RE: Orion Friendly E-Commerce Components

2001-07-26 Thread Michael A Third

We've been developing a set of components for use in our parts procurement
platform that we targeted for Orion.  They include login, security, shopping
cart, catalog, content (message boards, classifieds, articles), advertising,
pricing, and fulfillment functions.  All told there are 90+ EJB's and almost
350 JSP's in an MVC architecture that we've tried to group so they could be
reused in other projects.  Depending on your needs, we may be able to
license them to you.


Michael A Third
Senior Software Architect

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of xbill
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 8:49 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion Friendly E-Commerce Components


I am looking for basic E-Commerce components
that run well under Orion.

I am looking for something like a light
version weblogic's commerce suite- but just
the basics- login, shopping cart, etc.

Has anyone had any success with any
third party packages - either
packaged as EJBS or JSP/Servlets running
under Orion?


FW: String.trim() for CMP

2001-07-17 Thread Michael A Third

Same for this one

-Original Message-
From: Michael A Third [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 4:39 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: String.trim() for CMP

We have been trimming our string values in the ejbLoad successfully (or so
we thought) for several months.  We've recently started having problems in a
web-app where a transaction expires and I think the trim is the culprit.
Does anyone know of an issue with changing values in the ejbLoad method?


RE: debug jsp pages and where is the source

2001-06-14 Thread Michael A Third

have to use the fully qualified class name, ie java.lang.String for this to 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Wendell 
  NicholsSent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 10:59 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: debug jsp pages 
  and where is the sourceWhen I access a jsp page which 
  uses a tag library I get an error:   
  500 Internal Server Error

Error parsing JSP page /ectsdemo/TagLibDemos/booklist.jsp line 15

Bean type 'String' not found

I suspect that this is a problem creating the java file 
  from the jsp page related to the tag extra info class...  At any rate I 
  can't find the source or class files that Orion generates from jsp pages so 
  it's impossible to proceed.  Does anyone know how to make Orion place 
  java and class files for jsp pages somewhere where they can be viewed and 
  debugged? I see jsp cache files which are probably some sort of java 
  archive internal to Orion, but these don't help me as I can't open them... 
  Incidentally the jsp line that produced the above error looks like: 
  The taglib entry for eCTSTaglet:    
      Run a named taglet. 
  Its TEI class :   
    public VariableInfo[] getVariableInfo(TagData data) { 
   return new VariableInfo [] 
  };   } 
  Any help would be appreciated.. 
  Wendell Nichols Amdahl Software Ltd. and Fujitsu Apserv. 

RE: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

2001-04-27 Thread Michael A Third

We too tried to use a liteweight persistence layer (jrf) with a few
extensions, and found that Orion CMP was just as fast at most things, and
significantly faster at relationships.  I originally felt we needed to
switch because some of our beans used bidirectional relationships
implemented as get methods wrapping a finder method.  This led to a pretty
hefty performance hit.  When Orion supports EJB QL and n:m relationships
(1.5.0?), I think that performance issue will be lessoned.  Until then, we
had to denormalize our db a little while still use CMP.

While looking at the various MVC frameworks, we too couldn't find anything
to meet our needs.  Struts and webWork were significantly more difficult to
learn, which conflicted with the idea of making JSP easier for web
designers, IMHO.  Freemarker looked good until I found you had to write an
adapter for each bean you wanted to expose for their template engine.

We ended up writing our own MVC framework because of the unique requirements
of our ASP based project.  About 50% finished, we have been very pleased
with our choice of Orion and CMP.

