Logs and crashing

2000-09-04 Thread James Dodd


We have two problems with Orion in production at the moment:

1. We have three web apps running within the same application and on the
same port, and two of them went down at the weekend.  Nothing appears in
Orion's logs to tell us what has happened.  This is BAD NEWS!

2. Our web logs are showing incorrect timestamps for requests.  In fact,
each request is showing the same date/time, i.e. that of the last Orion
restart.  It also means that we cannot tell when the web apps went down.
This is BAD NEWS!

And something I've just discovered is that the "Orion version
initialised." message is no longer appearing at start-up.  Is this
something to be concerned about?

Please advise, urgently.  Any thoughts/ideas greatly appreciated.


James Dodd

URGENT(!) Cookies

2000-08-01 Thread James Dodd


We have Orion running on port 81, and Apache running on port 80.  Apache is
set to proxypass documents.

The problem is that when we set up virtual hosting on Apache, Orion
all-of-a-sudden thinks that there is only one client, and so everybody
going through Apache (port 80) gets the same JSESSIONID and consequently
the same servlet-side session state.

We need to be able to do virtual hosting for logging and security reasons
on Apache, and we are also using it to cache static pages.

Have you got any ideas as to how to overcome the problem?


James Dodd