EJB2.0 spec or implementation?

2001-12-28 Thread Aaron Tavistock

I've toyed with EJBs for quite a while, all the way back to 1.0.  But so far
its been too cumbersome and offered little gain in most environments I've
been working in (e.g. the overhead of remote calls, etc, outweighed the
potential benefits).

Now with the 2.0 spec its gotten to a good place where I feel like it will
really offer some improvements to almost any environment.  But I have a
major gripe about CMP that I'd like to hear if anyone can 'justify'.

So heres the story - database field names are case insensitive, so common
parlance for representing a space is an underscore (e.g. 'this_field').  In
Java, case is available and useful, here common parlance is representing a
space by a capital letter (e.g. 'thisField').   Unfortunately with the
typical CMP EJB implementation of accessor-methods are a bastardization of
both of these schools (e.g. 'getThis_field'), which is not only ugly but
also makes it much more difficult to move from typical javabean-style Java
into EJB.

Since the 2.0 spec already requires abstract classes where the engine builds
the concrete class, it seems like it would be a no brainer to map
'getThisField()' to the 'this_field' database field and preserve conventions
on both sides of the fence.  I'm sure people can come up with cases where
this appears impractical, or a way to change some generated config file in
orion after the EJBs have been deployed, but does anyone have any good ideas
on why this is not the default behavior?

Re: [orion-interest]EJB2.0 spec or implementation?

2001-12-28 Thread Hani Suleiman

On 28/12/01 12:56 pm, Aaron Tavistock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So heres the story - database field names are case insensitive, so common
 parlance for representing a space is an underscore (e.g. 'this_field').

Nope. MS SQLServer is not case insensitive. You could always tweak
orion-ejb-jar.xml to map it to whatever column names your heart desires

Re: [orion-interest]EJB2.0 spec or implementation?

2001-12-28 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

Hash: SHA1

Neither is Oracle. Oracle actually stores all its DB Fields upper case, but 
it doesn't matter how you refer to then, meaning select column1 from Table 
or select Column1 from table or select COLUMN1 FROM TABLE  Doesn't make a 


At 01:25 PM 12/28/2001 -0500, you wrote:
On 28/12/01 12:56 pm, Aaron Tavistock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So heres the story - database field names are case insensitive, so common
  parlance for representing a space is an underscore (e.g. 'this_field').

Nope. MS SQLServer is not case insensitive. You could always tweak
orion-ejb-jar.xml to map it to whatever column names your heart desires

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use http://www.pgp.com


RE: [orion-interest]EJB2.0 spec or implementation?

2001-12-28 Thread Aaron Tavistock

I'm fairly sure that the SQL-92 spec calls for case insensitive column names
(but don't quote me on that cause I'm not 100% sure).  Also, since I'm in a
UNIX shop switching to Microsoft is not really an option (even *if* I wanted
to) - but thats not really the point.

More importantly, I'm aware I can change the post-deployment descriptor
created by Orion but thats a major pain-in-da-behind if I'm doing
development and want to redeploy several times.  When I've tried putting an
partial orion-ejb-jar.xml into the package, its never worked right, implying
that I need to copy a previously deployed version to modify - again
extremely cumbersome.

I was hoping that there was some way to do this without slicing up the
post-deployment orion generated files. 

-Original Message-
From: Hani Suleiman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 10:26 AM
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Aaron Tavistock
Subject: Re: [orion-interest]EJB2.0 spec or implementation?

On 28/12/01 12:56 pm, Aaron Tavistock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So heres the story - database field names are case insensitive, so common
 parlance for representing a space is an underscore (e.g. 'this_field').

Nope. MS SQLServer is not case insensitive. You could always tweak
orion-ejb-jar.xml to map it to whatever column names your heart desires

RE: [orion-interest]EJB2.0 spec or implementation?

2001-12-28 Thread Aaron Tavistock

You think fugly?  It already does fugly reflection and decapitalization for
the first letter  just to match the accessor to a column name.  Why is it
any more fugly to process underscores?  

I do suppose that databases that do identify case within the column name
could make things a little wierd (e.g. would getThisField() translate to
'this_field' or 'thisField'?).  But still I believe the SQL-92 spec is for
case insensitive column names.  From a perfromance standpoint, its
practically no difference (all happens when the concrete class is created at
deployment time).  

I'll try the orion-ejb-jar.xml, but I'm guessing I'm going to need to
provide a complete orion-ejb-jar.xml file, not just the hierarchy required
for the cmp-field-mapping fields.  Theres a lot of junk in there I don't
want to follow and if I'm doing quick development I will need to far more
than makes sense.  Which definately makes our existing persistence, caching,
and coding paradigm easier to use than CMP EJB, once again seems to indicate
that EJB might still not be needed for most serverside applications (still
more hype and 'neat' technology than is practical in the majority of
situations, IMHO).

-Original Message-
From: Hani Suleiman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 12:32 PM
To: Aaron Tavistock; Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [orion-interest]EJB2.0 spec or implementation?

On 28/12/01 3:20 pm, Aaron Tavistock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 More importantly, I'm aware I can change the post-deployment descriptor
 created by Orion but thats a major pain-in-da-behind if I'm doing
 development and want to redeploy several times.  When I've tried putting
 partial orion-ejb-jar.xml into the package, its never worked right,
 that I need to copy a previously deployed version to modify - again
 extremely cumbersome.
Well, this IS the correct way to do it. I don't see why you can't just do it
once. Having a partial orion-ejb-jar.xml certainly does work. You just need
to make sure it has sufficient information in it and is usable. Start off
with a complete one and start trimming things, and check it works after
every trim! Adding an automatic underscoring thing is too too fugly!

RE: [orion-interest]EJB2.0 spec or implementation?

2001-12-28 Thread Patrick Lightbody

Might I recommend xdoclet then?


At 12:20 PM 12/28/2001 -0800, Aaron Tavistock wrote:
I'm fairly sure that the SQL-92 spec calls for case insensitive column names
(but don't quote me on that cause I'm not 100% sure).  Also, since I'm in a
UNIX shop switching to Microsoft is not really an option (even *if* I wanted
to) - but thats not really the point.

More importantly, I'm aware I can change the post-deployment descriptor
created by Orion but thats a major pain-in-da-behind if I'm doing
development and want to redeploy several times.  When I've tried putting an
partial orion-ejb-jar.xml into the package, its never worked right, implying
that I need to copy a previously deployed version to modify - again
extremely cumbersome.

I was hoping that there was some way to do this without slicing up the
post-deployment orion generated files.

-Original Message-
From: Hani Suleiman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 10:26 AM
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Aaron Tavistock
Subject: Re: [orion-interest]EJB2.0 spec or implementation?

On 28/12/01 12:56 pm, Aaron Tavistock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So heres the story - database field names are case insensitive, so common
  parlance for representing a space is an underscore (e.g. 'this_field').

Nope. MS SQLServer is not case insensitive. You could always tweak
orion-ejb-jar.xml to map it to whatever column names your heart desires