Re: [osg-users] osg::Image pixel format conversion

2011-11-01 Thread J.P. Delport


is the image coming from the GPU? If so, you can let OpenGL convert it 
for you on the way to CPU if you don't mind too much about transfer 
speed. Also, double check the image writing code if a certain format 
does not support BGRA.


On 01/11/2011 02:40, Blake Mason wrote:

I have a osg::image with pixel format of GL_BGRA. I need to convert it
to GL_RGB so that I can write out any generic type of image with osgDB
(i.e., jpg, png, tiff, etc). Is there an easy way to convert the _data
in the image to be in some other format? I could obviously do this
myself with a simple loop, but I wanted to see if there was a simple OSG

writeImageFile is still commented out in the osgscreencapture.cpp
example, and I wonder if it's a similar problem.
osg-users mailing list

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Re: [osg-users] 3D models used in OSG ?

2011-11-01 Thread J.P. Delport

Hi Ryan,

On 31/10/2011 23:48, Ryan Pavlik wrote:

My workflow for simple applications is: Create/find models in Google
SketchUp (the 3D warehouse is very useful).  Export to OSG - - this works even with the free
SketchUp by automating the export to COLLADA and conversion to OSG.

wow, first time I've heard of this. Nice work.



On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Maia Randria wrote:


Thank you so much for all these helpful advices. I really appreciate

I already bought the e-book of Rui and started to look into it. I
read also the book of Paul Martz. Great books.

My concern is about the time required for the development of a VR
application with OSG +VR Juggler (we are going to have a CAVE for
neuroscience research) compared to high-level-based engines like
Virtools or Vizard of WorldViz. I dont' know if you know both of them ?

I am evaluating these software in order to decide which one(s) could
fit for our needs.

Thanks again,


John Richardson wrote:
  The real question is how do you import models from commercial and
open source packages into OSG and support for animations,
  Others can chime in technically on this...
  Yes, it does take artistic talent. However, your email is from
Université Laval. So you have a perfect solution. Collaborate with
the art department.
  However, I will give a synopsis of my process. I am not an artist.
  0) The first step is buying the Wang Rui book on OSG.
  1) Acquire Blender.
  2) Acquire one or more commercial systems with large numbers of
example models with an acceptable reuse license.
  Note: If your university has various numbers of 3-D modeling and
animation systems take their various and sundry examples and export
to VRML or COLLADA. Then examine their other export formats [File
-- Export or whatever menu item does the trick]. The best of the
proprietary formats are 3DS, LWO, OBJ. Now, when I say best or talk
about VRML / X3D / COLLADA, I am talking about the file
interoperability problem. These comments are just my philosophical
  So, now you have a lot of scene components. Either arrange them
in your modeler of choice [originally before export with an artist]
or import the exported examples and arrange them [you don't need an
artist since I can do this]. I suggest that you give them useful
names and if possible, give them useful names at the nodes that you
may be interested in accessing via OSG for your simulations. There
is no more advice I can give at this point on naming. The Web3D
people tried with the H-Anim standard and other profiles to X3D [See
the Poser character animation system if the university has one]. The
problem domain is huge and nobody seem to be able to make train
loads of money on the solution so there is no satisfactory solution.
  3) Turn your yourself or your programmer collaborators loose on
the OSG coding for import and scene manipulation. The coders should
know the process for compiling/downloading. You already know how to
access this list for advice.
  Also, note that there are lots of contributors to this list that
can code if you have funding available [Guay, Hanson, Martz, Cigar,
Osfield,insert name I left out here,...].
  If your goal involves students, then I suggest that you approach
the issue from a architectural perspective. There are a lot of
architectural programs in the USD 50-150 range that export to VRML
and probably 3DS and OBJ/LWO/DXF. These can be acquired at almost
every Apple Store for the Mac and every Best Buy or Fry's or
whatever giant Canadian electronics superstore is in your area for
the PC [and possibly for the Mac] [Punch!;TurboCAD;...]. A nice city
block or representation of Université Laval would be a starting
point. Then just see if you can get a traffic or pedestrian
simulation completed. This strategy is like using the iPhone's Siri
[or Google Voice] as opposed to Dragon Naturally Speaking. The
learning curve is a little bit easier. But DO NOT FORGET BLENDER
[relatively steep learning curve]. The students need a portfolio.
  John F. Richardson
  -Original Message-
  From:  [mailto:] On Behalf Of Maia Randria
  Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 12:26 PM
  Subject:  3D models used in OSG ?
  First, I am sorry if my questions seem naive, I am really a
newbie in OSG/3D.
  My question is about the 3D models used by both of you in OSG:
  - do you create your own 3D models yourselves with OSG ?
  - or with other 

