Re: What about session-tracking?

2002-02-07 Thread JoseMa

Yes, the application was hopping over to HTTPS. 
We've put share=true and the applications worked very well. We don't lost the 
session variables.
Thanks very much Jason.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 4:33 
  Subject: RE: What about 
  losing the session variables when hopping over to HTTPS?
  so, you need to set your web app to "shared"...
  share=true maybe?
-Original Message-From: José Mª García [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 
Wednesday, February 06, 2002 1:51 PMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: What about 
    We have an application and 
we have problems with the sessions. Sometimes we lost the values of session 
    In Orion documentation we 
look some information about the session tracking. But there are a few 
Do you have more 
information about the session with Orion? How does Orion manager the 

Problem with user manager

2002-01-31 Thread JoseMa

    I've implemented a user manager 
class and it works well. I've configured this user manager class in 
orion-application.xml. This user manager works with the webs 
    I've implemented a client 
application and I want to connect remotetly. I've configured a context and I've 
put a user and password defined in principals.xml.
    My problem is that the remote 
connection doesn't work and the messager is :
    Invalid username/password for  

    If I comment the user manager 
tag the client application cant connect but the autentication of web application 
doesn't work.
    What can I do?
    Could you help me?

remote access to aplication.

2002-01-30 Thread JoseMa

        I have an 
application with a user manager class configure in 
        I need access 
from application client to this application but if the class of user manager is 
defined I can't user the default admin login and passwd. 
problem is that I need to have defined the user manager class but I need to 
access to application without use user of this user manager ( I need to user the 
admin access).
    How can 
I access to application with admin credetials(defined in principals.xml)  and 
user-manager defined? Is possible?

Transfer attributes and objects with JSP.

2002-01-21 Thread JoseMa

knows a method to transfer attributes or objects that is not the web from 
trought JSP.

Re: Session data not being replicated

2002-01-18 Thread JoseMa

    I had the same problem but now I 
work within problems. I look the configuration files and I think that is all 
correct but I recomend you to try to put the next configuration when you define 
the web applications:
    Try to put the load-on-startup 
in true and the shared in false. The others parameters a I look ok. 

    I hope that this can help 

  - Original Message - 
  Ashton Anthony (Mr A) 
  To: Orion-Interest 
  Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 6:54 
  Subject: Session data not being 
  Dear All,I have two machines, 
  Aquila and Lupus, and am trying tokeep the session alive on failover. I 
  believe I haveset them both up in a cluster. When one machine 
  fails,the requests are correctly routed by the load balancerto the 
  other machine, but the session variables are notthere. I am using the 
  /servlet/SessionServlet to testthis. Can anyone help? Below is the output 
  from variouscommand lines and also attached xml config files. Theseare 
  the only ones I have changed. If any more info isrequired please 
  askThanks in advance...In this example I started the 
  loadbalancer on Aquila,and the OC4J instances on Aquila and Lupus, 
  accessed theSessionServlet and was routed to Lupus. I then 
  requestedthat page a few times then killed the OC4J instance onLupus 
  and was routed to Aquila automatically but thecounter had 
  service on 
  -jar loadbalancer.jar -debugBalancer initialized...Discovered server 
  aquila/ server 
  lupus/ connection from 
  CORNFLOWER/ (session cc065779c5a4  
  4e48b514b36238657349kOCos-4KC) to lupus/ 
  session cc065779c5a44e48b514b36238657349kOCos-4KC to server lupus  
  / in island 1...Removing server 
  lupus/ from island 1...Routing connection from 
  CORNFLOWER/ (session cc065779c5a4  
  4e48b514b36238657349kOCos-4KC) to lupus/ to 
  connect to lupus/ Connection refused: con  nect, 
  removing node from listRouting connection from 
  CORNFLOWER/ (session cc065779c5a4  
  4e48b514b36238657349kOCos-4KC) to aquila/ 
  session cc065779c5a44e48b514b36238657349kOCos-4KC to server aquil  
  a/ in island 
  instance on 
  -Dhttp.cluster.debug=true -Dcluster.deb  ug=true -jar 
  oc4j.jarHTTP-clustering service started...Created cluster-listener for as 0...Adding clustering service 
  'defaultWebApp'...HTTP-Clustering service 
  initializing...HTTP-Clustering sent "I want sessions" 
  request...Created cluster-listener for as 
  1...Adding clustering service 'islands'...Oracle9iAS ( 
  Containers for J2EE initializedSending HTTP-cluster session creation for 
  session cc065779c5a44e48b514b  36238657349kOCos-4KC...Sending 
  HTTP-cluster session value update for session cc065779c5a44e48b  
  instance on 
  -Dhttp.cluster.debug=true -Dcluster.deb  ug=true -jar 
  oc4j.jarHTTP-clustering service started...Created cluster-listener for as 0...Adding clustering service 
  'defaultWebApp'...HTTP-Clustering service 
  initializing...HTTP-Clustering sent "I want sessions" 
  request...Created cluster-listener for as 
  1...Adding clustering service 'islands'...Oracle9iAS ( 
  Containers for J2EE initializedSending HTTP-cluster session creation for 
  session cc065779c5a44e48b514b  36238657349kOCos-4KC...Sending 
  HTTP-cluster session value update for session cc065779c5a44e48b  
  514b36238657349kOCos-4KC: sesiontest.counter=1...Sending HTTP-cluster 
  session value update for session cc065779c5a44e48b  
  514b36238657349kOCos-4KC: sesiontest.counter=2...Sending HTTP-cluster 
  session value update for session cc065779c5a44e48b  
  514b36238657349kOCos-4KC: sesiontest.counter=3...Shutting down 
  clustering-service...Shutting down 

