Hi there,

To anyone using CodeWarrior, it's possible to debug orion  (including
tag-lib, ejb, servlets, ... ) remotely.

In my case, I use CodeWarrior under Mac OS to compile and debug,  and
I deploy via ftp and run orion on my Linux box.

For that (please let me know if you did it on another way), I created
a special project including related sources I want to debug, and    a
wrapper class to orion because CodeWarrior needs an application (main
method) to run the debugger:


package com.evermind.server;

public class ApplicationServerDebugger
        public static void main( String args[] )
                try {

                        com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.main( args );

                } catch ( Exception e ) {
                        System.out.println( e.getMessage() );


I included this class and all classes I want to debug on one jar file
"OrionDebuggerMain.jar". This file is then placed on Linux box.


I made a shell script to start java debugger on Linux, including path
to debug classes:


DEBUGCOMMAND="-verbose -Xdebug -Xdebugport8000

export PATH


$JAVAHOME/bin/java $DEBUGCOMMAND $DEBUGCLASSPATH sun.tools.agent.EmptyApp


You must setup CodeWarrior Debugger for deployment host IP, with port
8000 for this example.

1. start the shell script on deployment host
2. launch CodeWarrior debugger on development host
3. you should get the CodeWarrior debug console, then  something like
   "Orion/0.9.4 initialized".

I will now try with multiple standalone apps (multiple VM).

Bernard Sauterel

| Bernard Sauterel | sauterel.net               |
             email | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            direct | 022 840 31 58
               fax | 022 840 31 56
             natel | 078 604 43 34

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