I wrote an J2EE-client that uses EJB via JNDI. Everything worked just fine.

Then I rearranged my ejb-files into sub-packages and updated all of my DDs to 
reflect that change. (Of course I also corrected the imports and package 
statements in the java-files.)
This new version compiles and deploys without errors or warnings.
But when I start my client now (for the first time), I get the following 
exception on client-side:

     [java] javax.naming.NamingException: Error reading application-client 
descriptor: Error looking up EJBHome: Disconnected: Unknown command: 7

Starting the client for the second time leads to another error. This 
exception is thrown on server-side:

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: java:comp/env/ejb/TestProject not found   

I checked with orionconsole that the jndi-entries are correct.

So is this a bug of orion-server? Bug #156 also refers to "Unkown command: 
7", maybe it's the same failure?

The only solution I can think of (yet) is to undo all re-packagings and use 
the old and plain version of my project, but this is getting really unhandy.

Does anyone know how to work around this problem or even how to solve it?


Armin Michel

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