jsp:declaration parsing error

2001-04-20 Thread doggie

It seems that orion ignored the jsp tag jsp:declaration completely.

The version is 1.4.5:

# jsp code fragment:
FormBuilder fb = new FormBuilder(lp_context);

private static final String[] toStringArray(int[] ori_array){
String [] str_array = new String[ori_array.length];
for (int i = 0; i  ori_array.length; i++){
str_array[i] = String.valueOf(ori_array[i]);
return str_array;

# java code fragment after transformation:
FormBuilder fb = new FormBuilder(lp_context);

   out.write("\r\n\r\njsp:declaration\r\n\r\nprivate static final String[]
toStringArray(int[] ori_array){\r\n\tString [] str_array = new String

[ori_array.length];\r\n\tfor (int i = 0; i  ori_array.length;
i++){\r\n\t\tstr_array[i] = String.valueOf(ori_array[i]);\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn

Re: jsp:declaration parsing error

2001-04-20 Thread doggie

It's in here:

# Extracted from JavaServer Pages Specification Version 1.1

7.4.1 Declarations
In the XML document corresponding to JSP pages,
declarations are represented using the syntax:

jsp:declaration declaration goes here /jsp:declaration

For example, the second example from Section 2.10.1:

%! public String f(int i) { if (i3) return("..."); ... } %

is translated using a CDATA statement to avoid having
to quote the "" inside the jsp:declaration.

jsp:declaration ![CDATA[ public String f(int i) { if (i3)
return("..."); } ]] /jsp:declaration

DTD Fragment !ELEMENT jsp:declaration (#PCDATA) 


By the way, the jsp directive is like this : %@  %
but you are right, %! ... % is the jsp declaration tag.

My problem is using these jsp tag inside an XML document
will cause major headache because it makes the XML not
well-formed. Though it can be solved by using DTD parameter
entitis and some other tricks but the most elegant solution
is the jsp:declaration tag, in the spec.

- Original Message - 
From: "Rafael Alvarez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: jsp:declaration parsing error

 Hello doggie,
 I can't find the jsp:declaration tag anywhere in the spec, but it
 sounds like the %! % directive.
 Try using:
  private static final String[] toStringArray(int[] ori_array){
  String [] str_array = new String[ori_array.length];
  for (int i = 0; i  ori_array.length; i++){
  str_array[i] = String.valueOf(ori_array[i]);
  return str_array;
  It seems that orion ignored the jsp tag jsp:declaration completely.
 Best regards,
  Rafaelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re[2]: jsp:declaration parsing error

2001-04-20 Thread doggie

Hi Rafael, I have difficulty to tell whether the meaning of the 1.1 spec is,
since it didn't
use the more familiar words like MUST or MAY to describe it. (and English is
not my
domain language.)

Orion 1.4.5 support almost all the other xml equivalent tags defined in the
spec such as
jsp:directive,  jsp:scriptlet, and jsp:expression. But, as you pointed
the xml equivalent tags cannot be mixed with the traditional jsp syntax in
the same file,
with means that the lack of support of one single tag will cause all the
rest of them
practically useless because it can't be substituted by the old fashion %!
... % alone.

I just wonder why the declaration tag has been "chosen" to be left alone
while the rest are

- Original Message -
From: "Rafael Alvarez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 3:54 AM
Subject: Re[2]: jsp:declaration parsing error

 Hello doggie,
 Thanks for pointing it out. I misses it entirely!

 I found something interesting in the Specs:
 # Extracted from JavaServer Pages Specification Version 1.1
 7 JSP Pages as XML Documents
 The JSP page to XML document mapping is not visible to JSP 1.1
 containers; it will receive substantial emphasis in the next releases
 of the JSP specification. Since the mapping has not received great
 usage, we particularly encourage feedback in this area.


 # Extracted from JavaServer Pages Specification Version 1.2
 2.1.2 XML Document for a JSP Page
   All JSP pages have an equivalent XML document. This equivalent
   XML document is the view of the JSP page that is exposed to the
   translation phase (see below).

   A JSP page can also be written directly as its equivalent XML
   Unlike in JSP 1.0 and JSP 1.1 containers, the XML document itself
can be
   delivered to a JSP container for processing.

   It is not valid to intermix "standard syntax" and XML syntax inside
   same source file. A JSP page (in either syntax) can include via a
   a JSP page in either syntax.


 As I understood (please, correct me if I'm wrong) the JSP 1.1
 container is not forced to accept the XML representation.
 But Orion is suppose to implement JSP 1.2 features, so I don't know.
 Perhaps they left it out because there is not sure if it will be in
 the final draft.

 Best Regards  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Rafael Alvarez