I'm trying out the loadbalancer.jar stuff, but found there wasn't an example
load-balancer.xml file.  Below is what I've come up with, and that dtd does
seem to exist on the orionserver website.  Does it look sane?  

Side note: I pulled this up in IE to do the format checking, and without the
port="443" bit it tells me my port is 80, even when I have secure="true".

Documentation error: load-balancer.xml.html, port section: says it's 439 for
SSL sites, and it's really 443.

Andrew Diederich

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE load-balancer PUBLIC "Orion Load Balancer Config"

<load-balancer host="my.box" secure="true" port="443" use-session-id="false"
minimum-island="1000" >
        <island id="2000" />
        <ssl-config keystore="C:\keystores/keystore"
keystore-password="123456" />

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