Michael Third

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 2:12 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

Cheers for Cory! Ejb is THE way to do persistance. By using EJB's properly,
we make use of all of Orion's resource handling capabilities...and these
guy's at Orion are much better at this than I am.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Cory Updyke
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 10:05 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: MVC/XML Framework Comments please

This may be off topic a little, but I am a little disheartened to see so
many people disregarding EJB when considering a internet application
framework.  If you disregard transactions (NotSupported), and follow a few
simple patterns (see you basically are able to build a
powerful resource engine, which also completely isolates your business logic
from your presentation tier.  Although, you
may be able to argue (trust me, I have done it in the past) that a JavaBean
hitting a database is the same thing as an EJB call, it is likely that you
will be wrong.  Unless you have a server in Denver, CO talking to a server
in Australia (which very seldom happens) the amount of time saved by having
resources (instance pools, db pools, jndi references, rmi pools, whatever
else you can dream up) cached in the EJB server (even with RMI overhead),
will blow the time it takes to make a DB request away.  If you question
this, run some tests. I have attempted to beat EJB performance by using a
small self contained library a million times, and have seldom succeeded.  I
would recommend, unless your project is exceptionally simple, that a simple
EJB logic abstraction is a valid consideration for the project.

Back to the conversation.

All of the recommendations for the web tier I believe are good, and come
from years of development headaches that I am sure everybody has

In reference to the web tier, the question that comes to mind when following
this thread, is what are the needs of the system that is to be built.  On
one hand maintence is very important, but on the other hand, every
abstraction hits performance.  On one hand abstraction of content using XML
is one of the most flexible ways to develop an internet application
framework, but on the other hand, does your
login page really need to be represented as an XML entity.  Furthermore, is
an additional transformation layer (cached or not) really worth it in terms
of maintanence, performance, etc.

I guess my point is, I have never found a global approach to
data/presentation abstraction which I wasn't required to violate for a
specific case.  In fact, I have usually found that when approaching (an
attempting to select) an architecture I often think "this is too complex
from my needs," only later to find that I needed most of what it had to
offer and just didn't know it at the time (and had to build it myself in the
long run).

My issue with XML/XSL transformations is this: My theory for the
presentation tier is to keep it as simple as possible.  Occasionally, you
find a designer who has every right to be a engineer, but designs because
they enjoy it. This person will scoff(sp?) at the simplicity of XSL.  Most
of the time you will find designers who know HTML (PDF, etc.).  Which
concept is closer to HTML, XML/XSL or JSP?  I think JSP.  I also have found
it easier to say "Do you see the green (or whatever color depending upon
your IDE) colored text? Please don't delete that" than it is to teach
someone the concept behind XSL.  You can have a good hour conversation, hand
them the JSP Syntax Reference document and say DESIGN good man.

Anyway... enough talk... we use Struts and our own Model-2-Brew.


RE: A Swedish Idea

2001-04-18 Thread Michael A Third

think everyone needs to cool down and realize that Joseph's comment was 
sarcastic.  I realize the sarcasm may not be easy to pick up on if English 
isn't your native language, but we don't need to resort to personal 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of William 
  JonesSent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 1:34 PMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Re: A Swedish Idea
  Would some people 
  please just grow up.  
  If you don't want 
  to use Orion then that is your decision.  Vote with your feet and leave 
  this group to those who have valid issues to discuss.  (Oh and best of 
  luck finding anything else that is as cheap and quick)
  Joseph: as for making racist allegations about the 
  intellectual or programming ability of people based on their national origin, 
  I urge you to consider the following:
  - Your country is governed by George W. Bush
  - I haven't seen your place of education, Tallahassee Community College, featuring in the honours list in the ACM 
  International Programming Contest (c.f.
  - Original Message - 
  From: "Joseph B. Ottinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 3:20 PM
  Subject: Re: A Swedish Idea
  > Personally, I'm becoming more and more convinced that not 
  only is Sweden> full of lousy programmers, but they're all lousy in 
  congruent ways just to> make the rest of the world's jobs 
  harder.> > I say we all start using Bavarian products, if only 
  because Bavarian names> seem to have a better vowel/consonant 
  ratio.> > Say, Randy... what country are YOU from? (That's the 
  leading indicator for> quality of code...)> > On Wed, Apr 
  18, 2001 at 08:49:24AM -0500, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:> > Now this 
  may be a dumb idea, and I am just thinking up brainstorms to promote Orion, 
  but it occurred to me that both Mysql and Orion are in Sweden.  Now I 
  don't know how big Sweden is, but perhaps a meeting between the two teams 
  could find ways to mutually promote or bridge the two products.  Just a 
  thought.   Speaking of Sweden, since Rickard O. from Jboss lives 
  there, does anyone know of Magnus or Karl have meet him? In once sense, but 
  Jboss and Orion are trying to make this EJB technology available to more 
  people. > > -- > 
  ---> Joseph B. 
  IT Consultant

