31 Thread Fabio Silva

Mattias Arbin wrote:

> I am trying to setup a linux user (Red Hat 6.2) to run orion.
> When starting Orion I get the error:
> Error starting HTTP-Server: Permission denied
> Orion/1.1.37 initialized
> Nothing in the logs.
> Any ideas?
> /Mattias

Hi Mattias,

Normally, that happens when you're trying to launch orion without root
privileges. Ports below 1024 are reserved and can only be bound by
root-owned programs.
There are several solutions, but the easiest is to choose:

1 - You want Orion to listen to port 80 (the standard http port) and so
you must launch it on a root prompt
2 - You don't mind if Orion does not listen to other port (say, for
instance, 8080), but you want to launch it from an ordinary user
account. In this case, you must edit the
and on the 

Re: Oracle-Driver not found

2000-07-21 Thread Fabio Silva

Andreas Reckmann wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to run an Entity bean connected to a Oracle 8.1.5 Database.
> java -jar -cp $CLASSPATH orion.jar
> Error initializing server: DriverManagerDataSource driver
> 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found
> data-sources.xml:
>  "">
>   name="STP data-source"
> class="com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource"
>  location="jdbc/DefaultDS"
>  pooled-location="jdbc/DefaultPooledDS"
>  url="jdbc:oracle:thin@localhost:1521:stp"
>  connection-driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
>  username="system"
>  password="manager"
> />
> Thanks,

Hi Andreas,

Have you tried placing the JDBC classes ( under
/lib ?


[Fwd: Re: Latest versions?]

2000-06-29 Thread Fabio Silva

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Latest versions?
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 11:04:07 +0100
From: Fabio Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Klaus Thiele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Klaus Thiele wrote:

> > > I keep coming across references to versions like 1.0.11. Where can I
> > > find the latest versions?
> >
> > cd /path/to/orion
> > java -jar autoupdate.jar
> fine.
> i have go go via proxy, what to do?
> thanks
>   klaus

Hi there Klaus,

I Think you can solve your problem pointing your browser or whatever to

And he will download the latest version of orion.jar

Hope this helps,


Re: Graphical deployment tool

2000-06-28 Thread Fabio Silva

Amalaraj AMALARAJ wrote:

> Hello to all,
> Can any body tell me how to invoke the GUI to deploy the EJB in Orion1.0
> Thanks in advance
> Amalaraj
> ___

Hi there Amalaraj

Normally, I don't use those tools but try:

java -jar assemblerlauncher.jar

Or, if you want to assemble just an EJB:

java -jar ejbassembler.jar

issue those commands inside your orion distribution directory.

Best Regards,


Re: Need Urgent Reply

2000-06-21 Thread Fabio Silva

Hashim Merchant wrote:

> Hi Fabio,
> Thanx for your reply.
> U Told me earlier that u installed the orion1.0.3 and got the server to
> shutdown and restart. I did the same i got the  orion1.0.3 from the url u
> gave me,i am working on windows NT 4.0 with jdk 1.2.2
> i used the command as u told me to ie
> java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost: admin 123 -shutdown
> but still got the same error
> what am i missin???I would really appreciate it if u help me out with this.
> Thanx for your time
> Hashim

Hi there Hashim.

For some reason that I don't know, I have the same problem (although with different a
different error message) when I try the same configuration under Windows NT 4.0 Server
Service Pack 6 with jdk1.2.2 and with jdk1.3. Nevertheless, I am able to run it
successfully under Linux and under Windows 2000... Smells like a platform-specific


Re: Need Urgent Reply

2000-06-20 Thread Fabio Silva

Hashim Merchant wrote:

> Hi guys,
>  In my application i need to shut down the orion server and restart it i
> have tried using java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:/ admin
> 123 -shutdown
> but received the same errors as others i.e
> Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error:
> Caught EOFException while reading the
> stream header; nested exception is:
> Caught EOFException while reading
> the stream header
> All my previous mails on the same subject have been ignored. I would really
> appreciate it if there is somebody there who could atleast give me a
> suggestion as to how to restart the server.
> Thank you for your time,
> Hashim Merchant

