[osg-users] How to get the listof supported file formats

2011-06-28 Thread Daniel Peraza
Hi, I'm using OSG & Qt to build a visualizer for my thesis. I'm completely new 
to OSG and almost as new to Computer Graphics Programming too, so please don't 
mad on me and be patient ;-) 

I need to know how to get the list of supported file formats in order to use 
QFileDialog with the proper extension filters. I'm trying this in a slot of my 
main window:


void MainWindow::loadFile()
osg::ref_ptr registry = osgDB::Registry::instance();
osgDB::Registry::ReaderWriterList readers = registry->getReaderWriterList();
osgDB::Registry::ReaderWriterList::iterator it;
osgDB::ReaderWriter::FormatDescriptionMap descrMap;
osgDB::ReaderWriter::FormatDescriptionMap::iterator descrMapIt;

qDebug() << readers.size() << " registered ReaderWriters";

for (it = readers.begin(); it != readers.end(); it++) {
descrMap = (*it)->supportedOptions();

for( descrMapIt = descrMap.begin(); descrMapIt != descrMap.end(); 
descrMapIt++) {
//std::cout << (*descrMapIt);

QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(
this, tr("Load a File:"),
QDir::homePath(), "OpenSceneGraph (*.osg)"

if ( !filename.isNull() ) {

But qDebug() always says that there are no registered ReaderWriters. I'd expect 
to get the native osg ReaderWriter as a minimum, but I can't get that even. 

Thank you!

Daniel :D  :D  :?  :(  :( [/code]

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Re: [osg-users] How to get the listof supported file formats

2011-06-29 Thread Daniel Peraza
I thought that ReaderWriters were registered at startup. If you had not told 
me, I'd never noticed because documentation about it's very reduced.

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Re: [osg-users] How to get the listof supported file formats

2011-06-29 Thread Daniel Peraza
Please give me one last hint.

I have taken a look to to osgconv.cpp as you told me and I found this:


if (arguments.read("--formats")
osgDB::FileNameList plugins = osgDB::listAllAvailablePlugins();
for(osgDB::FileNameList::iterator itr = plugins.begin();
itr != plugins.end();
return 0;

So I guess that there must be a function or class method in the osgDB namespace 
which gives me a mechanism to query all plugin supported formats given the 
plugin file referenced by *itr. The problem is that I can't find it in the 
documentation at first sight.

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Re: [osg-users] How to get the listof supported file formats

2011-06-30 Thread Daniel Peraza
No, sorry. Quick Start Guide is great, but it was too dense for me given that 
I'm a newbie looking for a way to make progress quickly. So I preferred to look 
at the new OSG 3.0 book and the doxygen docs. (The doxygen docs has much 
classes/methods documentation missing).

Anyway, thanks a lot everybody, I think I've found my way to do what I wanted.

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[osg-users] Boundary Representations

2011-07-02 Thread Daniel Peraza
Hi, I'd like to know if OSG has any class for handling Boundary Representations 
before writing one by myself.

I'm working with orthogonal pseudo polyhedra. 

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Fitting my world into the viewport

2012-12-23 Thread Daniel Peraza
Hi, I'm very new to OSG and OpenGL programming in general, but right now I'm 
working on my thesis and my application requires to load several models on the 
same scene. Once every model is done loading, I must adjust the viewer's 
settings so that an user is able to see the entire scene. I know this can be 
achieved by fitting the world's bounding sphere into the viewport, the problem 
is that I don't know OSG Classes well enough to do so.

My application is Qt-based and uses a Track Ball Manipulator. I wonder if I 
must use the manipulator methods, or adjust the camera's projection directly.

I'd appreciate if you can give me some examples of how should I work on this.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Fitting my world into the viewport

2012-12-24 Thread Daniel Peraza
I'm not using any custom Qt manipulator, I'm using OSG ones, i.e. 
osgGA::TrackballManipulator. I'm using Qt only for my application GUI, and my 
code is based on the OSG Cookbok recipe, where I define an osgWidget class and 
pass a camera pointer.

Besides that, my intention is not using the command line osgviewer application, 
but integrate it into a GUI as mentioned before, so maybe there is a bit of 
confusion here in what I need to do and how to do it  :)

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Re: [osg-users] Fitting my world into the viewport

2013-01-24 Thread Daniel Peraza
Hi, thank you for your reply. I solved the problem by computing the world's 
bounding sphere and then computing the minimum distance from the eye to the 
near clipping plane by using a formula I found in OpenGL forums:


boundingSphere.radius() / sin( osg::DegreesToRadians( FIELD_OF_VIEW * .5 ) )

It resulted to be the same formula mentioned in the post you suggested above ;)

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Implementing a custom dragger

2013-02-10 Thread Daniel Peraza
Hi, I need to implement a Dragger very similar to TabBoxTrackballDragger, but 
with the following characteristics:

* It must be able to toggle its geometries, i.e. displaying the TabBoxDragger's 
geometry, the TrackballDragger's geometry, both geometries at the same time, or 
no geometries at all.

* TrackballDragger's geometry must be adjusted to the radius of the bounding 
sphere of the model.

I would like to receive some guidelines from you, since documentation on 
osgManipulators is very limited, and the osgmanipulator example only gave me 
hints to make a guess, but I was unable to understand the whole point. So, if 
you can provide more documentation on this topic, I would appreciate it a lot.

One thing that attracted my attention was that TabBoxTrackballDragger does not 
scale the trackball geometry accordingly. One must scale the object by means of 
the TabBoxDragger first to be able to intersect and rotate the trackball on the 
selected axis. At least this was what I was able to appreciate directly from 
the osgmanipulator example.


Thank you!


