First of all, thanks for putting up sessionbean tutorial for using
EnterpriseJavaBeans with OrionServer!  Hopefully it's the first of many...

  I went through it earlier today and ran across a step that probably needs
to be added to the tutorial.  After writing the client program and setting
up the file it says you should be able to run the client.
However I first had to enable the "admin" account by editing
"config\principals.xml" and taking out the (status="deactivated") for the
"admin" user.

By the way, I also found that if you make your ejb classes part of a package
(e.g. proto.ejb.CartClient instead of just CartClient) the ""
file needs to be in the classpath root, NOT the directory you run the client
from (which, in my case, was <classpath root>\proto\ejb).  The classes in
the tutorial aren't in packages so it's not a problem but I thought I'd
mention it in case anyone else tries creating them as a package and gets
confused by this.

Brien Voorhees

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