
You may remember that some time earlier this year I've posted about
OpenSceneGraph cross-platform guide (
https://github.com/OGStudio/openscenegraph-cross-platform-guide ) that
describes how to render a simple cube on desktop, mobile, and web.

Once that was over, I headed straight to creating the first
cross-platform game with OpenSceneGraph. This gave birth to MJIN
project ( https://bitbucket.org/ogstudio/mjin ), which builds on

I have successfully built the game based on Memory board game.
Here's web version:
Note the famous OpenSceneGraph background :)

Once the game was done I decided to describe how to create it from scratch.
I've just finished the third article. All articles are in the game's
home repository:

If you wanted to create a simple game for a long time but did not know
where to start, now is a good chance.

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