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[osg-users] osgManipulator::TrackballDragger geometry of size of bounding sphere

2013-02-13 Thread Daniel Peraza
Hi, I have realized the osgManipulator::TrackballDragger source code creates a 
sphere of radius 1.0. My question is if there's any way to make the dragger's 
geometry scales up to the bounding sphere of the model being dragged, since to 
my point of view, there is no such way of doing this with the current source 

This can be appreciated even in the osgmanipulator example.
Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] osgManipulator::TrackballDragger geometry of size of bounding sphere

2013-02-15 Thread Daniel Peraza
Thanks for answering Robert. I understand your position but I have already 
taken a look to the source code. The problem is that I very new to OSG & OpenGL 
programming, so it is difficult to me to understand it. Nevertheless, I can see 
on line 127 of TrackballDragger.cpp, this line of code:

 geode->addDrawable(createCircleGeometry(1.0f, 100)); 

So I think this is the line responsible for creating a fixed size sphere for 
the trackball. Also, I have noticed that this sphere looks immutable to other 
transformations, i.e., if I scale the object by using a tab box dragger, this 
sphere doesn't resize its radius up to the new bounding box.

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[osg-users] Custom mouse hanlder interferes with TrackballManipulator

2013-03-03 Thread Daniel Peraza
Hi, I'm trying to display a context menu on mouse's right button click. At the 
same time, I have a TrackballManipulator attached to my main camera. When I 
click the right button, the mouse keep triggering DRAG events, even when no 
button is pressed, thus scaling the scene to perform zooming. I need a hint on 
what I should change to fix this.

I have also tried to subclass TrackballManipulator to include a boolean flag to 
enable it or disabled at will, but didn't work.

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#include "mousehandler.h"


#include "conversionhelper.h"

bool MouseHandler::handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter &aa)
osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::EventType eventType = ea.getEventType();
int button = ea.getButton();

if( eventType == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::DRAG )
qDebug() << "Se ha arrastrado el raton";
switch( button ) {
case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON: qDebug() << "Con el boton derecho"; break;
case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON: qDebug() << "Con el boton izquierdo"; break;
case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON: qDebug() << "Con el boton central"; break;

// Solo tomar en cuenta clicks derechos del raton
  eventType != osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH ||
  button != osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON
return false;

qDebug() << "El usuario ha generado un evento de raton";

osgViewer::View* viewer = dynamic_cast(&aa);
if ( viewer )
osg::ref_ptr intersector =
new osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(osgUtil::Intersector::WINDOW, ea.getX(), ea.getY());
osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor iv( intersector.get() );
viewer->getCamera()->accept( iv );

osg::Drawable *drawable = NULL;
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > geometry = NULL;
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection i;

if( intersector->containsIntersections() )
qDebug() << "El usuario ha seleccionado objetos en la escena";
this->lastIntersections = intersector->getIntersections();
i = *(this->lastIntersections.begin());
drawable = i.drawable;
geometry = drawable->asGeometry();

//osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator k;

//for(k=intersector->getIntersections().begin(); k!=intersector->getIntersections().end(); k++)
//qDebug() << "Intentando seleccionar geometria";
//emit( objectSelected(k->drawable->asGeometry()) );
emit( objectSelected(geometry) );

emit( contextMenuDisplayed(ea.getX(), ea.getY(), drawable) );
return true;
} else {
qDebug() << "El usuario no ha seleccionado objetos validos en la escena.";
return false;

void MouseHandler::selectGeometry( osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > geom )
//osg::Vec4 originalColor;

if( !geom ){
qDebug() << "No sean seleccionado geometrias validas";
} else {
qDebug() << "Se han seleccionado geometrias validas";

osg::Vec4Array *colors = dynamic_cast< osg::Vec4Array* >( geom->getColorArray() );

if( colors && !colors->empty() )
osg::Vec4 currentColor = colors->front();
// XOR de colores con verde semi transparente
osg::Vec4 hColor; hColor.r() = 0.0f, hColor.g() = 1.0f, hColor.b() = 0.0f, hColor.a() = 1.0f;
osg::Vec4 newColor = this->xorColor(currentColor, hColor);
newColor.a() = currentColor.a();

qDebug() << "Color actual es " << hex2str( currentColor.asRGBA() ).c_str();
qDebug() << "Nuevo color es  " << hex2str( newColor.asRGBA() ).c_str();

colors->front() = newColor;
} else {
qDebug() << "No se encontraron colores en la geometria";

void MouseHandler::clearSelectedGeometries()
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections::iterator it;
osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersection intersection;
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > g;

for( it = this->lastIntersections.begin(); it != this->lastIntersections.end(); it++ )
intersection = *it;
g = intersection.drawable->asGeometry();

void MouseHandler::setDrawableColor(osg::Geometry *geom, const osg::Vec4 &color)
osg::Vec4Array* colors = dynamic_cast( geom->getColorArray() );
if ( colors && colors->size()>0 )
colors->front() = co

[osg-users] Custom Serializers

2013-03-03 Thread Daniel Peraza
Hi, please provide more specific directions on how to build custom serializers. 
I have created a custom node class and its serializer, but I'm still wondering 
how should I debug it?, how do I know osgDB is loading my serializer right?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Custom mouse hanlder interferes with TrackballManipulator

2013-03-14 Thread Daniel Peraza
I'd really appreciate somehelp on this because I'm working on my degree thesis 
and this is the last thing I need to solve.

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Re: [osg-users] Custom mouse hanlder interferes with TrackballManipulator

2013-03-14 Thread Daniel Peraza
I described the problem in a previous post under the same thread, maybe you are 
reading this through the email list system, please just locate the thread at 
the forums.

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Re: [osg-users] Custom mouse hanlder interferes with TrackballManipulator

2013-03-18 Thread Daniel Peraza
Here is it: http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=11874

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