RE: A modification to ejbtags.jar

2001-04-06 Thread Michael A Third

Since I had already modified the Iterate tag to support sliding windows, I
went ahead and incorporated Rafael's sorting tag and enhanced it to support
descending order.  I've only attached the and a sample tld
if anyone would like to use it.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rafael Alvarez
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 9:42 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: A modification to ejbtags.jar

Ok. that resolve it :)
I made two mistakes:
1) This mail was intended for Karl, but I misclicked in my email
2) The version I sent is not a working one. I just realized that I
lost the last version in the last crash of our CVS... Mea culpa not
having a backup.

Anyway, here is the working version.

I'm interested in performance metrics, since it uses reflection...

Best regards,
 Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Has anyone written an EJBDoclet impl for Orion?

2001-03-05 Thread Michael A Third

If not, I'm probably going to write one.



RE: Database schema type mappings

2001-03-01 Thread Michael A Third

The last bullet should be:
* The home interface must always include the findByPrimaryKey method, which
is always a single-object finder. The method must declare the primary key
class as the method argument.

-Original Message-
From: Michael A Third [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 11:46 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Database schema type mappings

I went digging through the EJB 1.1 specification, and it doesn't
specifically say you can't use primitive types, but it does say they primary
key class needs to be serializable.

I have created a number of EJB's using the primitive long as the primary key
and have had no problems using them.  So I went back and looked at the
deployment descriptor (it was originally generated by EJBMaker) and noticed
that they  was "java.lang.Long".  All of the EJB class files
are using the primitive type.  It appears that at least Orion maps them
intelligently(if not according to spec).

On closer examination of the EJB 2.0 spec, I found these statements.

* The primary key type must be a legal Value Type in RMI-IIOP. (this
includes long)
* The container must be able to manipulate the primary key type of an entity
* Primary key (must be a class or type?) that maps to a single field in the
entity bean class.
* The (create) method must declare the primary key class as the method

According to this statements, the primary key class and the primary key type
don't necessarily have to be the same.  Orion does allow the create method
to accept the primary key type as opposed to the class, which isn't
according to spec.



PS - After my response on Java primitive data-types, I should probably keep
my mouth shut for a while :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 6:12 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Database schema type mappings

It's at the bottom of page 159 of Richard Monson-Haefel's _Enterprise
Java Beans, 2nd Ed_:  "Although primary keys can be primitive wrappers
(Integer, Double, Long, etc.), primary keys cannot be primitive types
(int, double, long, etc.)"

I wasn't able to locate an explicit statement in the spec in my quick
scan, but the spec always refers to the primary key as the "primary key
class" and the deployment descriptor element is "prim-key-class".  This
is further reinforced by the comments in the DTD.

It makes sense, because EntityContext.getPrimaryKey() returns an Object.
Thus all PKs *must* be Objects.

About question #1:  I doubt there is any explicit requirement in the
spec that Integers be converted to ints in the database.  In fact, the
spec doesn't require a relational database; that's simply an
implementation detail.  Still, I doubt you will find *any* appservers
which serialize Integer keys as blobs - although it would work, the
performance penalty would be severe.


