Re: [osg-users] Runtime texture mod

2009-07-18 Thread Ulrich Hertlein

On 17/7/09 6:14 PM, Brad Huber wrote:

Does anyone know of a good way to modify pixels in a texture at runtime
w OSG?

Basically I’m looking for a way for the user to select an arbitrary
color to be used on an airplane or similar. EG ability to switch to any
color as in the attached image.

From what you're saying it sounds like you really only need to modify the object base 
colour, using one of the techniques that Jason suggested.

If you *really* want to modify individual pixels in a texture you can use Image::data() to 
get a pointer to the image data and modify that directly.  It might be a bit tricky since 
you have to take the Image format into account.  Call Image::dirty() when you're done with 
the modification to upload the new data to the texture.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Transformations

2009-07-18 Thread Pau Moreno
Hi Ümit,

I try to use osg::Switch to insert all the data I have in the files( each file 
in a separate node with his own transform matrix ), so I can switch the nodes 
in each frame, but I don't know why it seems that the second and following data 
I insert accumulates the previous matrix transformation, and I don't want this. 
I write it seems because I cannot be sure about that, my models are doing 
some strange movements that are not correctly. I also have a sphere attached to 
the root node after I attach the switch node, and it seems to be also afected 
by the previous transformation... Althought, that's not my biggest problem, I 
can just fix it by adding and deleting one by one the nodes to the root node.

My problem is that the transformation I apply in OGL is not the same as in OSG, 
and I need the same transformation. So the gridOrientation is a Matrix3x3 wich 
contains the rotation in the object. , that's why I'm adding some more values. 
My matrix rotation in OGL is like that:


As I can understand about the precedence of OGL and OSG, if I do translate and 
then rotate in ogl, I have to do rotate * translate in OSG Otherwise, I've 
tried both combinations, and no one is working... :S



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[osg-users] Best way to draw a volume

2009-07-18 Thread Evan O'Toole

I'm new here, and don't have a ton of experience with OSG.

I'm trying to draw a simple volume and would like to know what is the most 
appropriate way to do so.  All shapes I will be drawing will have two faces 
(front and back) with equal number of sides and the corresponding connected 
sides.  Basically, they will be extruded shapes where the front and back faces 
are not necessarily the same dimensions or parallel, though they will have the 
same basic shape.

The method I tried is found at  My 
function differs in that I am passing in two vectors: one with the coordinates 
of the front face and one for the back face.  They are both ordered to draw the 
faces counter clockwise (CCW) as viewed from the outside.  The volume object 
will be only one color, so I don't care about setting different colors for each 
vertex or face.  The problem is that after it draws the volume the sides are 
not distinguishable from one another.  Rotating the camera allows me to see 
that the shape is correct.  The color only shows up if you are viewing from one 
angle.  Rotating 180 degrees results in the volume displaying completely black.

I have tried replacing the code to add the color with the following:
   //   Grab the state set of the node, this  will a StateSet if one does not 
osg::ref_ptrosg::StateSet state (geometry-getOrCreateStateSet());

//Creating the material object
osg::ref_ptrosg::Material mat (new osg::Material);

//Specifying the yellow colour of the object

//Attaching the newly defined state set object to the node state set

This is a much easier way to give color to the volume, but I still have the 
same problem with the color only being visible from below the volume.  I've 
changed the faces in both the setShininess and setDiffuse to both BACK and 
FRONT_AND_BACK with no luck.

I've also looked at the osgshape example included with the download.  This 
draws a three-sided pyramid- which seems very similar to what I want to do- 
using a ConvexHull object.  I tried using this, but it seems that this method 
draws only triangles.  The colors show up correctly, though.

Am I on the right track?  Is there an easier or more efficient way to draw a 3d 
object given the coordinates of all vertices?


Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Transformations

2009-07-18 Thread Ulrich Hertlein

On 17/7/09 8:19 PM, Pau Moreno Font wrote:

I'm trying to change my OGL code to OSG but I'm having really problems
with the transformations... I have 174 data files that each contains a
cloud of points, a vector3 with the translartion, and the matrix of
rotation of each cloud. So in OGL, i just do:

LoadFile( x++)  //Loads a diferent file in each
   glTranslate( x , y , z )
   glMultMatrixf( rotation );

   osg::Matrixf rotation;

   rotation.set(   gridOrientation.get( 0 , 0 ) , gridOrientation.get( 0
, 1 ) , gridOrientation.get( 0 , 2 ) , 0.0,
   gridOrientation.get( 1 , 0 ) ,
gridOrientation.get( 1 , 1 ) , gridOrientation.get( 1 , 2 ) , 0.0,
   gridOrientation.get( 2 , 0 ) ,
gridOrientation.get( 2 , 1 ) , gridOrientation.get( 2 , 2 ) , 0.0,
   0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f );
   translation.setTrans(  x , y , z );

By the way I read the OSGQSG (page 64) the memory layout of OSG and OpenGL matrices is 
identical.  So it should be possible to pass the 'rotation' matrix from the OGL code to 
the Matrix constructor and at least tie down that end.

rotationOGL.makeRotate( osg::DegreesToRadians(90.0) , osg::Vec3d( 0.0 ,
1.0 , 0.0 ));
m_vViewer.setSceneData( transformationOGL );

Is 'rotationOGL' is supposed to convert OSG Z-up convention to OpenGL's Y-up?  If that's 
the case you should rotate around the X-axis, not the Y-axis.

Also: this probably doesn't affect the outcome but I tend to use osg::Vec3 and osg::Matrix 
instead of their respective float/double versions and instead rely on OSG to pick its 
compile setting.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Geometry Culling

2009-07-18 Thread Cheng Guan
Hi all,

I've uploaded a video to show the 
problem I'm facing when rendering a geometry. Any advices?

Thank you!


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[osg-users] [build] OpenSceneGraph with STLPORT ?

2009-07-18 Thread Julien Michot
Hi all,

i would like to compile OpenSceneGraph with the Stlport (using cygwin)  so i 
put the followong lines in the CMakeLists.txt (the one in the root)



the compiler is ok, but the linker does not find my library stlport.5.1.lib. i 
think it miss the -lstlport.5.1 command 

i also tried the following line


SET(CMAKE_LDFLAGS ${CMAKE_LDFLAGS} -LC:/LIB/STLport-5.1.5/lib -lstlport.5.1)

but nothing better.

any ideas ?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [build] Notify Causing Linker Error

2009-07-18 Thread Julien Michot
it seems you miss some visual std libraries or better the path to the std 
libraries which are in the Microsoft SDK i think

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