I have a simple Session BEAN with 1 method which prints a message to the
server's console.  I start two clients, each looks up the home and creates a
new session bean.  They start calling the function in a tight loop.  After
some time (100 to 500) calls one of the client stops calling.  A bit later I
get an exception from BOTH clients:

        at com.evermind.server.rmi.a2.invokeMethod(JAX, Compiled Code)
        at com.evermind.server.rmi.au.invoke(JAX, Compiled Code)
        at Proxy4.findByName(Unknown Source)
        at com.citysearch.ejb.Entity.EntityClient.main(EntityClient.java,
Compiled Code)

Sometimes I get a deadlock exception on the server, in other times nothing.
I am running 0.9.4 version of Orion on Windows NT.


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