
I just don't get it. Still using Orion server version 1.3.8, got a working
account and group set up, but I don't understand how to pass in
authentication information.

When I change the JNDI properties to reflect the new username and password,
they are rejected (using java.naming.security.principal and so on).
When I add them to the InitialContext using addToEnviroment(), with the
constants defined in javax.namimg.Context as keys, they are not recognized
(the server brings up the dialog prompting for username and password).
When I type them in to the dialog box the server produces, everything works.

Obviously, using the latter option is not viable for production code. Can
anybody help me with getting another option to work?


Ben Z. Tels

"The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle

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