Hi everyone. I am starting to move my legacyish apps over to the data-source.xml method way of getting connections and have a few questions. Before now, I had been using a ConnectionPool of my own design but it appears that I should be leaving this up to the application server now. I created a data source in data-sources.xml and it works great, but I have a question about vendor specific sources. The example data source in data-sources.xml shows the following: -- class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource" name="Hypersonic" location="jdbc/HypersonicCoreDS" xa-location="jdbc/xa/HypersonicXADS" ejb-location="jdbc/HypersonicDS" connection-driver="org.hsql.jdbcDriver" username="sa" password="" url="jdbc:HypersonicSQL:./database/defaultdb" inactivity-timeout="30" -- But in browsing around the new Oracle drivers, I have noticed a class called OracleConnectionPoolDataSource (and also OracleDataSource). I have substituted this class for the Orion DriverManagerDataSource and it works fine. My question is, should I use the vendor supplied data source class or should I use Orion's? Also, if I use the vendor supplied source, should I bother with xa-location, ejb-location and pooled-location or should I just use location? Thanks in advance! ------ Jason von Nieda 3Buddies.com