RE: Charting/Graphing libraries

2001-04-25 Thread William Jones

JClass Chart and JClass Server Chart are quite usable.

-Original Message-
From: Van Dooren, Damian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 April 2001 13:46
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Charting/Graphing libraries

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good charting/graphing library to use
within a servlet to generate jpgs or gifs preferably from XML data.


Damian Van Dooren
Information Technology
The Investment Centre


EJB Clustering

2001-03-09 Thread William Jones

would like to find out if anybody out there has done much with clustering EJB 
(or RMI) servers using Orion.

will be running an operation that will need to be large, scalable and have a 
failsafe level of availability. In other words there should be no single 
point of failure.

Obviously running a single EJB server will lead to a single point of 
failure in the infrastructure (and obviously limits scalability also). 
What we sould like to do is have the ability to run several clustered EJB 
servers so as to provide the ability to scale (add more servers to the cluster) 
and failover (if one falls the others pick up the slack). 

classic solution to this sort of clustering (e.g. when done with web servers) is 
to place a local director in front of the cluster. Then all requests are 
sent the the IP of the local director which just routes them through to one of 
the machines in the cluster. The obvious problem when doing this with 
RMI/EJB is that when the remote interfaces (well, stubs really) do a bind() into 
JNDI the IP address of the machine is bound in with it. This means that 
requests made through that stub will go back to the machine doing the 
registering and not the local director, which defeats the local 

Weblogic supportsclustering by providing its own (proprietry, 
yuk) version of rmic(c.f., but I am not aware of anything similar in Orion. (By the 
way, please can no-one interpret this comment as being anything of the "WL is 
better than Orion" sort... it is clear most of us that Orion is superior in most 

RMI we have implemented a solution that invloves binding different instances of 
the same RMI service as different entries in the same JNDI directory and using a 
central service (or array of them) to pass out the stubs from the JNDI tree in a 
round robin fashion to clients that request them. (e.g. two services to 
implement logging bind to "rmi/com/amc/system/logging/LoggingService/bart" and 
"rmi/com/amc/system/logging/LoggingService/homer", clients make a request for 
com.amc.system.logging.LoggingService.class and receive back a stub for one or 
there of the services).

can't see that this approach will work with EJBs as you don't seem to have 
control over to where in the JNDI tree the stubs are bound (the mapping of JNDI 
name to remote interface is done in the 

anyone give me any insights on other ways to approach clustering of EJB services 
using Orion?

in advance...

William Jones