Re: [osg-users] Migration of website and version control

2011-11-01 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi All,

Thanks for the feedback so far, keep it coming.

Forgot to mention, we use cdash as well, this is invaluable for me
when we are converging towards a release so it's a service we'll want
to maintain.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Override of an Override

2011-11-01 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Paul,

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Paul Palumbo wrote:
 If I have a node with a SetSet attribute set to OVERRIDE and then have a 
 child node also set to OVERRIDE on the same attribute, what would the 
 attribute value be on the child? Is it the parent node's attribute value or 
 the child node's attribute value?

OVERRIDE enables parent state to override the state of child.
OVERRIDE on a child doesn't protect it from being overridden by parent
state if that parents state uses OVERRIDE.

However, if you need the child state to be protected from being
overridden then use the PROTECTED mask to protect it.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg::Image pixel format conversion

2011-11-01 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Blake,

There isn't a convenience method built into osg::Image to do this, but
you could easily use gluScaleImage to convert the data.  The new
inbuilt glu lib within the OSG-3.x has the ability to work without a
graphics context, this is enabled by passing in a PixelStorageModes
structure in the gluScaleImage call.  See the implementation of
osg::Image::scaleImage(..) for an example of how this is done.


On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 12:40 AM, Blake Mason wrote:
 I have a osg::image with pixel format of GL_BGRA. I need to convert it to
 GL_RGB so that I can write out any generic type of image with osgDB (i.e.,
 jpg, png, tiff, etc). Is there an easy way to  convert the _data in the
 image to be in some other format? I could obviously do this myself with a
 simple loop, but I wanted to see if there was a simple OSG way.

 writeImageFile is still commented out in the osgscreencapture.cpp example,
 and I wonder if it's a similar problem.
 osg-users mailing list

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Re: [osg-users] OSG + Qt + threading.

2011-11-01 Thread Aurelien Albert
Hi Nico,

I'm also working with Qt as UI framework with OSG as a 3d renderer.

Have you successed to use another threading model than SingleThreaded ?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Migration of website and version control

2011-11-01 Thread Glenn Waldron
We have been using github for the osgEarth project and we're happy with it.
Here are some pros:

Github's pull-request system is nice (as a replacement for the
osg-submissions process). You can do your diff analysis right in the
browser. Here's an example:

The integrated wiki is supposedly git-backed, i.e. all your wiki pages are
stored in a repository alongside the source repo. So in theory migrating
the existing wiki over should be a matter of pushing the files up there.
(Haven't tried it though.)

Github also has an integrated issue-tracker if you decide to use it someday.

Glenn Waldron / Pelican Mapping / @glennwaldron

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 7:24 AM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi All,

 I would like to start a discussion about migrating our website and
 version control services to new servers and feel this might be a good
 opportunity to change the technology that we use on the server for
 providing the website and version control services.  One of the
 reasons that adds a little imperative to the move is that the current
 hosts of our server AI2, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain,
 look unlikely to be able to continue providing due to funding cuts.
 Technology wise it would also be good to find a better wiki and
 version control system.  We also need engineers to help out with
 migration and ongoing maintenance of new servers and services that
 will be moving too.

