I have a problem with my servlets....

I have an applet that communicates with a Servlets, but I keep getting a FileNotFoundException ....
the Servlet is supposedly not found. But I see that the servlet's Init method is actually called.
So I don't understand what is the problem...the servlet's init is called, but the applet doesn't find the servlet?

Plus, my web.xml looks fine. The funniest thing, I used the same servlets with session beans and it worked fine...now with the Entity bean it doesn't work anymore???

here;s the servlet part in my WEB-INF/web.xml
    <description>no description</description>
Every class is there, in WEB-INF/classes/

and here's the applet error stack trace:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://localhost:8080/phi/servlet/ProjectManagerServlet
        at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:545)

ANyone got a clue of what's going on?
I've been trying to figure out what's wrong, but nothing seems wrong. Especially that i've sucessfully used servlets before in the same way...


Alexandre J. Boudreau
Fibro Movement corp.

www  : http://www.fibromovement.com

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