Orion application clients and Java Web Start

2001-11-21 Thread Magnus Nilsson


I have an application client that uses EJB that I like to
distribute through Java Web Start. The client works fine
with both the ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory and
the RMIInitialContextFactory JNDI factories when launched
from the command line, however when launched from the Java
Web Start program manager the client hangs in either
new InitalContext() or the ctx.lookup call depending on
which of the factories I use.

No error messages are given in the logfile.

The ear, web application and application client are all
run locally with orion 1.5.2.

As a side note, if I kill the orion server just after
launching the application client through Java Web Start
I get:
  InputStream does not contain a serialized object at
  com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
  at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source)
so it seems that some kind of connection is established
between the client and the server.

Suggestions? Is the Java Web Start environment (classloader,
security manager, etc) interfering with Orion?


orion-ejb-jar.xml and exclusive-write-access

2000-10-09 Thread Magnus Nilsson

We have a database VIEW in an Oracle database that
we like to access from the ejb container. We have
written an entity bean that mirrors the VIEW in
orion-ejb-jar.xml and use findByPrimaryKey to access
a row in the view.

This works nicely, however Orion uses a little more
cashing of this entity than we would like, so we
added exclusive-write-access="false" to the entity bean
in orion-ejb-jar.xml.

The result was that the findByPrimaryKey call returns
null for all keys. Anyone have any experience with this?

If we use the default for exclusive-write-access and
instead use a validity-timeout="100" everything works
fine and the enitity is reloaded. Anyone that knows
what the default value is for validity-timeout?
What happens if we use validity-timeout="0"?

We are using jdk 1.2.2, Orion 1.2.9 on WinNT.



2000-08-31 Thread Magnus Nilsson

I have a site with a public and a protected area.
The protected area has a security constraint set in web.xml.
When the user wanders into the protected area he/she has to
login using basic authentication. No problems so far.

On the public pages I have a message that shows if the user
is logged in or not. It uses the request.getRemoteUser(), but
sometimes after a authentication has occured I still get null
back from the method.

This might have to do with servlet reloding or jsp recompiles,
but when I navigate to the protected area I don't need to login
again so the credentials set by the browser is still valid.

Question: Is this a correct behavior? I can't count on the
getRemoteUser() to return a user for a non protected area
despite that the user has previously performed a login?


UserManager question

2000-08-01 Thread Magnus Nilsson

I'm writing a custom user manager for Orion.

I need to access a file in the J2EE application structure
(such as app/META-INF/um.xml or app/webapp/WEB-INF/um.xml)
that contains additional settings for the user manager for
a specific application.

How can I find the application root (or the deployment directory)
for the application where the user manager is installed?

The default orion user manager seems to do this with principals.xml...