 There is a wide range of different hosts and technologies we could
 use, and I'm happy to admit that I'm no expect in hosting, webserves,
 wiki management, version control systems, but this is a huge community
 so no doubt there is lots opinions, and perhaps even a few experts out
 there that might be able to help out with great suggestions and time
 to make things happen.

 To help kick things off.  On the hosting side I currently have a
 Dreamhost account that provides the mailing lists services that we
 currently use, and my account looks to be sufficient for provide a
 Tracs and Subversion services as well - so pontentially we could move
 to Dreamhost and rely upon them for management of the server and
 server software and let us concentrate on the content.  I really don't
 know how well this would work out having not tried to migrate services
 other than mailman across to them.  If we do have to move existing
 services across quickly this might be strong contender.

 Technology wise I am comfortable with Subversion, but for fully
 distributed it's not as powerful as newer technologies like git.
 We've discussed both Mercurial and git on the mailing list before as
 possible contenders and feedback I've got from various experiments out
 in the community is that git looks to be most practical for our needs.
  Rather spend lots of time discussing the pros and cons of these two
 technologies I'm happy to narrow things down to migrating to git.
 What is open for discussion is really when and how we migrate to git.

 One possibility with migrating to git would be to have our own server,
 use a host like Dreamhost or go with another 3rd party like github.
 For the latter there is already a mirror of our subversion repository
 hosted over at github maintained by members of the community (please
 come forward as I've forgotten who set it up :-) :

 I haven't used git too much yet other than to check out third party
 libs, but when the time comes I'll just have to roll my sleeves and
 dive and learn to use it properly.

 github also now have their own wiki, Gollum:

 I know nothing about Gollum so can't comment on it, I'm not overly
 impressed by Tracs - it's been sufficient but not that that powerful,
 so I'm reluctant to go with yet another dev wiki that is almost by not
 quite as powerful as the likes of MediaWiki.  I have to admit that I
 really don't know too much about the practical behind the scenes
 management of MediaWiki let alone Gollum and Tracs so I really need to
 feedback from the community of the various strengths, weaknesses and

 Finally once we've decided upon hosts for our needs, and the
 technologies that we migrate too we'll need to do the migration of our
 present wiki and version control systems.  We'll need the engineers to
 help our with coordinating and undertaking this work. Once we've got a
 basic plan and the people in place we start migrating bit by bit.

 I look forward to your thoughts and in particular your offers of
 assistance ;-)

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

[osg-users] Problems with setInfluenceMap to RigGeometry

2011-11-01 Thread Benjamin Gehmlich

I want to make a Geometry to a RigGeometry and give them an InfluenceMap. 

At first I create the InfluenceMap.

struct AddHelperBone : public osg::NodeVisitor
::osgAnimation::Skeleton* Skeleton;
AddHelperBone() : osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) 
void apply(osg::Transform node) {
::osgAnimation::Bone* Bone = dynamic_castosgAnimation::Bone*(node);
::osgAnimation::Skeleton* skel = 
if (skel)
Skeleton = skel;
if (Bone)

void initVertexMap(osgAnimation::Bone* b0)
string str_FileName = /home/username/TestMesh/File.txt;   
string str_tmp;
int i_tmp;
float f_tmp;
ifstream FileStream;

(*vim)[b0-getName()].setName(b0-getName());, ifstream::in);
while ( FileStream  str_tmp  i_tmp  f_tmp)
if(b0-getName() == str_tmp)

cout  Error  endl;

Data fom File.txt
Bone 0 1.0
Bone 1 1.0
Bone 2 1.0
Bone 3 1.0
Bone 12 0.5
Bone 14 0.5
Bone 16 0.5
Bone 18 0.5

Then I read the vertices / faces from an obj-file and create a new geometry.

