Re: Inheritance

2000-09-01 Thread Etienne Bernard

On Fri, Sep 01, 2000, Kurt Hoyt wrote:
 I know the EJB 1.1 and 2.0 specs avoid (finesse?) the issue of bean
 inheritance, but has anyone tried doing anything that mimics inheritance
 using Orion? If so, can you share how you accomplished it?
I was able to create entity beans (BMP) which remote interfaces and ejb
classes inherited from those of a base entity bean. It works perfectly, but
for me inheritance is just a way to add information into tables
associated to the base class table. Depending on what you're planning to
do, your mileage may vary.

RE: Inheritance

2000-09-01 Thread Joe Walnes

 I know the EJB 1.1 and 2.0 specs avoid (finesse?) the issue of bean
 inheritance, but has anyone tried doing anything that mimics inheritance
 using Orion? If so, can you share how you accomplished it?

EJB does not directly support inheritance - the main reason being that the
Home interface for a bean could not fit into an inheritance model.

There are however some alternatives.

Firstly, suppose you have a Person EJB and want to extend it to become an
Employee. You would create (and deploy) your Person EJB as normal, then have
the remote interface and EJB implementation of Employee extend those of the

The home interface for EmployeeHome cannot extend PersonHome as it has a
different return type for findByPrimaryKey() etc.

Upon deployment, the EJB must be treated as a seperate entity, with a
seperate JNDI lookup and all the appropriate fields redefined.

This solution allows behaviours of beans to be reused, and once a entity has
been found it is seen to the client as a 'is a' relationship and exhibits
polymorphism. The problem lies in that find the EJB two seperate home
interfaces need to be looked up. A solution to this is to create a session
EJB that has reference to both beans and can use the finder methods of both
entities and return an appropriate one.

Another solution is to use the State (or Strategy) design pattern (see the
GoF Design Patterns book - or just trawl the web for what it is). The
advantage of this is that an object can change it's state at any time
without having to be recreated and all the different states can be used in
one entity. The best way to do implement this is to determine
behaviours/fields that are common across all implementations of the
inheritance model and place them in the main EJB, then place
behaviours/fields that vary in your ConcreteState/Strategy classes.

The problem with this approach is how to map keep a reference to the which
state/strategy is being used and how to store the individual fields.

Solution 1 is to simply serialize the class and store it as a field in the
main EJB. This solves both problems but may not be ideal, particularly
because the data is just stored as a bunch of binary data only recognizable
to java (useless for finder methods). If you happen to be using an Java
Object database you can perform write finder methods that use these
objects - but most people aren't.

Solution 2 to this is to create your own way of serializing/deserializing
the objects. For example, the ejbStore() method could convert the state into
an XML representation which could be stored in a normal text field, and the
ejbLoad() could recreate it again. Another idea is to store the various
properties for the state/strategy in a Map on ejbStore() - Orion can easily
map a Map to a database with it's sophisticated OR features, and the table
is easily queryable.

If all else fails, use bean managed persistance.

I'm sure there are many other methods and I would be interested to hear
them. Inheritance is one of the draw-backs to EJB and if you are using it
purely for object-relational (OR) mapping purposes, EJB may not necessarily
be your best answer - but EJB will probably solve every other problem you
have, so don't stray :)

Relevant info: - Advanced OR mapping with Orion - Tips for OR mapping and
creating own persistance layer - Diagram of state
pattern - blah

-Joe Walnes

Re: Inheritance

2000-09-01 Thread Mike Clark

There has been lively discussion on this topic in the ejb-interest
mailing list.  You can search the archives for inheritance here...

EJB inheritance has some general restrictions, though I don't think
you'll find Orion to be the culprit.

In summary, here are the restrictions as imposed by the EJB spec:

  - Bean-managed EJBs must return a primary key for an ejbCreate()
method. Any class that inherits from the bean-managed EJB class cannot
have an ejbCreate() method that returns a different primary key class.
The restriction also applies to the bean-managed EJB's ejbFind()

  - Since EJB Home methods return a distinct remote interface, you
cannot have a Home interface inherit from another Home interface that
returns a different remote interface.  In other words, BankAcountHome
cannot extend AccountHome and attempt to return a BankAccount remote
interface for a finder method whereas the AccountHome will return an
Account remote interface.

You can, however, use inheritance in EJB beans to refactor common
business methods into a common superclass, and/or override base class


--- Kurt Hoyt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know the EJB 1.1 and 2.0 specs avoid (finesse?) the issue of bean
 inheritance, but has anyone tried doing anything that mimics
 using Orion? If so, can you share how you accomplished it?
 I have an object model that uses inheritance. I started with a trial
 of PowerTier from Persistence, which does support inheritance, but
 costs two arms and a leg just for developer licenses, not to mention
 wheelbarrows of cash needed to deploy it.
 Orion has cleared all but two hurdles for us in our evaluation:
 servlets (I
 haven't tried one yet, but JSPs work, so I'm pretty sure we're OK
 there) and
 Kurt in Atlanta

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