I solved my problem just downloading and installing Sun JDK 1.3.1.
It didn't work with Sun JDK 1.3.0 and 1.2.2 and IBM 1.3.0.
Now both Orion and OSContent run fine.
Thanks to the guys that answered my help request!

jmi> I'm just trying to start Orion 1.5.1 out of the box without adding a
jmi> single byte to the Orion dir.
jmi> I'm using Win98, my CLASSPATH is empty and my PATH is just c:\java\ibm13\bin
jmi> I never had problems until release 1.4.5
jmi> Unfortunately I need at least 1.4.8 to use OSContent.
jmi> Thanks for your attention.
jmi> Marcello

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