>-Original Message-
>From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 1:22 AM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: RE: Database schema type mappings
>Thanks for the reply Jeff. Know I have two replies: One saying
>primary keys
>can be primitive types and one that says they can't.
>I am really looking forward to hearing your arguments, gentlemen ;-)
>BTW, Jeff: Your answer to question number 1 - do you have that from the
>specification, or...
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff
>Sent: 1. marts 2001 02:52
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: RE: Database schema type mappings
>>From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>1. Why is Integers automatically converted to int by Orion -
>>and is this a
>>standard EJB convention?
>Yes.  All the class representations of the primitive types should work
>that way.
>>2. Would it be legal to have a primary key of the primitive type "int"
>>instead of Integer?
>No.  Primary keys must be Objects.  This makes sense because
>EntityContext.getPrimaryKey() returns an Object.

RE: Database schema type mappings

2001-03-01 Thread Michael A Third

I went digging through the EJB 1.1 specification, and it doesn't
specifically say you can't use primitive types, but it does say they primary
key class needs to be serializable.

I have created a number of EJB's using the primitive long as the primary key
and have had no problems using them.  So I went back and looked at the
deployment descriptor (it was originally generated by EJBMaker) and noticed
that they  was "java.lang.Long".  All of the EJB class files
are using the primitive type.  It appears that at least Orion maps them
intelligently(if not according to spec).

On closer examination of the EJB 2.0 spec, I found these statements.

* The primary key type must be a legal Value Type in RMI-IIOP. (this
includes long)
* The container must be able to manipulate the primary key type of an entity
* Primary key (must be a class or type?) that maps to a single field in the
entity bean class.
* The (create) method must declare the primary key class as the method

According to this statements, the primary key class and the primary key type
don't necessarily have to be the same.  Orion does allow the create method
to accept the primary key type as opposed to the class, which isn't
according to spec.



PS - After my response on Java primitive data-types, I should probably keep
my mouth shut for a while :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 6:12 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Database schema type mappings

It's at the bottom of page 159 of Richard Monson-Haefel's _Enterprise
Java Beans, 2nd Ed_:  "Although primary keys can be primitive wrappers
(Integer, Double, Long, etc.), primary keys cannot be primitive types
(int, double, long, etc.)"

I wasn't able to locate an explicit statement in the spec in my quick
scan, but the spec always refers to the primary key as the "primary key
class" and the deployment descriptor element is "prim-key-class".  This
is further reinforced by the comments in the DTD.

It makes sense, because EntityContext.getPrimaryKey() returns an Object.
Thus all PKs *must* be Objects.

About question #1:  I doubt there is any explicit requirement in the
spec that Integers be converted to ints in the database.  In fact, the
spec doesn't require a relational database; that's simply an
implementation detail.  Still, I doubt you will find *any* appservers
which serialize Integer keys as blobs - although it would work, the
performance penalty would be severe.


>-Original Message-
>From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 1:22 AM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: RE: Database schema type mappings
>Thanks for the reply Jeff. Know I have two replies: One saying
>primary keys
>can be primitive types and one that says they can't.
>I am really looking forward to hearing your arguments, gentlemen ;-)
>BTW, Jeff: Your answer to question number 1 - do you have that from the
>specification, or...
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff
>Sent: 1. marts 2001 02:52
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: RE: Database schema type mappings
>>From: Randahl Fink Isaksen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>1. Why is Integers automatically converted to int by Orion -
>>and is this a
>>standard EJB convention?
>Yes.  All the class representations of the primitive types should work
>that way.
>>2. Would it be legal to have a primary key of the primitive type "int"
>>instead of Integer?
>No.  Primary keys must be Objects.  This makes sense because
>EntityContext.getPrimaryKey() returns an Object.

RE: Database schema type mappings

2001-02-28 Thread Michael A Third


We use the primitive long for all of our primary keys for a couple of
* primary keys can't be null so there isn't a need for Long (or Integer)
* long's are always 4 bytes no matter what the CPU (32bit vs 64bit), which
is currently not a problem but could be when Itanium platforms come out.
int's depend on the CPU's native integer type which happens to be 32bits on
ix86 architectures.