osg::Geometry* createGeo()
osg::Geometry* geometry = new osg::Geometry;
osg::ref_ptrosg::Vec3Array vertices (new osg::Vec3Array());

string str_O =  ;
string isTri =;
float x, y, z = 0.0;
int f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4 = 0;
ifstream File;
string str_Data = /home/username/TestMesh/File.obj;, ifstream::in);
while ( File  str_O)
if(str_O == v)
File  x  y  z;
vertices-push_back (osg::Vec3f ( x, 
-z, y));
else { cout  Error  endl; }
File.close();, ifstream::in);
cout  Faces  endl;

while (File  str_O)
if(str_O == f)
File  f_1  f_2  f_3;
isTri = File.get();
if(isTri != \n)
File  f_4;
::osg::DrawElementsUInt  Face = new ::osg::DrawElementsUInt( 
::osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS, 0);


::osg::DrawElementsUInt  Face = new ::osg::DrawElementsUInt( 
::osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES, 0);




Re: [osg-users] Migration of website and version control

2011-11-01 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Glenn,

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Glenn Waldron wrote:
 Here are some pros:
 Github's pull-request system is nice (as a replacement for the
 osg-submissions process). You can do your diff analysis right in the
 browser. Here's an example:

Thanks for the link.  I find patch syntax good for a quick look, but
not sufficient for full code review.  Is there any system for doing a
graphical diff between the submission and the original?  It could be
that the later I just do manually on my local system like I do right
now when I formally accept a patch.

 The integrated wiki is supposedly git-backed, i.e. all your wiki pages are
 stored in a repository alongside the source repo. So in theory migrating the
 existing wiki over should be a matter of pushing the files up there.
 (Haven't tried it though.)

Pulling in a wiki would be easy if it used exactly the same wiki
syntax but I very much down Tracs wiki and Gollum wiki are compatible.
 At best there would be a converter.

 Github also has an integrated issue-tracker if you decide to use it someday.

Tracs has one that I never got into ;-)

Never say never, but for now my priority is migrating the website,
subversion - git and cdash across.   Having the possibility of issue
tracking is no bad thing, let sort out everything else first.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Migration of website and version control

2011-11-01 Thread Glenn Waldron
On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Robert Osfield robert.osfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Glenn,

 On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Glenn Waldron wrote:
  Here are some pros:
  Github's pull-request system is nice (as a replacement for the
  osg-submissions process). You can do your diff analysis right in the
  browser. Here's an example:

 Thanks for the link.  I find patch syntax good for a quick look, but
 not sufficient for full code review.  Is there any system for doing a
 graphical diff between the submission and the original?  It could be
 that the later I just do manually on my local system like I do right
 now when I formally accept a patch.

Right, it's handy for a quick look (trivial rejections for example) or for
merging documentation changes.

No, github does not have a conflict resolution tool. You would still bring
down the pull request and do that on the client. I use TortoiseGit (Windows
client) for that.

  The integrated wiki is supposedly git-backed, i.e. all your wiki pages
  stored in a repository alongside the source repo. So in theory migrating
  existing wiki over should be a matter of pushing the files up there.
  (Haven't tried it though.)

 Pulling in a wiki would be easy if it used exactly the same wiki
 syntax but I very much down Tracs wiki and Gollum wiki are compatible.
  At best there would be a converter.

  Github also has an integrated issue-tracker if you decide to use it

 Tracs has one that I never got into ;-)

 Never say never, but for now my priority is migrating the website,
 subversion - git and cdash across.   Having the possibility of issue
 tracking is no bad thing, let sort out everything else first.

 osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Viewer/CompositeViewer inconsistency?

2011-11-01 Thread Thomas Lerman
Thank you for the suggestions. The problem with writing my own frame loop (I 
already have done that) is that I run into another strange issue with the 
positioning of the graphics window.

I am not familiar with using custom visitors. I have already spent too much 
time on this so may not have time to do research on it.

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Re: [osg-users] Viewer/CompositeViewer inconsistency?

2011-11-01 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Thomas,

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Thomas Lerman wrote:
 Thank you for the suggestions. The problem with writing my own frame loop (I 
 already have done that) is that I run into another strange issue with the 
 positioning of the graphics window.

