En la fecha Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 09:45:21AM +1200, Holden Glova escribio:
> I guess my confusion comes into a lack
> of terminology and understanding of how
> to approach this problem. What we would
> like to do is be able to perform a
> search on the DB, but only show the user
> 10 of the results at a time. Initially
> we have thought that sessions might be
> the key to this, but then wondered what
> would happen if the user had more than
> one browser window open, clearly they
> would be clobbering each others cached
> search results, no?

Hi, well I think that you can use many ways to approach your objetive.

One can be: Use a DB that allows "limit", and move forward and backwards
with this function (I tested it in mySQL and it works great!), as you
can tell "from", and "how many" results to show... It's quite easy...

Another way can be using a Session Bean, controlling all the searches,
and then you can use a Collection, List, everything you want. The
SessionBean has to be Stateful for using it in many searches;
you can regroup by "search" words, so you can have one Collection
for each search, and paginate in each, individually...

> So we have also thought about perhaps
> using another table to store the results
> from each search performed associated
> with each browser window through
> attempting to add a unique value to a
> query string which will also be the PK
> in the table of search results. This way
> we can move the current record pointer
> forward and backwards at will and allow
> for people having more than one browser
> window open while doing searches.
Are you talking about BMP or CMP?

> Do these concerns/strategies sound sane?
> If not, maybe it is a reflection of my
> own state of mind (i.e. insane :)

I don't know... I'm a beginner... :)

Sorry for my english, if you need a "Luar to english" traductor, just
tell me! (Luar it's my name, not an extrange language :)

Well, see ya!

Luar Rojí
CompuService S.R.L.
Montevideo - Uruguay

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