More performance tests from the OFBiz guys - this time they're much more
interesting for Orion users!

The most interesting stat sections are the sheer performance (where Orion
absolutely wallops the competition) and price/performance.

(quoting - sheer performance)
Here they are, in order from fastest to slowest:
Orion 1.5.3: 0.045s (45 milliseconds) - 444 pages/sec - 1.6 million/hour
Resin 2.0.4: 0.065s (65 milliseconds) - 307 pages/sec - 1.1 million/hour
Weblogic 6.1: 1.15s (1,150 milliseconds) - 17.4 pages/sec - 62,640/hour
Tomcat 4.0.1: 3.3s (3,300 milliseconds) - 6 pages/sec - 21,600/hour

(quoting - price/performance including $850 for a decent server)
Resin 2.0.4: 1.1million/(500 + 850) = 814
Orion 1.5.3: 1.6million/(1500 + 850) = 680
Tomcat 4.0.1: 21,600/(0 + 850) = 25.4
Weblogic 6.1: 62,640/(10,000 + 850) = 5.77

(please remember here that Resin 2.0.4 is a servlet/jsp container, whereas
Orion is a full J2EE server so they have slightly different feature sets
despite comparing very favourably on price/performance).

Hope this is interesting to others!


PS Next time someone tells you that JBoss+Tomcat can outperform Orion, you
have some excellent data to prove them wrong
PPS Wise man once say anyone who trusts benchmark tests absolutely is a fool
- test yourself, on your own apps!

------ Forwarded Message
From: "David E. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Open For Business
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 17:09:51 -0700
Subject: [Ofbiz-devel] OFBiz Performance on various app servers after
optimizing OFBiz

Last night I sent a message to the ofbiz-devel list reporting the results of
some performance enhancements in OFBiz from optimizing certain little pieces
of code.

I did some more tests today on the speed of the new improved OFBiz on
app servers. The following numbers are average server response times with 20
threads continuously hitting the server (ie when each thread gets a response
it immediately sends another hit, keeping about 20 requests in the queue at
all times). The test was done with JMeter on one computer and the app server
& OFBiz on my PIII 1Ghz laptop. Running Linux (kernel 2.4.10, Suse 7.3) and
Sun's JDK 1.4 for all but Weblogic, which requires JDK 1.3, and yes 1.4 is
slightly (like 5%) faster.

The page hit was ecommerce/control/main with the default catalog. It had two
products in the Featured Products category and two top level categories
displayed on the side. This isn't a very realistic test for large catalogs,
but is a medium sized page to test the app server container preformance.

Here they are, in order from fastest to slowest:
Orion 1.5.3: 0.045s (45 milliseconds) - 444 pages/sec - 1.6 million/hour
Resin 2.0.4: 0.065s (65 milliseconds) - 307 pages/sec - 1.1 million/hour
Weblogic 6.1: 1.15s (1,150 milliseconds) - 17.4 pages/sec - 62,640/hour
Tomcat 4.0.1: 3.3s (3,300 milliseconds) - 6 pages/sec - 21,600/hour

The pages per second counts are calculated as follows: (1/avg. time)*20,
because of the 20 continuous threads hitting it.

As you can see Orion & Resin perform very similarly but Weblogic and Tomcat
are left in the dust. Before optimizing OFBiz Weblogic was the fastest,
coming in about twice as fast as Orion and Resin.

I know from past (good?) experience with Weblogic that they have a lot of
tuning parameters, so chances are you can increase the thread pool size or
something to get it to go faster. I reduced the number of threads hitting it
and it did somewhat better, but never came close to the speed of Orion or
Resin, it's webapp container must be just plain heavier. For the $10,000 per
CPU range, I think I'll pass, even though I'm sure it can do better than
it was in this test (I don't think it'll ever touch Orion or Resin for

Tomcat was by far the slowest. It seemed to run all right for a little
and then have little periods of slowness where page times jumped up from an
average of about 2 seconds to an average of about 5 seconds. Over the minute
it levelled out to about 3.3 seconds as listed above.

So, which to choose? If you need EJB and other features that Orion provides
and want to pay more for them ($1500 per server), then go for it. It is a
little bit difficult to configure (or maybe it's just me?), but it runs
REALLY well.

If you have a smaller budget and are fine with Tyrex (open source from
Exolab) as your DB connection pool and TX monitor, then go for Resin. OFBiz
runs great on it, and it's only $500 per server.

On price/performance Resin wins (pages per second/dollars):
Resin: 1.1million/500 = 2200
Orion: 1.6million/1500 = 1066
Weblogic: 62,640/10,000 = 6.264
Tomcat: 21,600/0 = N/A

With that sort of calculation you could argue that Tomcat really does win,
beacuse it costs nothing so the (pages per second/dollars) would be
effectively. But lets factor in the cost of a server. A cheap PIII 1Ghz
supported server from Dell (PowerEdge 500SC) that is similar to my laptop
with 512Mb RAM, plain IDE hard disk (doesn't matter much on an app server)
with 3yrs of next business day support is $850. So, lets recalculate with
that in the mix:

Resin 2.0.4: 1.1million/(500 + 850) = 814
Orion 1.5.3: 1.6million/(1500 + 850) = 680
Tomcat 4.0.1: 21,600/(0 + 850) = 25.4
Weblogic 6.1: 62,640/(10,000 + 850) = 5.77

So, from this calculation we can see that for the price, you will get the
best volume from Resin. When you consider the hardware price in with
everything else, Resin will give you 32 times more bang for the buck, and
Orion will give you VERY close to that, in spite of being more expensive: 26
times more bang for the buck.

Pretty interesting, huh? If you would like to do some performance tests and
need more detail, let me know, but you should have most of the detail you
need here. Do post something back if you get very different results, or if
you can tweak Weblogic to get better numbers (especially if they get better
than Orion or Resin, because that would surprise me).

-David Jones

Ofbiz-devel mailing list

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