Michael Third
Chief Software Architect

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Randahl Fink
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 10:02 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Database schema type mappings

If you look at the database schema in
"orion/config/database-schemas/hypersonic.xml" it looks as if it is mapping
between the primitive java type "int" and the corresponding database type

In my EJBs my primary keys and other attributes are of type Integer. Since
there is no mapping for class Integer one could think that Integers would be
mapped to VARBINARY. Luckily my integers are mapped to the database type
"int", but this makes me ask two questions:

1. Why is Integers automatically converted to int by Orion - and is this a
standard EJB convention?
2. Would it be legal to have a primary key of the primitive type "int"
instead of Integer?



RE: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

2001-02-23 Thread Michael A Third

Sorry!  I didn't intend to offend anyone.

I know the 2.0 spec is only in public draft, but I thought that CMP
relationships were pretty stable.  Having n:m support would be great, but I
would settle for 1:n support right now.

Again, thanks for all your help.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus Rydin
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 9:49 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: SV: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

Please remember that the EJB 2.0 spec is not yet released.
Although the Orion Team has always be known to be fast to implement early
this is a costly arrangement as specifications change.
Personally I hope that EJB 2.0 relations will soon be fully implemented.
> -Ursprungligt meddelande-
> Från: Michael A Third [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Skickat: den 23 februari 2001 06:15
> Till: Orion-Interest
> Ämne: RE: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem
> Thanks for the reply.  We were already doing this, and I realized how
> repetitive it was and hoped that 1.4.7 could cut the time we
> spent doing
> this (we have a lot of these relationships).  Does anyone
> have a guess as to
> when full EJB 2.0 support will be available?
> Thanks,
> Michael
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Jeff Schnitzer
> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 8:18 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem
> Bidirectional relationships do not yet work.
> There are two workarounds that have worked for me:
> Manually add (and remove!) both sides of the relationship.  So your
> Marketplace.addStorefront() method would look like this:
> void addStorefront(Storefront front)
> {
>   this.getStorefronts().add(front);
> front.setMarketplace((Marketplace)this.ejbContext.getEJBObject());
> }
> etc.  Alternatively you can modify your
> Marketplace.getMarketplaceStorefronts() method so that instead of
> obtaining the storefronts from the internal collection it runs a
> findByMarketplace finder method on the StorefrontHome.  Then you just
> need to make sure that the storefronts->marketplace reference is kept
> solid.
> Jeff
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Michael A Third [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 3:37 PM
> >To: Orion-Interest
> >Subject: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem
> >
> >
> >I have been trying to get Orion to correctly map a non-dependant
> >bidirectional 1:N relationship using EJB 2.0.  It tries to generate a
> >collection mapping that uses a third table to hold the
> >reference.  I was
> >able to deploy it properly using a unidirectional relationship.
> >
> >Here is the relevant entries from ejb-jar.xml (edited for brevity):
> > 
> >
> >com.trademotion.ejb.base.Marketplace
> >
> >marketplaceID
> >
> >name
> >
> >storefronts
> > marketplaceID
> > 
> > 
> >
> >com.trademotion.ejb.base.Storefront
> >
> >storefrontID
> >
> >name
> >
> >marketplace
> > storefrontID
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> >Marketplace-Storefront
> >
> > 
> >
> >marketplace-has-storefronts
> > 
> > One
> > 
> >
> >com.trademotion.ejb.base.Marketplace
> > 
> > 
> >
> >storefronts
> >
> >java.util.Collection
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> >storefront-belongsto-marketplace
> > 
> > Many
> > 
> > 
> >
> >com.trademotion.ejb.base.Storefront
> > 
> > 
> >
> >marketplace
> >
> >com.trademotion.ejb.base.Marketplace
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> >Here is the generated orion-ejb-jar.xml (again, edited):
> >  >name="com.trademotion.ejb.base.Marketplace">
> >   

RE: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

2001-02-23 Thread Michael A Third

Thanks for the reply.  We were already doing this, and I realized how
repetitive it was and hoped that 1.4.7 could cut the time we spent doing
this (we have a lot of these relationships).  Does anyone have a guess as to
when full EJB 2.0 support will be available?



