We have a database VIEW in an Oracle database that
we like to access from the ejb container. We have
written an entity bean that mirrors the VIEW in
orion-ejb-jar.xml and use findByPrimaryKey to access
a row in the view.

This works nicely, however Orion uses a little more
cashing of this entity than we would like, so we
added exclusive-write-access="false" to the entity bean
in orion-ejb-jar.xml.

The result was that the findByPrimaryKey call returns
null for all keys. Anyone have any experience with this?

If we use the default for exclusive-write-access and
instead use a validity-timeout="100" everything works
fine and the enitity is reloaded. Anyone that knows
what the default value is for validity-timeout?
What happens if we use validity-timeout="0"?

We are using jdk 1.2.2, Orion 1.2.9 on WinNT.


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