Hi every body ...
Right Now i've got a problem while i'm trying to shutdown one Orion
instance, i explain the problem:
I have installed orionserver in one linux box suse 7.0 with the kernel
2.2.16, so when i want to
start the orion server, i perform the next command :

nohup java -jar ${OC4J_HOME}/orion.jar -config
${OC4J_CONFIG}/server.xml -verbosity ${V} -err ${LOG}/out.log &

The problem begins, when i try to shutdown the server.. i shutdown the
server but nothing happens the server is already started, to do that i
perform the next command :

java -jar ${OC4J_HOME}/admin.jar ormi://${HOST} ${USERNAME}
${PASSWORD} -shutdown

I think that the command is correct, but i don't know what's happening with
that, somebody know what's that??, it's a bug or something like that... oh
i'm performing wrong operations ...
Thank's in adavance ...

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