[osg-users] [3rdparty] Maintaining osgWidget Window aspect ratio on resize

2012-01-30 Thread Adam Bruce

I'm starting to use osgWidget to create a GUI in a GraphicsWindowWX and  am 
attempting to figure out how to best get an osgWidget Window to maintain a 
defined aspect ratio on window resize. It appears that it's not possible to do 
this through subclassing as the only virtual functions are intended to handle 
internal redrawing internal widgets. I'm currently only using precompiled 
binaries and so would rather look for a quicker solution over setting up the 
proper build environment to build from source. Is this possible with osgWidget 
out of the box?


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[osg-users] Getting osgWidget::Window to maintain aspect ratio on graphics context resize

2012-01-30 Thread Adam Bruce

First off, I accidentally created this topic initially in the 3rd Party 
subforum and can't seem to delete it on my own.

I'm starting to use osgWidget to create some basic GUI elements in a 
GraphicsWindowWX and am attempting to figure out how to best get an osgWidget 
Window to maintain a defined aspect ratio on window resize. It appears that 
it's not possible to do this through subclassing as the only virtual functions 
are intended to handle redrawing internal widgets. I'm currently only using 
precompiled binaries and so would rather look for a quicker solution over 
setting up the proper build environment to build from source and modify 
osgWidget::Window. Is this possible with osgWidget out of the box? Or, 
alternately, are there any 2D GUI libraries that can be integrated with OSG 
that can easily interface with osg::Texture classes?


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Re: [osg-users] Transparency on osg::Cone

2012-01-28 Thread Adam Bruce

You'll need to add two things to the geode or drawable's state set:

- An osg::BlendFunc with the proper arguments for the blend you want
- Calling setRenderingHint() with osg::StateSet::TRANSPARENT_BIN so it's in the 
proper render bin

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Re: [osg-users] Render osgViewer::View main camera view solely to texture using FBO

2012-01-27 Thread Adam Bruce
Hi Tim,

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll definitely take a look at it. I saw your 
response in another thread about RTT and was going to PM you before I saw you 
respond here.

From reading the OpenGL specification, FBOs can't be shared between graphics 
contexts, so it doesn't look like I have an option, anyway. After making this 
change, everything looks as expected. I was just hesitant to attach a graphics 
context I didn't intend to draw to to the secondary view only to be used for 
RTT, but as its main camera is set to render to texture via FBO only, I 
suppose this isn't a problem. Is there anything wrong with this implementation?


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Re: [osg-users] Render osgViewer::View main camera view solely to texture using FBO

2012-01-25 Thread Adam Bruce
Hi again,

Thanks for following up. I've tried it before with an attached pbuffer, but was 
- and still have been - getting unpredictable results. As before, if I simply 
place a camera as a node in the scene and attach a texture with FBO 
implementation, it will render the subgraph to the texture no problem. If I 
attach a texture to the main or slave camera of a view, whether I use a pbuffer 
for offscreen rendering or have a separate window, the texture will simply be 
filled with random data in video memory. The camera will otherwise work 
properly, as if I comment out any RTT-related lines and change the graphics 
context to the window's, it will render to a viewport without issues.

I would have simply used the currently working method and updated the camera's 
matrices directly, but we're using more complex manipulators and making that 
functionality redundant is an ugly solution. I took a look at examples like 
osgdistortion, and, implementation purposes aside, can't see any differences in 
camera and scene setup that might cause this. It clearly has to be me, given 
the fact that this exact functionality is used as an example and I've gotten 
the same result on two different computers (running Windows 7 on Nvidia 

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[osg-users] Render osgViewer::View main camera view solely to texture using FBO

2012-01-22 Thread Adam Bruce

It's been a few weeks since I've exposed my lack of knowledge of OSG, so I 
figured I'd do it again.

I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out how to render a camera view to an 
FBO only when that camera is part of a View. I have no trouble in RTT when I 
simply place a camera in the graph manually, but I need it to be part of a view 
so that existing manipulators can be used. This could probably be done by 
attaching a pbuffer as a graphics context, but we're trying to not use 
deprecated functionality for the product. I also want to avoid drawing to any 
sort of hidden window, unless there's some sort of optimization under the hood 
that adds no performance overhead. Is there an easy way to have a View camera 
RTT using an FBO without the existing graphics contexts?


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Re: [osg-users] Issues when creating seamless panorama using multiple cameras

2012-01-13 Thread Adam Bruce
Hi Robert,

Thanks a lot for getting back to me. The main issue I had at the time was that, 
when using a single osgViewer and using slave cameras with view offsets, I was 
seemingly getting additional rotation about another axis inconsistent with a 
simple fixed post-multiplied rotation about a single axis. I'm absolutely 
certain it was an issue with my understanding of things, and will revisit this 
since it was my understanding as well that an osgViewer with slave cameras was 
the proper approach to this.

Thanks a lot,

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[osg-users] Issues when creating seamless panorama using multiple cameras with arbitrary FOVs

2011-12-27 Thread Adam Bruce
Hi all,

I'm (very) new to OSG, though do have some prior graphics experience (which 
could use brushing up, I'll admit). However, I just can't seem to determine the 
best solution to this problem. 

I'm working on an application where, in one window, an aircraft HUD view is 
being rendered. Originally, a single osg::Viewer with one camera was being 
used, which works fine. However, I'm trying to implement what are essentially 
peripheral views which are rendered to the same viewport as the same view, on 
the left and right sides (I'm not using a single camera as these peripheral 
views will be compressed horizontally and will allow the user to set an 
arbitrary FOV for these views, stretching up to 180 degrees across all three 

There is no issue with this part, per se - the problem arises from the fact 
that there are jarring issues at the seams between viewports. Objects which are 
partially drawn on each viewport have slight, though very clear, slight issues 
in offset and scale, such that when they're crossing the boundary, scale and 
immersion is broken.

I've attempted two solutions to compare them. Currently, all views have the 
same field of view and are drawn with equal size in the viewport. In one 
method, I add two slave cameras to the viewer, which has its rotation set via a 
manipulator (this was the implementation before I started the project) with a 
view offset rotation of +/- main camera's horizontal field of view about the 
Y-axis (gained by multiplying the vertical FOV by the aspect ratio, all 
retrieved via getProjectionMatrixAsPerspective()) passed in as an argument. 
From my understanding, as the main camera's view matrix is post-multiplied by 
the slave's offset to get the final slave view matrix, this should be a 
rotation about the local axis and give the correct result. In fact, in this 
case, not only is there a slight scale/position issue, but there are odd issues 
with the angle of the horizon getting slightly more off as the roll increases 
(though the rotation itself seems to be about the correct axis, and tests 
 with other axes are proven to be definitely incorrect). I've used both matrix 
and quaternion rotations in case there are precision/accuracy differences with 
no change in results. I've taken a look at setUpViewFor3DSphericalDisplay() 
which seems to use a very similar method (though I don't quite get the rotation 
about the Z-axis).

In my other (naive, first) implementation, I use a composite viewer with three 
identical cameras each with their own manipulator, set each to identical 
rotations each frame, and calculate pitch and azimuth offsets for the 
peripheral views based on the aircraft roll which is also calculated each 
frame. This actually seems to work better than the single viewer solution, but 
is not what I want and certainly doesn't seem to be the correct solution.

I'll add code if/when I can (need to clean it up quite a bit, as I've tried 
this about twenty different ways) and will add information as often as I can. 

Thanks for any help you can give!


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