Hi there Hashim,

I'm not sure if I am the right person to be answering this, but here goes my

1 - With orion 1.0.0 (the one you can download from the webpage directly), I
would get the same error
2 - After almost giving up using the admin.jar, I saw a post on this list where
you could get the orion 1.0.3:
3 - After using this, my problems were solved. Nevertheless:
What platform/jdk are you using? I tried with success in both Windows NT 4.0/
Windows 2000 / Linux 2.2.12 using jdk 1.2.2 from Sun with or without hotspot
Have you tried removing the "/" on the end of the ormi://... ?
like this :
java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost: admin 123 -shutdown

Hope this helps


Re: Setting transaction isolation level

2000-06-16 Thread Fabio Silva

Robert Hargreaves wrote:

> Dear All
> I've asked this before but got no reply.
> Does anybody know if you can set the transaction isolation level in Orion?
> If so, how?
> If you can't then does Orion conform to the J2EE specification?
> Regards
> Rob Hargreaves

Hi there Robert,

According to the EJB 1.1 spec, the setting of the transaction isolation level
is no longer a standard that has to be enforced by the EJB containter. As
several database vendors had it different ways of providing transaction
isolation, it was decided to delegate that responsability to the JDBC drivers.
In EJB 1.0, the vendors provided ways of setting the transaction isolation,
but not in EJB 1.1.
Based on this, we cannot say that Orion does not conform to the J2EE spec. If
you take a close look at Sun's J2EE Reference Implementation, you'll see that
their RI does not provide a way to set the transaction isolation level.
You still can set the transaction demarcation for each method, and if you
want, to use the transaction services provided by the server to
programmaticaly define your own transaction demarcation.

Hope this helps,


Re: Error passivating beans

2000-06-16 Thread Fabio Silva

Juan Pablo Lorandi wrote:

> fabio, Vector isn't Serializable... you should extend vector implementing
> Serializable
> Rifle

Oh! Of course, what a mistake of mine Thank you very much...


Re: Error passivating beans

2000-06-15 Thread Fabio Silva

Karl Avedal wrote:

> Hello Fabio,
> There is something in your beans that is not Serializable.
> This does not mean it will not work, it just means that if a user is on
> your site and has a session going, like if he is logged in and have a few
> items in his shopping cart, he will get kicked out if you shut down the
> server and bring it up again. If you make sure everything is Serializable,
> when you start up the server again, the session will be restored and the
> user can happily continue his session.
> Regards,
> Karl Avedal

Hi Karl,

Thanks for your quick and kind response.

I was wondering if you can help me to determine what it might be:

The relevant classes that those beans use are:

cDebug (which implements the Serializable interface, extends Object and all
its methods are common Java Wrappers, or utils : String, Long, Vector, etc.)

But they use also DataSource and Connection from JDBC... Might these be the

Thanks a lot again,


Error passivating beans

2000-06-15 Thread Fabio Silva

Hi all,

I am evaluating orion and everything is turning out fine, except
something that is worrying me. When I shutdown the server (
using the: java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost  
-shutdown), I get the following:

[ListManagerEJB] Set context
[ListManagerEJB] Created
[ListManagerEJB] Datasource acquired
[ListManagerEJB] Connection acquired
[SecurityManagerEJB] User :fls was successfully authenticated
Shutting down...
[ListManagerEJB] Passivated
Error serializing bean:
[SecurityManagerEJB] Passivated
Error serializing bean:
[LibraryManagerEJB] Passivated
Error serializing bean:
[LibraryManagerEJB] Passivated
Error serializing bean:
[uniqueIDEJB] Passivated
Error serializing bean:
--- CUT HERE ---

And when I restart the server:

--- CUT HERE ---
[fls@dbs orion]$ java -jar orion.jar
Error deserializing session: Writing
aborted by e
Error deserializing session: Writing
aborted by e
Error deserializing session: Writing
aborted by e
Error deserializing session: Writing
aborted by e
Error deserializing session: Writing
aborted by e
Orion/1.0 initialized
--- CUT HERE --

Is this normal ? Am I doing something wrong ? I don't think the problem
is with my beans, since the NotSerializableException seems to regard an
internal orion class (, but I could be wrong.

This worries me a bit, since, for now it isn't preventing me from doing
anything, but in a future, with the high load of the server when the
need comes for it to start passivating/activating the beans, might be a

Thanks in advance for your help

Fabio Silva