Dear Mr Tan,

Please provide me the template for submission.  I am planning to submit 
OS web-based GIS System for government application.


Mohamed Nazari Jaafar
Spatialworks Sdn Bhd

Stanly Tan wrote:
> Dear all, 
> OSCC MAMPU is calling for submission of OSS Case Studies for the 2009
> National OSS Case Study Awards. 
> This OSS Case Study Awards are open to ALL Public Sector Agencies
> including Public Higher Education Institutions (IPTA) and Polytechnics.
> Presentation of the Awards will be held in conjunction with MSC Malaysia
> Open Source Developers' Conference in May 29th to June 3rd 2009.The
> Awards are classified into three (3) groups;
> Group 1: Public Sector Agencies other than IPTA & Polytechnics;
> Group 2: IPTA & Polytechnics; and
> Group 3: IPTA & Polytechnics Students.
> Submissions of the OSS Case Studies are encouraged for knowledge sharing
> purpose. Please do not resubmit the OSS Case Studies submitted in 2008.
> The best OSS Case Studies will also be eligible for the Final National
> OSS Case Study Awards 2009 which will be held in conjunction with
> MyGOSSCON 2009 in November 2009. 
> The OSS Case Study Awards are for the following solution categories:
>       * Desktop
>       * Infrastructure 
>       * Application 
> Submission Template
> -------------------
> A template for submission is provided. It is recommended that the main
> sections are kept as it is, however additional sub-sections can be
> added. Submission in Bahasa Malaysia are also accepted provided that
> they follow the same formats. English is encouraged, as these case
> studies will also be used to showcase and share Malaysian OSS
> implementations to international audiences.
> Submission Deadline
> -------------------
> The submission deadline is on 8th May 2009.
> NOTE:Finalists will be able to update their submissions for final
> national awards in November 2009. 
> Eligibility
> -----------
> All Public Sector agencies, IPTA/Polytechnics and their students are
> eligible.
> Submitting Submissions
> ----------------------
> Please submit enquiries and the case studies, to
> before the deadline. If the case study files are too large to be sent by
> email, please provide a link.
> Finalists & Winners
> -------------------
> Group 1 - 3 finalists will be selected and awarded for each solution
> category. 1 winner will be selected for each category from the
> finalists. 
> Group 2 - 3 finalists will be selected and awarded for all solution
> categories. 1 winner will be selected for all solution categories from
> the finalists.
> Group 3 - 3 finalists will be selected and awarded for all solution
> categories. 1 winner will be selected for all solution categories from
> the finalists.
> This will make a total of 15 finalists and 5 winners.
> All OSS case study submissions will be compiled and uploaded to OSCC
> MAMPU's website. Selected case studies may also be compiled into a
> publication.


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