Re: Lookup EJB's in another application

2002-01-17 Thread JoseMa

Hi Patrik,

I had the same problem and I look for some information about how to
resolv this problem. Although the aplications are in the same server the
connection become as if they was in differents servers. I used the
RMIContextFactory with the next code:

Context context = null;
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

   env.put("java.naming.provider.url", "ormi://localhost:/");
  context = new InitialContext (env);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Conection error");

If you don't change the values of rmi.xml in the Orion config you don't need
specify the rmi port. The applicacion name is the name that appear in
server.xml and identify the application. Is possible that you need especify
a username and password for connect to applicacion, I don't need it. For
specify these parametrers you need to put the next:

env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "admin");
 env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "");

I hope that this information can help you.

Best regards,

- Original Message -
From: "Patrik Strid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:47 AM
Subject: Lookup EJB's in another application

> Hi,
> If you have two applications in the same orion
> container. One application with web components and
> another with just EJB's. From the application with web
> components, I want to lookup an EJB that is deployed
> in the other application - is that possible via the
> InitialContext or do I have to call it via an URL and
> getting the extra RMI call?
> I can get it to work using a provider URL to the other
> application, but using the InitialContext, the local
> context - it cannot find the bean, or more correct,
> the JNDI name could not be found.
> Any help is appreciated !
> Thanks,
> Patrik
> __
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problems closing database connections.

2002-01-09 Thread JoseMa

    We've installed a datasource 
with oracle and I have and application which do some transaction with this 
datasource. When the number of transactions is small we don't have problems but 
when the number of transaction is big the number of connections to database 
raise and It does not diminish it seems that one does not become disconnected. 
We need restart the server to close the stablished connections to database. We 
have seen that the connections take much in closing tthemselves.
where does it can be the 

jdbc problems

2002-01-03 Thread JoseMa

    I've a Orion server with Oracle 
datasources configured I've put the jdbc debug and in error file I look the next 
message :
        *** CLOSING 
***java.lang.Exception    at 
Source)    at 
Source)    at 
Source)    at 
Source)    at 
com.evermind._bt.close(Unknown Source)
    In server-out I look the next 
new DebugConnection(1)Created new physical 
connection: XA XA Orion Pooled jdbc:oracle:thin::new 
DebugConnection(2)new DebugConnection(3)Created new physical connection: 
Pooled [Connection 3: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@]new 
DebugConnection(4)new DebugPreparedStatement(1)new 
DebugPreparedStatement(2)new DebugPreparedStatement(3)new 
DebugPreparedStatement(4)new DebugResultSet()new DebugResultSet()new 
DebugResultSet()new DebugResultSet()closing 
DebugPreparedStatement(1)closing DebugPreparedStatement(2)closing 
DebugPreparedStatement(3)closing DebugPreparedStatement(4)Pooled jdbc:oracle:thin:@: 
Releasing connection Pooled [Connection 3: 
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@ to pool (Pool size: 
closing DebugConnection(4)null: Releasing 
connection XA XA Orion Pooled jdbc:oracle:thin::: 
to pool (Pool size: 1)closing DebugConnection(2)closing 
DebugConnection(1)closing DebugConnection(3)
    What does it mean? Could you 
help me? 

Problems with auto-deploy.

2001-12-17 Thread JoseMa

    Hi for all,
some applications in one Orion server. One of these applications only have a EJB 
modules and the others only have WAR modules. The war application connect to EJB 
application for use some methods through jndi properties.
        My problem is 
the next:
        When I 
modify some method of EJB and I rebuild the ear file and deploy the new ear in 
orion, the war application not detect this changes until I restart the server. I 
read some information about the auto-deploy and I mean that is not necessary 
restart the server. 
        What is the 
problem? Have I forgotten anything?

Problem replicating session

2001-12-07 Thread JoseMa

        I have 
configured two orion servers in cluster with the same application installed. 
These orion servers have SSL configured and individualy I can access without 
secure-web-site.xml and default-web-site.xml I have configured the cluster with 
a different island for each web-site. When I use the http connection the cluster 
work without problems and the session It's update correctly but when I use the 
https the orion show me the next error:
HTTP-cluster session value update...        
java.lang.NullPointerException    at 
Source)    at 
Source)    at 
Source)    at Source)
    This error appear a once after 
the cluster doesn't work correctly.
 Why appear this error? 
What is it? Could you help me?

Client application connection.

2001-12-04 Thread JoseMa


    We have created a client application which connect to 
EJB in Orion Server. For connecting I have a file with the next 

Both  HOME_ORION/application-deployments//principals.xml  
and  HOME_ORION/config/principals.xml 
have defined the user admin.
    When I executed the client 
application I look the next exception:
Message:Invalid username/password for  
    Could help me anybody?

Problems with cluster.

2001-11-27 Thread JoseMa

        I have some 
applications running in two Orions servers with the cluster configured. My 
problem is that the cluster only works for the default application and not for 
the others.
    When I 
use the others applications I look that the server that recieve the request send 
the cluster message but the other server not recieve this, onlye recieve a 
message but not the cluster message for update. What is the problem? 

Orion with Alteon

2001-11-26 Thread JoseMa

    I have two Orion Server and one 
application deployed in these Orions. I have de http and https services balanced 
with a Alteon like a fronend. 
    My problem is the next. 

    I'm testing the cluster service 
and when I stop one of these Orions the Alteon spend 7 minutes for balancing the 
service. How can I put a short time? Where?