You have the access to the source the OSG, it's very easy to see how
the Viewer::run() implementation works, and you can simply it further
as you don't need to support all the options it has.  It really is
very straight forward.

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Viewer/CompositeViewer inconsistency?

2011-11-01 Thread Thomas Lerman
Yeah, I have been looking at the source code quite a bit lately trying to get 
these things to work. I am not really sure what your are saying about the 
following method:
int Viewer::run()
if (!getCameraManipulator()  getCamera()-getAllowEventFocus())
setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator());


return ViewerBase::run();

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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] osg::Image pixel format conversion

2011-11-01 Thread Blake Mason
I actually did check the png writing code and it supports BGRA as of OSG 
3.0, however I have to support OSG 2.8 also, which does not have that 
pixel format yet. I did try acquiring the image from the GPU using 
GL_RGB but could not get it to work, so I stuck with how 
osgscreencapture did it.


On 2011-10-31 23:58, J.P. Delport wrote:


is the image coming from the GPU? If so, you can let OpenGL convert it
for you on the way to CPU if you don't mind too much about transfer
speed. Also, double check the image writing code if a certain format
does not support BGRA.


On 01/11/2011 02:40, Blake Mason wrote:

I have a osg::image with pixel format of GL_BGRA. I need to convert it
to GL_RGB so that I can write out any generic type of image with osgDB
(i.e., jpg, png, tiff, etc). Is there an easy way to convert the _data
in the image to be in some other format? I could obviously do this
myself with a simple loop, but I wanted to see if there was a simple OSG

writeImageFile is still commented out in the osgscreencapture.cpp
example, and I wonder if it's a similar problem.
osg-users mailing list

osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Problems with setInfluenceMap to RigGeometry

2011-11-01 Thread Benjamin Gehmlich

I have two pictures where you can see the difference.

RigGeometry (normal)
[Image: ] 

RigGeometry with InfluenceMap
[Image: ] 

Thank you!


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osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] Viewer/CompositeViewer inconsistency?

2011-11-01 Thread Jason Daly

On 11/01/2011 12:17 PM, Thomas Lerman wrote:

Yeah, I have been looking at the source code quite a bit lately trying to get 
these things to work. I am not really sure what your are saying about the 
following method:
int Viewer::run()
 if (!getCameraManipulator()  getCamera()-getAllowEventFocus())
 setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator());


 return ViewerBase::run();

The last line is the key.  Viewer::run() calls ViewerBase::run().  If 
you look at ViewerBase::run(), you'll see that it calls 
ViewerBase::frame() in a while (!_done) loop (along with some other 
ancillary stuff to handle on-demand rendering, run-to-frame control, 
etc).  So, you could, in fact, write your own run loop like this:

while (!viewer.done())

If you need more control than that (which it sounds like you do), you 
can look at ViewerBase::frame().  ViewerBase::frame() couldn't really be 
much simpler.  Essentially, it is just:


You probably don't need to mess with the advance() step, or the 
renderingTraversals() call, so you can just look into the event and 
update passes to see where you might need to make some adjustments.  
Hopefully, this will help get you going in the right direction.


osg-users mailing list

Re: [osg-users] 3D models used in OSG ?

2011-11-01 Thread David Glenn

The biggest issue that I have had with tools outside of Creator is Hierarchy!
In simulation, you need to be able to control the model by using switching, 
level of detail, etc. 

I haven't seen that much in open source that addresses that issue! I'm not sure 
if they have addressed that in Blinder or have come up with some other way 
other than passing it through Creator or maybe Remo 3D to finish it! 

The only other way I can think of off hand is to convert a set or elements of a 
model to OSG format and hand jam a Hierarchy in a text editor.  That is out of 
reach for most of the casual or intermediate modelers out there that I know of 
that has had exposure to Creator.   

D Glenn

David Glenn
D Glenn Computer Graphics amp; Media Systems.

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