Session listener redirect

2001-03-06 Thread Ron Quartel

I have created the following session listener class which works but now I
want to redirect the client to the start page of the application if they are
trying to enter the application from another page.

Easy peasy lemon squeezey in asp using global.asa but at a loss with java.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Code shown below.

Ron Quartel.

import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class SessionListener implements HttpSessionListener{

public SessionListener() {

public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent hse) {
System.out.println("Session started");
//redirect to start page if not alread there i.e index.jsp.

public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent hse) {}


RE: Orion web server vs. apache or IIS

2001-01-30 Thread Ron Quartel


you can have your jsp and html files in the same layout as an asp
application. If you are going to use servlets however, they will need to go
into the WEB-INF/classes folder.

I don't know of any functionality missing from the Orion application server
over Apache or IIS.

IIS provides application server functionality over and above web serving
through the asp.dll which is a filter. Microsoft have made life easy with
the management console (MMC) which provides an intuitive way for creating
web applications and virtual directories etc. Hopefully we will see Orion
continue it's development of the Orion console (orioncolsole.jar) to bring
it up to the same level of functionality.


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 6:40 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Orion web server vs. apache or IIS


I just got Orion and noticed that it is recommended that we use the Orion
webserver as apposed to plugging it into Apache for instance. I was just
wondering what, if any functionality that the Orion web server may lack
versus the others previously mentioned?

I am coming into Orion and J2ee from an IIS Asp background and am little
unclear as to the separation of the web app container vs. the webserver? In
IIS I did not see such a separation, so when you created an
application/dynamic web site, you put all the files (dynamic or otherwise)
in the same directory root. With Orion, is this the same or does the static
web content have to be separate from the dynamic stuff?

