Re: [osg-users] [build] error compiling the stable version

2014-04-21 Thread Sebastian Messerschmidt

HI Sajjadul,

Removing the path pointing to libsvg library and headers in the cmakegui 
should solve your issue



How to disable the plugin from within the cmake ?

I did not find any opetion to do it

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Pop Buffers with OpenSceneGraph

2014-04-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Marcel,

Your work sounds really interesting.  I don't have time right now to
dive in and have a look at the project - I have a backlog of
submissions to deal with before I can play.  I will try and chip with
providing some thoughts on your questions.

On 19 April 2014 19:15, Marcel Pursche wrote:
 1. I'm currently using custom PopDrawElements classes that inherit from 
 DrawElementsUByte, *UShort, or  *UInt. The only difference is that they 
 support a start offset and end. So let's say a DrawElements contains 3000 
 indices I can set the start and end so that only the first 300 are drawn.
 Because this is only a very small extension to the original DrawElements 
 classes I would put that code directly into these classes. I think that 
 shouldn't break existing apps, because setting these additional parameters is 

It sounds a bit like you want to have lots of separate DrawElements*
that share the same index data buffer, but index it with different
offsets, kinda like a proxy method.  Sharing the data could actually
be down if the DrawElements share the same ElementBufferObject, then
the DrawElements* objects would all populate the same data buffer and
provide the existing support buffer object support would handle the
offsets for you.

Are you PopDrawElements computed on the fly?

 2. The naming of the classes is a bit odd, because they describe how the 
 functionality was implemented and not what the classes do. Instead of 
 PopGeometry I would rename it to LodGeometry. Any objections or better names?

PopGeometry is a bit mis-leading as push/pop have particular means in
OpenGL and C++ etc, it would lead one to think you are push and
popping Geometry.  It's less confusing if you know about the 3DDOM POP
Buffers paper, but most won't be.

LODGeometry or LevelOfDetailGeometry might be better.

 3. I'm not quite sure in which namespace the classes would belong. The 
 PopGeometry/LodGeomtry would probably fit best in the osg namespace and the 
 visitor in osgUtil. Is this a good idea?

osgUtil is for utility classes rather than scene graph objects.
osgSim or osgTerrain might be appropriate, or in core OSG if it's
something that lots of users would utilize.  Whether they might I
can't say as I'm not familiar with the approach.

 4. My conversion visitor currently only supports the BIND_PER_VERTEX option 
 for vertex attributes, so there is still some work to do. What binding 
 options are still relevant? BIND_OVERALL and BIND_PER_PRIMTIVE_SET? Or do I 
 need to integrate BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE support as well for older models and 

You can safely ignore BIND_PER_PRIMITIVE it's long been deprecated and
loaders should no longer create objects with this type, and old files
will automatically converted. The other types are all valid thought.

 5. Because the technique depends on the usage of a vertex shader I would add 
 two static methods one returns a basic osg::Program with phong shading and 
 another one only returns the shader code with the necessary uniforms and a 
 vertex quantization function that should be used in the shader.

I don't know the code so can't comment on the low level specifics of
how to manage the shaders for it.

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Re: [osg-users] setLightingMode crash in multithread mode

2014-04-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Sylvain,

The threading support in osgViewer doesn't include modifying the
viewer and scene graph at the same time as cull.  You should modify
scene graph objects during update, or event traversals - basically any
time outside of when viewer::renderingTraversals() are running.


On 22 November 2013 14:08, Sylvain Comtois wrote:

 First, my program work without any problem when the threading model is 
 configure to single thread and i use  one master camera and tree slaves 
 cameras on a multiprocessor computer.

When i call the method Viewer::setLightingMode of my viewer, osg crash 
 when the method osgViewer::Renderer::cull is call by the threading engine.

 The crash occur in the following method sequence:


Note that i have more then one thread that call the removeMode method in 
 the same time when the error occure.

I set the viewer data variance to DYNAMIC but when i debug the program, 
 the SceneView data variance is still unspecified. I also set the data 
 variance of each camera to DYNAMIC.

Does i have to set the data variance of something else to DYNAMIC?

 Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [build] osg and Qt5 and debian wheezy

2014-04-21 Thread Robert Osfield
Hi Bernd,

If you application is using the osgQt library and this lib is linked
to Qt4 then mixing the viability of mixing Qt5 libs in your
application will be down to Qt4/5 compatibility, something I can't
answer as I'm no Qt expert but I guess it's reasonable to assume that
this could cause problems.

If you can't mix Qt5 and Qt4 within a single application then you'll
either have to rebuild the OSG against Qt5 or avoid using components
of the OSG that use Qt - primarily this is osgQt but there a few
plugins use it too.  Non of the core OSG libraries use Qt so
fundamentally the OSG will be Qt agnostic, so I you avoiding osgQt and
used your own OSG/WIndow integration or just used the OSG's osgViewer
native windowing support you'll be fine.


On 19 April 2014 12:15, Bernd Hahnebach wrote:
 OK delete all links :-(

 Hi All,
 I'm new to the forum. I provide a linuxbuild of IfcPlusPlus. It is a viewer 
 to display digital modells of building in file format ifc.

 The linuxbuild is on github .../berndhahnebach/IFCPlusPlus. Branch 
 linuxbuild-qt4 runs smooth on debian wheezy using the osg of wheezy. See on 
 github .../berndhahnebach/IFCPlusPlus/blob/linuxbuild-qt4/README.Linux

 The original code I use for my build (master branch) is linked against Qt5. I 
 would like to link against qt5 as well to minimise changes. In branch 
 linuxbuild-qt5 on github 
 .../berndhahnebach/IFCPlusPlus/blob/linuxbuild-qt5/README.Linux . I tried to 
 build IfcPlusPlus agiainst Qt5, it builds but gives Segmentgation Fault at 
 Startup. I found the binary uses which is of Qt4.

 My assumtion is this is because libopenscenegraph99 in debian wheezy depends 
 on Qt4libs. That is why I can not link against Qt5.

 Does this mean if I would like to build IfcPlusPlus against Qt5 I need to 
 build osg against Qt5 myself to use it with IfcPlusPlus?

 Thank you! Cheers, Bernd

 If you would like to try IfcPlusPlus:
 search for IfcOpenHouse.ifc or for digital210king if you would like to treat 

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Re: [osg-users] Is it possible to render in one RTT two cameras?

2014-04-21 Thread Anton
For example: I have the first camera - this is the main scene and the second 
camera - screenspace 2d otho menu.

Can I render them consistently in one RTT (for future postprocessing)?

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