Hello List,

We are currently trying to port our complete JSP (1.0-style) application to
Orion. For historical reasons our application uses the JSP extends
directive, for example:

        <%@ page extends="com.finatec.services.servlet.ISecureServlet" %>

We have converted our ISecureServlet class so that it itself extends the
Orion implementation class com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpJspPage. We
have previously ported our application to Resin, which also has a JSP 1.1
engine, using the same technique.

However, when we now access the containing JSP page it compiles but fails
during processing with the error

        "Superclass of the JSP page does not implement HttpJspPage, invalid
extends attribute"

We've traced the problem down to the point (in dn.class) where Orion checks
to see (we believe) whether the generated JSP Servlet class is assignable
(via the Class.isAssignableFrom method) from the class that we are
extending, namely ISecureServlet. The classes are not assignable, hence the
error message.

With this in mind, I have two questions:

1. Is the assignment check the right way around? Shouldn't we instead check
to see if ISecureServlet is assignable from our generated servlet?

2. Otherwise, has anybody successfully used the extends directive? If so,
what class did you inherit, and do you have any other tips that might help
us out?

Geoff Lewis
Finatec Financial Software Solutions AG
Tel: +49 9371 97860
Fax: +49 9371 403381
Web: http://www.finatec.com

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