
here's an interesting one: after sucessfully deploying my application and
accessing the startup page, all requests for servlets yielded the following

500 Internal Server Error
Servlet error: Error instantiating servlet 'wcfsystem' (servlet class not
found, make sure it exists at
aptor/WCFServlet.class, in a jar in
D:\home\workspace\webcomponents\test\webapp/WEB-INF/lib/, in an
orion-web.xml specified classpath or global server classpath)

Strange thing, the class files reside exactly at the location mentioned in
the error message (under WEB-INF/classes). After tampering for 3 hours with
ANY configuration item I could find, i finally decided to disregard the
error message because something else had to be hindering the class loading
process. My candidate: one of the jars in the lib directory. After removing
xerces.jar, everything indeed worked fine (somewhat). Obviously, the orion
code had internally caught an exception, dropped it and reported a generic -
and misleading - error.

My request: correct and comprehensive error reporting is extremely
important, especially in a complex setup such as a J2EE server, and even
more when there is so little additional documentation as with orion. Orion
may be superior in features and runtime performance, but weaknesses such as
these can be QUITE costly for us (maybe) customers, as I pointed out in an
earlier post.

Of course, I would like to know what the problem with xerces was/is.

And lastly, one more question: How do I enable user authentication? I think
I have done everything given in the servlet 2.2 spec, but I get no login
dialog (BASIC auth), nor are my forms called.

Christian Sell

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