2001-07-25 Thread Seng Choy Kua

Re: Orion running out of memory ?

2001-05-30 Thread Seng Choy Kua

edit the orion-ejb-jar.xml file in
/$ORION_HOME$/application-deployments/$YOUR_PROJECT$-ejb.jar directory. set
the attribute max-instances='x' in all the EJBs deployed, where x is the
maximum number of EJBs you allow in memory at any time. this will prevent
your system from running out of memory.

i've included a sample line below (taken from the orion-ejb-jar.xml file):

  entity-deployment name=ForumMessageEJB location=ForumMessageEJB
wrapper=ForumMessageHome_EntityHomeWrapper23 max-instances=10
   ejb-ref-mapping name=ejb/forummessage /
   resource-ref-mapping name=jdbc/biltmart /

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 1:51 PM
 Subject: Orion running out of memory ?

 I have a test website project, running on Orionserver - after running for
 maybe 15-20 hours, it suddently stops working, with the message : Out of
 Memory - No Stack Trace Available

 Is there some setting, where I setup the amount of memory for the
 Orionserver ?

 I have monitored memory usage and it keeps growing during the test
 until it suddently stops working, with the above memory error.

 What can I do - either there is a leak or it uses incredible much memory.

 (I dont use any objects, which earlier has been mentioned on this list for

 Any ideas, people ?

 Tony Fonager

 Netcoders ApS - http://www.netcoders.dk

orion 1.4.7

2001-02-24 Thread Seng Choy Kua

this may be a silly question, but how do i get hold of orion1.4.7? the
latest downloadable version is 1.4.5. is it only available to those who have
paid for the license?

thanks, peter