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Schnitzer
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 8:18 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

Bidirectional relationships do not yet work.

There are two workarounds that have worked for me:

Manually add (and remove!) both sides of the relationship.  So your
Marketplace.addStorefront() method would look like this:

void addStorefront(Storefront front)


etc.  Alternatively you can modify your
Marketplace.getMarketplaceStorefronts() method so that instead of
obtaining the storefronts from the internal collection it runs a
findByMarketplace finder method on the StorefrontHome.  Then you just
need to make sure that the storefronts->marketplace reference is kept


>-Original Message-
>From: Michael A Third [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 3:37 PM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem
>I have been trying to get Orion to correctly map a non-dependant
>bidirectional 1:N relationship using EJB 2.0.  It tries to generate a
>collection mapping that uses a third table to hold the
>reference.  I was
>able to deploy it properly using a unidirectional relationship.
>Here is the relevant entries from ejb-jar.xml (edited for brevity):
>   marketplaceID
>   storefrontID
>   One
>   Many
>Here is the generated orion-ejb-jar.xml (again, edited):
>   name="com.trademotion.ejb.base.Marketplace">
>   name="marketplaceID" persistence-
>   name="marketplaceID" />
>name="marketplaceID" />
>   type="com.trademotion.ejb.base.Storefront">
>   persistence-name="value"
>The Storefront side of relationship is generated correctly.
>From previous
>posts, Orion supports what I'm trying to do (btw, I'm using 1.4.7).
>Michael A Third
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>Robert Krueger
>Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 1:44 PM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature
>or abug?
>>There seems to be some smart-ass named "Robert Krueger"
>>who thinks he knows all the answers :) :) :)
>I've heard of him. he must be a real pain in the ass ;).
>>Thanks Robert!
>(-) Robert Krüger
>(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
>(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
>(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

CMP 2.0 OR mapping problem

2001-02-22 Thread Michael A Third

I have been trying to get Orion to correctly map a non-dependant
bidirectional 1:N relationship using EJB 2.0.  It tries to generate a
collection mapping that uses a third table to hold the reference.  I was
able to deploy it properly using a unidirectional relationship.

Here is the relevant entries from ejb-jar.xml (edited for brevity):














Here is the generated orion-ejb-jar.xml (again, edited):

The Storefront side of relationship is generated correctly.  From previous
posts, Orion supports what I'm trying to do (btw, I'm using 1.4.7).


Michael A Third

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Robert Krueger
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 1:44 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: No influence on CMP 2.0 getter setter methods - a feature
or abug?

>There seems to be some smart-ass named "Robert Krueger"
>who thinks he knows all the answers :) :) :)

I've heard of him. he must be a real pain in the ass ;).



>Thanks Robert!

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Custom UserManager Problem

2001-02-22 Thread Michael A Third

This message is being sent on the behalf of Ernie Phelps at since it keeps 
rejecting his mails:)


I am having difficulties getting a custom user manager to work. Here are the steps I 
have taken:

Implemented User (as TMUser)
Implemented Group (as TMGroup)
Extended AbstractUserManager (as TMUserManager)

Added the following to orion-application.xml:

Added the following to web.xml:





Here is the result:

1. I start Orion. It calls TMUserManager Init.
2. I start the browser, direct it to my controller. It pops the basic 
authentication dialog. I enter username and password. TMUserManager.getUser is called. 
TMUser.authenticate is called and returns true.
3. The basic authentication dialog pops again. This happens 3 times then fails.

Any idea what I am missing here? I feel I have missed something basic, but can't put
my finger on it. TIA,

- Ernie


Michael A Third
Chief Software Architect