I'm transitioning my map viewer code from using GL/GLUT directly to using
OSG. In my old code, the camera manipulation interface was very similar to
osgGA::SphericalManipulator, in that the camera stared at a point on the
ground, while the mouse moved the camera around on a sphere centered at that
point. The one difference was that in my interface, the camera elevation was
limited to 0 to pi/2 radians. This prevented the camera from sinking below
the ground (elevation < 0), or rising up and over the top of the sphere,
looking at the ground upside-down (elevation > pi/2).

I would like to have this same camera behavior in OSG. What would be the
best way to go about it? Obviously I could add setMaximumElevation and
setMinimumElevation methods to SphericalManipulator (it already has
setMinimumZoomScale, etc), but if there's a way to limit elevation without
changing the OSG source code, that would be preferable, for distribution

-- Matt
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