Re: [osg-users] Geometry colorArray

2010-08-20 Thread Emilie Deschamps

Thanks for your advices :) I was setting the dataVariance of my normal and 
vertex array to Dynamic, but not on my color array.

To get it works I also call dirty on my color array (before I was trying to 
call dirtyDisplayList on my geometry instead of dirty on my color Array, 
which hasn't worked).

Now everything works fine :)
Thanks again!


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[osg-users] Geometry colorArray

2010-08-19 Thread Emilie Deschamps

My question may be obvious but I can't figure it out. Here's my problem:

I have a (rig)geometry, with a vertexArray, a normalArray, and a colorArray 
(bind per vertex). Somewhere else in my code, I keep pointers to some of those 
values (a subset of vertices, a part of my geometry). When I modify a vertex or 
a normal by thoses pointers, my geometry get updated as expected. But when I 
modify a color, nothing happens !! What am I missing ?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] osganimation skinning

2010-06-16 Thread Emilie Deschamps

Thanks for your answer ! Yes I had already read this paper, it helps a lot. :)

For Dual Quaternion skinning, I did pretty much what you said. My solution: I 
made a new class which inherits from RigTransform, and modify the calculation 
and what it's need. For the rest it is pretty much like RigTransformSoftware. 
It works well, but I'm not sure how clean my solution is.

You are talking about hardware skinning, but I haven't look it a lot. Maybe you 
could help me found out the difference between rigTransformSoftware and 
rigTransformHardware ? And also why you think using hardware is a better start 
than software.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Software vs Hardware

2010-05-20 Thread Emilie Deschamps

I would like to have some information about RigTransformSoftware and 
RigTransformHardware, in osgAnimation.
What are the main differences and when is it good to use one versus the other !?

Thank you!


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[osg-users] osganimation skinning

2010-05-18 Thread Emilie Deschamps

I have a question about skinning in osg; 

I am looking at the skinning exemple, and it is pretty simple : you have bones 
and their Inverse Bind Matrix (in skeleton space), a mesh ( TesselatedBox ) 
and an InfluenceMap to bind the mesh on the skeleton (with weights). Then, when 
an animation is launched, the mesh moves depending on bones' animation.

I have made some research about linear blend skinning, and there is a formula 
used to calculate the new position of each vertex depending on bones. This 
formula implies the bindmatrix, the influence of bones (depending on their 
weight), etc. In the exemple (skinning), we specifies parameters (weight map, 
bind matrix) and the mesh position is calculated automaticaly ( I suppose the 
LBS formula is implemented somewhere, but I haven't seen it).

My problem is that I want to implement dual quaternion skinning instead of 
linear blend skinning (i.e. : calculate the positions of vertex depending on 
bones with a different formula, but with (pretty much) the same parameters).

Is there a way to do this ? At first I thought of using custom callback instead 
of updateBone, but I don't think this is a solution since the problem is not 
the update of the bone but the update of the mesh attached to it.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to help me !


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