hi !
i am trying to subscribe to topics from my java standalone client
application. everything works fine if i use OpenJMS with Orion Application
server. when using orion's JMS server i run into the following problem:

the client successfully subscribes to the first topic, but hangs when
subscribung to the second topic while calling createSubscriber in
here is a code snippet:

public OrionJMSSubscriberWrapper(Context context,
                                   TopicConnection connection,
                                   String topicName) throws JMSException,
NamingException {

      subscriberSession = connection.createTopicSession(false,
      topic = (Topic)context.lookup(topicName);
       Trace.mar("create subscriber");
      subscriber = subscriberSession.createSubscriber(topic, null, true);
      Trace.mar("created subscriber");

as i said, the first topic works fine, the second hangs at the
createSubscriber line. i changed the order of the topics, it is always just
one that is subscribed successfully.
anyone ever had this problem?
thanks for your help!

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